
  • 网络General Motor Building
  1. 事实上,关于那座著名玻璃方屋极具讽刺意味(且鲜为人知)的一点是,最初设计出这个想法的人——房地产大亨、通用汽车大楼曾经的所有者——哈里•麦克洛(HarryMacklowe)实际上破产了(后来东山再起)。

    Indeed , one of the great ( and little-known ) ironies about that famous glass cube is that the man who first dreamt up the idea , Harry Macklowe , the real estate titan who owned the GM building , actually went bankrupt ( before later rebounding ) .

  2. 事实上,这家店的销售额极高,以至于通用汽车大楼目前的所有者莫特•祖克曼(MortZuckerman)(援引于《骗子的皮球》一书)曾表示,“每当我想让自己开心起来时,我就会在苹果店周围逛逛。”

    Indeed , sales are so high that Mort Zuckerman , the current owner of the GM building , is quoted in The Liar 's Ball as saying that " whenever I want to cheer myself up I just take a walk around the Apple Store . "

  3. 刚巧就在这个时候,同样标志性的美国玩具店FAOSchwarz决定于7月15日将其位于通用汽车大楼内的旗舰店搬走。面对“在第五大道开设零售店成本持续上涨”,此举是为了“实现重大租金节约”。

    In a neat twist of timing , FAO Schwarz , the equally iconic American toy store , has decided to vacate its flagship location in the GM building on July 15 " to realise meaningful rent savings " in the face of " the continuing rising costs of operating a retail location on Fifth Avenue . "

  4. 正如通用汽车大楼的历史所证明的那样,企业命运跌宕起伏,速度之快超出所有人的想象。

    As the history of the GM building proves , business fortunes swing faster than anyone can imagine .

  5. 相反,苹果正在对这座地下室进行翻修,以应对日益增加的游客。今年晚些时候,苹果计划“暂时”搬进旁边通用汽车大楼的一层。

    Instead , it is renovating the basement to cope with soaring numbers of visitors , and , later this year , it plans to move " temporarily " into a space on the ground floor of the General Motors building next door .