
tōng cháng
  • general;usual;normal;typically;commonly;mostly;more often than not;as often as not;for the most part
通常 [tōng cháng]
  • [general;usual;normal] 一般;惯常

  • 通常的错误

  • 通常来源

通常[tōng cháng]
  1. 通常是那些受教育程度较高的人在全民公决中投赞成票。

    In general , it was the better-educated voters who voted Yes in the referendum .

  2. 通常,妇女管理日常财务,而把大多数较长期的决策交给男人。

    In general , women manage the day-to-day finances but leave most longer-term decisions to men

  3. 我通常在午休时间去健身房。

    I usually go to the gym during my lunch hour .

  4. 儿童通常在11或12岁时升读中学。

    Children usually transfer to secondary school at 11 or 12 .

  5. 离婚后通常是母亲拥有孩子的监护权。

    The mother is usually the custodial parent after a divorce .

  6. 这种病通常伴随有高血压。

    High blood pressure is a common accompaniment to this disease .

  7. 通常你早晨几点钟醒?

    What time do you usually wake up in the morning ?

  8. 通常认为,阿拉伯人发明了蒸馏法。

    The Arabs are usually accredited with the discovery of distillation .

  9. 英国警察通常不携带武器。

    Police officers in the UK do not usually carry arms .

  10. 女孩通常缺乏自信,而男孩则往往会高估自己的能力。

    While girls lack confidence , boys often overestimate their abilities .

  11. 我们通常不会实际去做这类工作。

    We do not ordinarily carry out this type of work .

  12. 通常写个便条或打个电话就足够了。

    Generally a brief note or a phone call will suffice .

  13. 一餐通常的价格为10元左右。

    A typically priced meal will be around $ 10 .

  14. 喂食通常可使正在哭闹的婴儿立即得到满足。

    A feed will usually provide instant gratification to a crying baby .

  15. 妇女通常承担了大部分家务。

    Women usually do the larger share of the housework .

  16. 债券市场通常在夏天萧条期后开始复苏。

    The bond market normally revives after the summer doldrums .

  17. 大量购买洗衣粉通常要省钱些。

    It is usually economical to buy washing powder in large quantities .

  18. 他们通常要求付100英镑订金。

    They normally ask you to pay £ 100 deposit .

  19. 学生通常要选四门或五门高级证书辅助考试学科。

    Students will normally take four or five AS subjects .

  20. 通常情况下,我不能在外很晚不归。

    I 'm not normally allowed to stay out late .

  21. 通常雄鸟体形较大,喙较短。

    The male is generally larger with a shorter beak .

  22. 那些股份以低于通常价值的一半买卖。

    Shares were trading at under half their usual value .

  23. 她名叫凯瑟琳,通常简称凯。

    Her name 's Katherine , generally shortened to Kay .

  24. 通常情况下,我是不会看到这封信的。

    Normally , the letter would not have come to my notice .

  25. 我们遇到了创业时通常会出现的所有问题。

    We had all the usual problems attendant upon starting a new business .

  26. 这支球队比赛通常排出的是4–4–2阵形。

    The team usually plays in a 4-4-2 formation .

  27. 兑现支票通常需要三个工作日。

    Cheques usually take three working days to clear .

  28. 校长通常给我们上法语课。

    The head teacher usually takes us for French .

  29. 他认为,她会在通常时间回到家的。

    She would , he assumed , be home at the usual time .

  30. 你晚上通常干什么?

    What do you usually do in the evening ?