
tōnɡ yònɡ jiàn
  • Common parts;standard spare parts
  1. 基于SolidWorks夹具通用件的参数化设计及实现

    Parametrical Design and Implementation of Fixture General Parts Based on SolidWorks

  2. 对MC供应链的合作伙伴评价及选择问题进行研究,分别提出通用件与定制件合作供应商的两阶段选择决策模型。

    It presents a two-stage decision model for universal and customized component supplier selection separately .

  3. 采用统一的表达形式对MC供应链中的通用件与定制件生产/采购批量及库存控制问题进行描述。

    The lot-sizing and inventory control problem between MC manufacturer and its universal or customized component suppliers is described as a uniform expression .

  4. 特别是标准件和通用件的重复使用更为频繁,基于这些,本文利用Pro/ENGINEER提供的二次开发工具&Pro/Toolkit和Visualc++6.0对Pro/ENGINEER进行二次开发,开发出符合我国标准的零件库系统。

    Especially the use of standard and common components are more frequent . Because of these reasons , this paper utilizes Pro / Toolkit that Pro / ENGINEER offers and Visual C + + 6 . 0 to carry on the development for Pro / ENGINEER .

  5. 提出并分析了基于三维CAD软件Solidedge零件库设计的四种不同方法及其关键技术,它有助于解决大量标准件、通用件等的三维设计问题,有助于提高设计效率。

    In this paper , four different methods and their key technology to design part library based on solid edge are proposed and analyzed , which are helpful to deal with 3D-design of large number of standard parts , interchangeable parts , and to enhance design efficiency .

  6. 针对供应商选择的第一阶段&建立合作供应商库,分别提出通用件和定制件供应商的不同评价指标体系,并研究指标的量化及归一化方法,提出基于改进AHP法的MC供应链合作供应商建库流程模型。

    Aiming at the first stage of supplier selection , establishing supplier warehouse , it presents different index systems for universal and customized component supplier , and studies the index quantify and unify methods . Then an improved AHP based MC supplier warehouse establishing model is brought forward .

  7. 为了压缩企业的交货期,提高快速响应能力,对于采用ATO模式的企业必须建立自己独特的体系,通过研发和设计来减少企业的零部件种类,采用通用件来替换相应的功能。

    In order to compress the delivery time and enhance rapid response capacity , the company with ATO system must build their own unique system . They through the development and design components to reduce the component types , the use of common parts to replace the corresponding function .

  8. 服务水平约束下通用件对库存费用的影响

    Component Commonality Effects on Invertory Cost with Service Level Constrain

  9. 通用件选择与替代的灰色局势决策

    Grey Decision Making in Selection and Substitution of Component Commonality

  10. 基于提前期的多阶通用件库存模型

    Multi-Echeloned Inventory Model of General Components with Lead Time

  11. 基于提前期的通用件安全库存管理

    A Study on Safety Stock Management of Component Commonality Based on Lead Time

  12. 基于大规模定制的夹具通用件的设计

    Design of General Fixture Parts Based on Mass Customization

  13. 注射模标准件通用件开放性数据库系统的研究

    Study on Opening Database System of Standard & General Parts of Injection Mould

  14. 基于承诺交货期与价格的通用件库存模型

    A Study on Component Commonality Inventory Model with Guaranteed Delivery Time and Price

  15. 塑料模标准件、通用件计算机辅助工艺的设计与研究

    Design and Research on CAPP for Standard Parts & Common Parts of Plastic Mould

  16. 基于多层次通用件的改进遍历及计算方法

    An Improved Traverse Algorithm Based on Multi-level Generic Pieces and Its Application of Calculation

  17. 国产车与进口车的部分通用件

    Some Common Parts for Home-Made and Import Vehicles

  18. 基于C/S架构的通用件图形库设计与实现

    Design and realization of universal parts graphic library system based on C / S model

  19. 因此关于通用件的策略问题也是企业关注的重点。

    Therefore , the issue of common parts of the strategy is the business focus .

  20. 利用Pro/E开发组合夹具通用件图形库

    Using Pro / E to Develop a Shape Library for the Universal Parts of Built-in Jigs

  21. 这个包可能是通用件,也可能是由组织内部的另一个小组开发的。

    The package might be off-the-shelf or might be developed by a different group within your organization .

  22. 以汽车同步器系列产品为对象开发的夹具通用件设计系统,已获得成功的应用。

    A design system of general fixture parts which is developed for vehicle synchronizers is applied successfully .

  23. 通用件是顾客化大量生产的一种主要技术方法,能够有效满足顾客个性化的需求。

    As a main technology of Mass customization , component commonality can meet the individual demands effectively .

  24. 面向按定单生产的通用件计划与控制方法及应用研究

    The Planning and Control Method and Its Application of General and Standard Parts in the MTO Environment

  25. 论述了塑料模具标准件、通用件制造工艺数据库的开发过程。

    This paper dissertated development process of technical database for standard parts and common parts of plastic mould .

  26. 本文研究了在装配生产制造模式下通用件和产品的库存问题。

    This article studies the inventory problems of the commonality component and the product under the manufacturing pattern of production assembly .

  27. 总结组合夹具通用件图形库的建立方法、原则和步骤。

    And sums up method and principle and procedure of setting up shape library for the universal parts of built-in jigs .

  28. 详细介绍了基于Solidworks2003的夹具通用件建库方法和夹具通用件具体元件的生成方法和过程;

    The particular methods and processes to create database fo general fixture parts and to generate them based-on Solidworks 2003 are presented .

  29. 最后通过算例研究,研究通用件的经济效益,为企业安排生产运作提出建议。

    Finally , we computed numbers of examples to study the economic benefits of component commonality , and make recommendations for enterprise production operation .

  30. 通过数据分析讨论提前期的压缩对于通用件安全库存、缺货率和总成本的影响。

    The effects of controllable lead time on component commonality safety stock , shortage rate and total cost are discussed through the data analysis .