
  • 网络generic marks;Generalized Label
  1. XML是基于StandardGeneralizedMarkupLanguage(标准通用标记语言,SGML)的,后者由ISO8879:1986[ISO标准]定义。

    XML is based on Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML ), defined in ISO8879:1986 [ ISO Standard ] .

  2. XML是标准通用标记语言(SGML)的子集,又称元语言。

    XML is a subset of SGML , and also called meta language .

  3. 本文分别介绍3种标记语言:标准通用标记语言(SGML)、超文本标记语言和可扩展标记语言(XML),并对其作简单的比较。

    This article is to introduce three formats of markup language : SGML , HTML , XML . Then have a simple comparison of them .

  4. 标准通用标记语言SGML及相关应用

    SGML and Related Applications

  5. XML是EXtensibleMarkupLanguage,即可扩展标记语言的英文缩写,来自于SGML的标准通用标记语言,是W3C(国际互联网联合组织)于1998年发布的标准。

    XML is the Extensible Markup Language , can the English abbreviation for Extensible Markup Language , SGML from the Standard Generalized Markup Language , is a W3C ( co-organized Internet ) standard published in 1998 .

  6. 作家和技术人员例行公事般地创作出以SGML(标准通用标记语言)格式表示的大量产品说明书、规章需求和计算机系统文档。

    Writers and technicians routinely produce voluminous product specifications , regulatory requirements , and computer system documentation in SGML ( Standard Generalized Markup Language ) format .

  7. 尽管名称是标准通用标记语言,但是sgml本身不是语言,而是定义根据其通用原则开发的语言的一种方式。

    Despite its name , SGML is not a language in itself , but a way of defining languages that are developed along its general principles .

  8. 它是标准通用标记语言(SGML)的一个子集,采用文本方式应用和描述信息的树状结构。

    It is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML ); it offers a text-based means to apply and describe a tree-based structure to information .

  9. 约定共同提出一种以Microdata格式为基础的通用标记词汇集&Schema.org,正打算给自家网页内容增加语义标记的各位网站管理员,今后的工作会轻松许多。

    Have decided to propose a common markup vocabulary , Schema . org , based on the Microdata format , simplifying the job of webmasters who want to give meaning to their web pages content .

  10. 基于标准通用标记语言的产品技术文档集成

    Product technical documents integration based on SGML

  11. 研究和建立作物间可通用EST-SSR标记,可以减少引物开发成本,并使其更加有效的应用于作物遗传育种工作。

    Establishment of transferable EST-SSR markers among different crops can greatly reduce the cost of primer development , and make it more efficient for plant research and crop breeding .

  12. h1和//h2模板将把XHTML专用的和标记转换为通用的标记,通用的标记刚好在页面中定义具有指定高度的文本行。

    The / / h1 and / / h2 templates translate the XHTML-specific and tags into the generic tag , which just defines a line of text in the page with a specified height .

  13. 主客体相互作用的策略为小分子目标物的超灵敏检测提供了一种通用的标记方法。

    The host-guest interaction strategy provided a universal labeling approach for ultrasensitive detection of small molecule targets .

  14. 通过包含简化重用的一个关键点是,在希望包含的文档片段中尽可能使用最通用的标记。

    One key to simplifying reuse through inclusion is to use the most generic markup possible in the document fragments you want to include .

  15. XML名称空间使得公司可以为他们的XML数据使用一个通用的惟一标记词汇表(元素和属性名称),并可以与其他组织共享这个词汇表。

    XML namespaces potentially provide organizations a universally unique markup vocabulary ( element and attribute names ) for their XML data , as well as the ability to share this vocabulary with others .

  16. JSTLcore库含有多种通用的定制标记,广大的JSP开发人员都会使用这些标记。

    The JSTL core library contains a variety of general-purpose custom tags that should be of use to a wide spectrum of JSP developers .

  17. 您将注意到,在许多情况下,这些XML元素拥有通用的名称标记(比如“Metric”),真正的标识符在通用元素的name属性上。

    You will notice that in many cases , the XML elements have generic name tags such as " Metric " and the real identifier is carried on the name attribute of the generic element .

  18. 而通用多协议标记交换(GMPLS)技术的出现,则为光因特网的实现提供了一种新的方式。

    However , the emerging of GMPLS technology , provides a new means of realizing the Optical Internet .

  19. ASON通过引入控制平面并且结合了通用多协议标记交换(GeneralizedMulti-protocolLabelSwitching,GMPLS),为光网络提供了快速的故障恢复能力,这也成为ASON的核心功能需求和关键优势所在。

    Through the introduction of control plane and combination with the generalized multi-protocol label switching ( GMPLS ), ASON provides rapid fault recovery capabilities for the optical network . This becomes the key function demand and advantage of ASON .

  20. 开发一套辣椒与茄子都通用的分子标记,不仅可以节约引物的合成成本,用于不同物种间EST-SSR的比较研究,更能了解基因在物种间的进化,从而加速对基因组结构和功能的了解。

    Developing a suite of molecular marker between pepper and eggplant was testified feasible , which will not only save the primer cost , make the species comparative research , but also realize the evolution of genes in different species , and consequently find out the genome structure and function .

  21. 智能光网络以及自动交换光网络/通用多协议标记交换(ASON/GMPLS)的快速发展为现有网络带来了许多新的增值业务,其中包括新的层一的虚拟专用网(L1VPN)业务。

    The rapid development of intelligent optical networks along with Automatically Switched Optical Networks / Generalized Multi-protocol Label Switching ( ASON / GMPLS ) has brought abundant new value-added services in current networks , including the newly-developed Layer 1 Virtual Private Network ( L1VPN ) services .

  22. (计算机科学)文件描述标记的标准语言;通用于一切标记词汇的一套规则。

    ( computer science ) a standardized language for the descriptive markup of documents ; a set of rules for using whatever markup vocabulary is adopted .

  23. HGML是HTML的扩展,是一种简单、通用的全置标记语言。

    HGML is an extension of HTML , and it is simple general Markup Language .

  24. 目的报告一种新的基因芯片荧光标记技术:通用引物U2联合标记技术(universalprimerU2labeling,UPL);

    Objective To develop a new method for fluorescent labeling technique , universal primer U2 labeling ( UPL ), for microarray studies .

  25. EMS-API直接采用软件行业主流的组件执行系统作为集成基础设施,并采用通用的可扩展标记语言(XML)作为其数据对象编码和传输格式。

    The EMS-API adopt the component execution system which is mainstream technology in software industry as integration foundation , using common extensible Markup Language ( XML ) as format of data object coding and transmission .