
  • 网络judicial credibility
  1. 当前我国司法公信力不足甚至是缺失已是不争的事实。

    It is true that the judicial credibility is short in the current Chinese .

  2. 司法公信力已经成为人们关注的热点问题。

    The hot topic judicial credibility has been concerned by more and more people .

  3. 和谐社会视野下的司法公信力研究

    Public Trust for Justice from the Angle of a Harmonious Society

  4. 简论和谐社会的司法公信力基础

    Public Confidence in Justice : One of Harmonious Societal Foundations

  5. 论司法公信力

    On Public Credibility of the Judiciary DISCUSSION ON JUDICIARY CIVILIZATION

  6. 论民事司法公信力

    On the Force of Public Faith to Civil Judicature

  7. 影响司法公信力的因素分析

    Analysis on Elements of Influencing Judicial Public Faith

  8. 司法公信力的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Judicial Public Faith Force

  9. 司法公信力研究

    Research on the Public Trust of Judicature

  10. 规范冲突的处理对司法公信力的提升也至关重要。

    It is also essential to the handle the regulation conflicts for enhancing the judicial credibility .

  11. 从起源上看,司法公信力的本质属性源于公权力。

    Looks from the origin , the judicial credibility emanates from the essential attribute of public power .

  12. 司法公信力是一个具有权力运行与受众心理两个维度的概念。

    The concept of public confidence force has two dimensions of power operation and subjects ' psychology .

  13. 司法公信力是司法与公众之间的动态、均衡的信任与相互评价。

    Judicial credibility is the dynamic , balanced trust and mutual evaluation between the justice and the public .

  14. 有效提升司法公信力,并实现程序安定。

    3 , effective to enhance the credibility of the administration of justice , and implementation procedures for stability .

  15. 本文试图通过设计调查问卷以实证调查的方式对我国刑事司法公信力问题进行分析。

    This thesis uses the way of the empirical research to analyze Chinese criminal judicial credibility by designing questionnaire .

  16. 如何提升司法公信力,确保国家和社会的发展与进步,是一个非常迫切的问题。

    How to enhance judicial credibility to ensure national and social development and progress becomes a very pressing issue .

  17. 因此,有必要从经济分析角度入手,研究和解释司法公信力概念。

    So , it is necessary to research and interpret judicial public faith force at angle of economic analysis .

  18. 论司法公信力之塑造&兼论人民陪审员制度的价值预设与实现

    On the Molding of the Public Credibility of the Judiciary : the Presumption and Realization of the Jury System 's Values

  19. 提高司法公信力,是法治现代化、建设法治国家的应有之义。

    Improving the judicial credibility is something inherent in the concept of the law modernization as well as the construction of a legal country .

  20. 国家法与民间法冲突下司法公信力研究&以法律效果与社会效果的统一为视角

    The Judicial Credibility under the Conflict of State Law and Civil Law & from the perspective of the unification of legal effects and social effects

  21. 在此基础上,司法公信力具有三种基本类型:权力威慑型、理解型、认同型。

    On this basis , public confidence force could be divided into three fundamental types : power deterring type , understanding type and identifying type .

  22. 司法公信力是法治建设的重要课题,也是构建和谐社会的基础和前提。

    Public credibility of the judiciary is a significant topic for legal construction as well as the foundation and prerequisite for building a harmonious society .

  23. 在理想类型下,司法公信力具有主体交互性、开放性、制度性、资源性与合法性等特征。

    Under this ideal type , public confidence force has the characteristics of subjects ' interaction , openness , institutionalization , resourcefulness , legitimacy and others .

  24. 这不仅损害了司法公信力,挑战着司法权威,也严重影响到了和谐社会的建立。

    This not only damages the credibility of Justice , challenging the authority of the judiciary , but also seriously affects the establishment of a harmonious society .

  25. 司法公信力是司法权运作和公众心理认同的高度契合,是一个双向互动的过程。

    The public confidence force of judicature is a highly integrating state which the inherent operation of judicial power and the psychological identification of social public achieve .

  26. 分析了司法公信力的双重维度:司法机关的信用和社会公众的信任。

    In the first chapter I also analyze the double dimension of the judicial credibility : The credit of the judicial organs and the social public trust .

  27. 司法公信力既具有公共权力的性质,也体现了人们对司法的信任和尊重的心理模态以及人民对司法的认同和信仰的程度。

    Judicial public faith force embodies the faith and regard of people 's mental mode to justice , as well as it has the character of pubic power .

  28. 裁判文书作为司法公信力的载体,是在实践中提升司法公信力的切入点。

    As the carrier of the public credibility of the judiciary , juridical document is the starting point for improving the public credibility of the judiciary in practice .

  29. 司法公信力是法治社会的重要标志之一,是司法体系的基石和司法发展源源不绝的动力源泉。

    Judicial credibility is an important indicator for society with rule of law , and it is the cornerstone of the judicial system and the momentum source of judicial development .

  30. 我们应当认真分析我国司法公信力的现状及原因,积极探索构建司法公信体系的途径。

    We must earnestly analyze the status and cause of the judicatory public credit power in China , actively explore the approach to construct the system of the judicatory public credit .