
yī wù shì
  • infirmary;clinic;dispensary;small clinic
  1. 把lincoln转移到医务室去。

    Have Lincoln transferred to the infirmary .

  2. 所以他经常得去医务室治伤。

    So he spent a IOT of time in the infirmary .

  3. 你最好去趟医务室。

    You 'd better go to Sick Bay .

  4. 校医务室的医生下午都很忙。

    The doctors of the college clinic were very busy in the afternoon .

  5. 医务室就在这儿。

    This is where the clinic is .

  6. 他前一阵子才花了一点时间待在医务室里面

    He spent some time In the sickbay not so long ago

  7. 所以说你们学校的医务室护士是个产科医生。

    That 's why your school 's nurse is an obstetrician .

  8. 小心一点。我们去医务室吧。

    Be careful . let 's go to the clinic , O.K.

  9. 你们负责将她送到医务室。

    You 're in charge of getting her down to sickbay .

  10. 你真的在医务室待了一阵子吗?

    Is It true you spent some time In the sickbay ?

  11. 安迪和卢斯特还先被送到监狱的医务室疗伤。

    Andy and Rooster MacBride went by way of the infirmary .

  12. 他敲开医务室的门,拿到了一点药。

    He knocked up the clinic and obtained some drugs .

  13. 并且医务室在设计时就有避难中心的功能

    And it 's designed to function as a disaster shelter

  14. 请求在下面的医务室见您。

    Been asking to see you down in the clinic .

  15. 他正在医务室度过最后的时光。

    He 's spending his remaining hours in sick bay .

  16. 就像我说的,医务室是值得一看的地方。

    Like I said , the sickbay 's the place to look .

  17. 姑娘们你们最好随我们回医务室去。

    You girls better come back to the consulting room with us .

  18. 他谎称胸痛,然后送他去医务室。

    He complained of chest pains and was taken to the dispensary .

  19. 快拿相机去医务室,快!

    Get your camera and run to the medical unit . run !

  20. 无论白天黑夜,我们医务室的医生总是随叫随到。

    The doctors in our clinic are on call day and night .

  21. 在你的医务室的束缚带上发现血迹的人。

    The man that just found those bloody restraints in your infirmary .

  22. 不久以后,艾拉闯入医务室。

    Soon afterwards , IRA came storming into the clinic .

  23. 医务室是保安最薄弱的环节。

    Infirmary 's the weakest link in the security chain .

  24. 记录显示你是最后一个去过医务室的

    The logs have you as the last to visit .

  25. 他会想办法把打开医务室那扇门的钥匙弄到手。

    He would work on getting them that key to the infirmary .

  26. 所有单位到医务室报到,尽快!

    All units report to med lab , stat !

  27. 就像上个星期你到医务室去时。

    Ls this like last week , when you went into sick bay .

  28. 把你们两个送到医务室去。

    Let 's get you two to sick bay .

  29. 我找到了通往医务室的路线。

    I found our access to the infirmary building .

  30. 镜头转换到海军医务室,科比和贝尔梅伯正在接受治疗。

    Meanwhile , at the medic room , Coby and Helmeppo are recovering .