
  1. 弘扬孙思邈医德思想重振医学人文精神

    Advocating thoughts of SUN Si-miao 's medical morality and improving medical humanistic spirit

  2. 试论医德情感在医学人文精神提升中的作用

    The Effect of Moral Emotion of Medical Staff in Promoting Medical Humanism spirit

  3. 把医学人文精神融入临床医学教育

    To Interject Medical Humanistic Spirit into Clinic Medical Education

  4. 关于医学人文精神的追问

    The Examination Minutely about the Humanistic Spirit of Medicine

  5. 当代医学人文精神建构的思考

    Thought about Constituting the Humanism Sprit of Present Medicine

  6. 医学人文精神和医学科学精神的融通

    Combination of Humane Spirit and Scientific Spirit of Medicine

  7. 论医学人文精神的历史走向

    On the Development Tendency of Medicine Humane Spirit

  8. 第二部分介绍医学人文精神的基本原则;

    The second part introduces its basic principle ;

  9. 医学人文精神与整体护理的人文关怀

    Medical Humanism and Humanistic Care of Holistic Nursing

  10. 第四部分分析了建构医学人文精神的意义和途径等问题。

    And the fourth analyses the significance and the way of constituting the humanism spirit of medicine .

  11. 文章分四个部分论述了这一观点:第一部分阐释了人文精神和医学人文精神的基本涵义;

    View of the first part is the basic define of humanism spirit and the humanism spirit of medicine ;

  12. 医学人文精神与医学科学精神融合是社会化医学行为的内在要求。

    Combination of humanism spirit and the spirit of medical science is the intrinsic needs of the socialized medical behavior .

  13. 本文以妇产科学临床教学为例,论述医学人文精神与临床教学的整合。

    The paper discussed how to merge humanistic spirit into medical clinic teaching by illustrating the gynecology and obstetrics teaching .

  14. 重塑医学人文精神是一个无法回避而又必须作出回答的紧迫问题。

    The rebuilding of the human spirit of medicine is the urgent question that we cannot runaround and must answer in the medicine circle .

  15. 医学人文精神是社区卫生服务的重要精神资源,新时期要想充分发挥社区卫生服务的巨大作用,需要有医学人文精神的必要支撑。

    In the new epoch , the necessary support from humanistic spirit of medicine is needed for community health services to play their great role .

  16. 目的后非典时期医学人文精神主要包括医学人道主义、职业献身精神和民族精神。

    Objective After " SARS " period , medical human spirits mainly include the medical humanitarianism , the dedicated spirit of medical occupation and the national spirit .

  17. 医学人文精神其核心理念应是:以人为本,确立其对医学科学技术的指导地位,适时约束医学技术行为。

    There is a core idea in medicine humane spirit : Anthropocentrism should be established as a directional status and a restricting tool for medical science and technology .

  18. 医学人文精神是医学的灵魂,其反映了人类对生命的根本态度。

    A medical humanism is the soul of medicine , which reflects human beings basic attitude to life and is an important spiritual source for community health services .

  19. 最终唤起人们的重视,实现医事法律专业学生的医学人文精神与法律职业精神并重的局面。

    At last , people will pay attention to it and the students of medical science of law will get the balance between medical humanity and legal professionalism .

  20. 认为挖掘和研究《黄帝内经》中的人文精神,对于我国现代医学人文精神的研究和重塑有十分积极的现实意义。

    We believe that mining and research of the humanism of spirit in nei jing have quite active and practical significance to research and reconstruct the humanism spirit of medicine in modern China .

  21. 人的价值是医学人文精神的核心和基本原则,医学人文精神的道德规范和原则是从人的价值这一核心理念中引申出来的。

    " Human value " is the core and basic principle of the humanism spirit of medicine , and the ethics and principle of the humanism spirit of medicine just come from it .

  22. 医疗卫生服务需求与现实之间的差距,反映了医学人文精神缺失的隐性危机和医学院校医学人文教育存在的缺陷;

    The disparity between the service demand of the health care and reality reflects the recessive crisis of the lack of medical humane spirit and the defect of medical humane education in medical universities .

  23. 医学人文精神是一种把人和人的价值置于首位的观念,是指人的价值、人的尊严、人的利益和幸福、人的发展完善和自由为主旨的观念和信念。

    The humanism spirit of medicine is a kind of idea putting the human beings value on the first place , which purports are human value , dignity , profit and happiness , development and freedom .

  24. 通过对《内经》中“天人合一”、“形神一体”的整体人体观的分析,探讨了《内经》所体现的医学人文精神。

    By analyzing the integrated human view of " unity of nature and man " and " unity of appearance and spirit ", this article explores the medical humanism embodied in the old doctrine of HuangDiNeiJing .

  25. 《人体器官移植技术临床应用管理暂行办法》能够有效地缓解这种矛盾,同时有利于发扬医学人文精神,体现医学伦理学道德。

    The Human body organ transplanting technology clinical practice management tentative method not only can effective alleviate this kind of contradiction but also can being advantageous in carrying forward the medicine humanities spirit and manifests the medicine ethics morals .

  26. 高等医学院校人文精神塑造论析

    Exploration into the molding of humanistic spirit in high medical education

  27. 论医学教育人文精神的构建

    Humanity spirit construction in medical education

  28. 论医学的人文精神

    On Humanistic Spirit in Medicine

  29. 古医籍书名中表现的忠孝仁爱、救世济民、学识广博等素养,就是古代医学家人文精神追求的最好说明。

    Loyalty and filial piety , love and benefit recorded in the ancient medical book are the best explanation .

  30. 本文设想结合医学生教育特点,加强医学生人文精神培养,提高医学生诚信道德水准。

    The thesis think about combining medical students education characteristics , strengthen medical students ' humane spirit training , improve medical students ' moral integrity .