
  • 网络OFCOM;Communications Authority
  1. 英国通信管理局(Ofcom)估计,目前英国有多达180万儿童没有使用相关设备的条件,近90万儿童不得不依赖移动互联网学习,而移动互联网的成本可能很高。

    Ofcom estimates as many as 1.8 million children in the UK currently do not have access to a device , and almost 900000 have to rely on mobile internet , which can be costly .

  2. 省通信管理局向上级主管部门提出相关的建议得到了认同。

    And the Department 's relevant suggestions has got the approval from its superior management .

  3. 然而,该数据只包括电视直播和录制节目,不包括网络电视和纪录片——英国通信管理局称英国在这两方面的观看时长居世界之首。

    However , the figures include only live television and recorded programmes , not catch-up television or recorded media - which Ofcom said the UK leads the world in .

  4. 去年英国有线电视收看下降4.9个百分点,是下降最多的国家。但英国通信管理局说英国似乎是“拥有最先进技术的欧洲国家”。

    The UK saw the greatest decline in linear TV viewing last year , down 4.9 percent , but Ofcom said the UK appears to be " the most technologically-advanced of European nations . "

  5. 此前,英国通信管理局的一份报告发现,78%的英国人承认他们离开智能手机就没法活,他们平均每天用手机上网2小时28分钟。

    It comes after a report by Ofcom found that 78 % of Britons admitted they could not live without their smartphone , spending an average of two hours and 28 minutes online on it each day .

  6. 新加坡资讯通信发展管理局表示他们已经在与一些机构合作来应对这些变化“以确保平稳过渡”。他们也在“探索新的解决方法,保证工作流程仍然高效。”

    Singapore 's Infocomm Development Authority ( IDA ) said it had worked with agencies on managing the changes " to ensure a smooth transition " and was " exploring innovative work solutions to ensure work processes remain efficient . "

  7. 英国通信监管机构英国通信管理局以中国国际电视台的最终控制权和政治属性为由,吊销了中国国际电视台在英国播出的执照。

    The British communication regulator , Ofcom , revoked CGTN 's license to broadcast in the UK in early February its ultimate control and its political attributes .