
  • 网络communication capacity;Traffic Volume
  1. 移动adhoc网的一个基本问题是连接性,它涉及到网络中的多个方面,并与能量效率和通信容量等多个因素有关。

    Connectivity is a foundational problem in mobile ad hoc networks and involves in many aspects , which are relevant to energy efficiency and communication capacity .

  2. 随着对光通信容量需求的快速增长,波分复用系统(WDM)是实现光通讯容量扩展的最好方法之一。

    As the demand for the optical communication capacity is making rapid progress , wavelength-division multiplexing is one of the best solutions to solve this problem .

  3. HFC上行信道的通信容量与多址接入方案的比较

    Capacity Comparison between Upstream Channel of HFC Communication and Multiple Access Scheme

  4. 近几年的研究表明,多输入多输出(MIMO)技术可以显著提高通信容量。

    The recent research results show that the multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) technology can increase the system capacity significantly .

  5. 利用WDM技术则是扩大光纤通信容量、充分挖掘光纤带宽资源的有效手段。

    WDM technology is an effective method to enlarge the capacity of optical fiber communication and to use fully optical fiber bandwidth .

  6. RFID扩频系统具有低检测概率、通信容量大、抗多径干扰等特点,因而广泛的应用于现代通信系统中。

    RFID spread spectrum system was extensively used for modern communication system due to their low detection rate , large capability and capabilities overcome multi-path interference .

  7. 利用了OFDM这一新技术可以更好地利用了有限频带资源的特点,提出了一个可以明显增加散射通信容量方法。

    This paper presents a method to solve the problem by using OFDM technique , because OFDM can make more efficient use of the limited frequency resource .

  8. 而这一点对于进一步扩大IP电话系统的通信容量使其像PSTN系统一样成为一个大容量的广域系统是非常不利的。

    As far as enlarging the communication capacity of IP phone system in the future to make it become a wide area system with big capacity as PSTN system , this shortage is very harmful .

  9. DWDM技术在一根光纤上使用多路信号同时进行传输,使通信容量成几何倍数增长的同时又降低了建设和运行成本。

    By DWDM technology , multiplex signal can be transmitted simultaneously in a single optical fiber , so that the communication capacity can be increased in multiple geometric and the construction cost and operation cost can be reduced .

  10. 其中,提出的二次注水算法使实际通信容量进一步提高。

    Besides , the proposed twice water-filling algorithm further improved the practical capacity .

  11. 提高长途光缆通信容量的几种途径

    Ways of Extending Toll Optical Cable Communication Capacity

  12. 信息业务持续呈爆炸式的增长,光纤通信容量相应依指数递增。

    The information service is explosively growing .

  13. 随着通信容量需求的增大,传统的微波通信逐渐变得拥挤。

    With the increasing demand for communication capacity , the traditional microwave communications become crowded .

  14. 使用多个发射天线和多个接收天线可以获得巨大的通信容量。

    The use of multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver results in enormous capacity increase .

  15. 本文根据光纤通信容量大的特点和实际应用情况,对光纤通信的速率及应用的光电子器件响应速度范围的划分提出了建议。

    This paper propose the divide range of the optical fiber communication speed and the photoelectron divices response speed .

  16. 同现有方法相比,该方法具有实时性好、通信容量大、扩展性强、成本低廉等特点。

    Compared with existing method , the method has the advantages in real-time , communication capacity , expandability and cost .

  17. 你可以通过用平均页面大小乘以每月预期的浏览页面次数的计算,来得到通信容量。

    You can calculate this by multiplying your average page size with the number of expected page views per month .

  18. 通信容量的扩大需要增加输入光纤的光功率,增加光纤系统复用信道数目。

    The expansions of communications capacity need to enhance the input power in fiber and increase the number of multiplexed channels .

  19. 随着现代通信容量的急剧增加,现有光纤网络单通道的传输容量已日趋饱和。

    With rapid growth of modern communications , the single channel transmission capacity of existing optical fiber network has been gradually filled .

  20. 随着通信容量的迅速增长,高速光纤通信成为必然,这使得信号传输中的抖动问题成为一个关键问题。

    With the rapid increase of the communication capacities , the timming jitter become a key problem in high repetition rate optical communication .

  21. 因此,我们需要根据中继系统中无线信道的特性,选择和开发有效的技术来提高无线信道的通信容量。

    Accordingly , we should carefully exploit the suitable techniques according to the wireless channel characteristics so as to improve the channel capacity .

  22. 通过网络编码,可以充分的利用网络的信道通信容量,达到由最小割最大流定理所确定的最大流上界。

    Study shows network coding can increase the network throughput , and achieve the upper bound which is determined by the Max-flow Min-cut theorem .

  23. 目前,由于人们对通信容量需求的急剧增加,高速光纤通信系统的研究吸引了人们极大的关注。

    Recently , research focused on high-speed optical fiber communication system has attracted increasing attention due to the greatly enhanced demand for communication capacity .

  24. 近几年来,为了满足人们对通信容量的需求,光纤通信的传输速率正在不断提升。

    In recent years , to meet the need of communication capacity , the bit rate of optical fiber communication is improving all the time .

  25. 超宽带技术的提出为解决日益增长的通信容量和有限的频谱资源提供了有效的途径。

    The present of UWB ( Ultra-Wideband ) has offered an effective way to resolve the contradiction between growing message capacity and limited frequency resource .

  26. 针对目前电力系统对通信容量的需求,利用上述改进算法,论文对单信道长跨距光纤拉曼放大器进行了设计,并对放大器性能参数与配置参数之间的关系进行了深入分析。

    Using the above algorithm , long-span single channel fiber Raman amplifier is designed successfully , with the relation of performance parameters and configure parameters being analyzed .

  27. 随着人们对信息的需求越来越多,提高光纤通信容量和速度已经成当前亟待解决的问题。

    With more and more increasing demands for information , enhancing the capacity and speed of the optical fiber communication has become a problem to be urgently solved .

  28. 面对人们对通信容量和接入灵活性的急切需求,具有低损耗高带宽特性的光纤技术和无线接入技术的融合成为必然趋势。

    In order to meet the insistent demand for high capacity and more flexibility , the integration of optical fiber and wireless access is an inevitable trend of development .

  29. 结合全球星系统的特点,选择了典型的信道和链路参数进行估算,分别得到了系统的可供信道量和系统通信容量。

    Combined with the characteristics of Globalstar system , we select typical channel and link parameters in estimation to yield the number of afforded channels and the system traffic capacity .

  30. 实践十三号卫星传送量达20千兆比特每秒,轨道寿命为15年,比中国之前所有通讯卫星的总通信容量还大。

    Shijian-13 , with a transfer capacity of 20 Gbps and a designed orbital life of 15 years , has a higher message capacity than all of China 's previous communications satellites combined .