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tōng dá
  • Tongda;understand;clear;strike
通达 [tōng dá]
  • (1) [understand]∶通情达理

  • 通达人情

  • (2) [clear]∶通行无阻

  • 通达的道路

  • (3) [strike]∶通到

  • 这条路通达边境

通达[tōng dá]
  1. 文章认为单独的技术批判和资本批判都不足以解释完整的现代性,必须把这两种批判结合起来,从技术与资本共谋的立场出发才能通达现代性的整体机制。

    The author considers that nether only technical criticism or only capital criticism is enough to describe integrated modernity , so we must combine these two criticisms . We can understand the overall mechanism of modernity from the view of technology and capital conspiracy .

  2. 全球通达公司可以预订从纽约到欧洲的剩余机票。

    Access International books standby flights from New York to Europe .

  3. 利用GIS的网络通达性分析功能,根据胡佛模型,采用实际交通距离替代直线距离的方法,计算贵州省九个地级市的腹地范围。

    The hinterland of the nine cities in Guizhou province is studied by using GIS and Huff Model .

  4. GA算子的代数通达性分析

    Analysis of GA operators ' algebraic straightway

  5. 最后,从一种整合和信息的视角,阐述了产生对比效应和同化效应的心理机制&选择性通达(SA)模型。

    Finally , from an integrative perspective we expatiated the psychological mechanism of contrast and assimilation effect & selective accessibility model .

  6. 限制该地区耕地生产潜力的生态因子主要为:速效磷、CEC和道路通达度。

    CEC , soluble phosphorus and accessibility to roads are the primary niche factors that restrict land productive potential in this area .

  7. 毘婆舍那(VIPASSANA)这个字翻译为通达及真正见到。

    The word VIPASSANA translates as realizing and truly seeing .

  8. 基于HNC理论的一种词汇歧义消解规则3、在词汇歧义消解过程的第一个阶段&歧义词意义通达阶段,只有词频因索起作用,语境因素不起作用。

    A approach for word disambiguation based on HNC One was lexical frequency , and the other was discourse context .

  9. 以线路行政村通达深度最大作为镇内公交规划的目标,并用Hamilton回路法规划公交线路。

    As the maximum of the depth of administrative villages accessible is the goal of city and town public transportation program , the paper plans the bus lines by using Hamilton Looping Method .

  10. 采用Stroop实验范式及其变式研究了语音的自动激活及其在汉字语义通达中的作用。

    The Stroop paradigm and its variation were used to investigate Automatic Phonological activation and its role in access to the meaning of Chinese characters .

  11. 近年来,研究者提出了文化框架转换模型(CFS),从文化的动态通达性和多元文化的适应性视角对双文化认同群体(BII)的行为归因偏好进行了研究。

    In recent years , researchers have proposed cultural frame switching model ( CFS ) and made the interpretation and validation on behavior attribution bias of bicultural identity group ( BII ) from the perspective of cultural dynamic consistency and multicultural adaptability .

  12. 肯尼亚希望在热门旅游区拉姆(lamu)建设一个港口和一座炼油厂,以及通达南苏丹和埃塞俄比亚的石油管道、公路和铁路。

    Kenya wants to build a new port and an oil refinery in the popular tourist area of Lamu together with an oil pipeline and road and rail links that would connect it to southern Sudan and Ethiopia .

  13. 中-英双语语义通达机制的启动效应实验

    The Priming Effects Experiments of the Accessing Mechanism Of Chinese-English Bilinguals

  14. 当我通达此道时,事情就变得很顺利了。

    It goes so smooth once I reach to this point .

  15. 西安市星级宾馆的旅游通达性对比研究

    Contrasting Research on Tourism Accessibility of Star Hotels in Xi'an City

  16. 不同指标下的穗港城市走廊潜在通达性及其空间格局

    Potential accessibility and its spatial pattern in Guangzhou-Hong Kong Urban Corridor

  17. 聪明和通达之间有很大差别。

    Theres a big difference between being smart and being knowledgeable .

  18. 通达地幔的深大断裂提供了丰富的矿源和成矿空间;

    Great mantle-connected fault supplied plenty of ore source and space ;

  19. 汉字识别是一种特殊的模式识别,它包括了对字形、字音的确认,直至通达字义的过程。

    Chinese character recognition is a kind of special model identification .

  20. 研究结果支持重排序通达模型。

    All of the results suggest support reordered access model .

  21. 精细阐述在先行信息通达中的作用

    The Role of Elaboration in Accessing Antecedents in Text Comprehension

  22. 抛弃技术,并简单地得出你的通达。

    Jettison the technique and simply arrive into your mastery .

  23. 青海省农村公路通达情况数据库建设方案

    Constructing plan on accessible situation database of Qinghai rural roads

  24. 中文双字词在心理词典中的通达表征

    The Access Representation of Chinese Two-character Words in Mental Lexicon

  25. 要使人晓得智慧和训诲,辨识通达的言语;

    For knowing wisdom and instruction ; for discerning words of understanding ;

  26. 言语产生的词汇通达理论与事件相关电位研究

    A Review on Lexical Access Theory of Language Production and ERP Researches

  27. 重复启动条件下汉语联合式合成词的词汇通达机制

    The Access Mechanism of Chinese Coordinative Compounds under Condition of Repetition Priming

  28. 中国交通通达度评价:从分县到分省

    Evaluation of transportation ability of China : From county to province level

  29. 论随机通达英语教学

    Discussing the Teaching Model of Constructivism & Random Access Instruction

  30. 我国中部六省省会城市交通通达性比较研究

    Comparative Research on Transportation Accessibility of Six Provincial Capitals in Central China