
  • 网络Justice System;judicial system;judiciary system
  1. 在WTO相关规则和美国的司法体系之下寻求解决途径不失为一个好的策略。

    It is a good strategy to seek solutions under the United States judicial system and the relevant rules of the WTO .

  2. 人民行动党与新加坡司法体系

    The People 's Action Party and the Judicial System of Singapore

  3. 很多美国人认为他们的司法体系已经乱套了。

    Many Americans think their legal system has gone haywire .

  4. 我们的司法体系沿袭了英国的法律体系。

    Our legal system inherited laws from the English system .

  5. 律师是司法体系的一部分。

    A lawyer is part of the machinery of justice .

  6. 上诉法院在英格兰司法体系中起着中心作用。

    The Court of Appeal has a pivotal role in the English legal system

  7. 很多英国人仍然会对其司法体系可能产生的高昂费用表示担忧。

    Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system .

  8. 他认为司法体系的不健全导致了黑市的出现。

    He argues that the breakdown in the legal system has spawned a black market .

  9. 相反,我们应该认识到,在美国庞大的刑事司法体系中,第二次机会至关重要。

    Rather , it is to recognize that in America 's vast criminal justice system , second chances are crucial .

  10. 英国律师和行业机构英国律师公会(lawsociety),热衷于推动英格兰法律成为中国等新兴经济体在国际商务领域的首选司法体系。

    English lawyers and the law society , their professional body , are keen to promote English law as a jurisdiction of choice for international business in leading emerging economies such as China .

  11. 莫斯科新经济学院(NewEconomicSchool)经济学助理教授康斯坦丁•斯特林(KonstantinStyrin)认为,主要障碍在于法治、产权保护、缺乏独立司法体系等“制度劣质”。

    Konstantin Styrin , assistant professor of economics at Moscow 's New Economic School , believes the main obstacle is the " poor quality of institutions " such as the rule of law , protection of property rights and the lack of an independent judiciary .

  12. 然而,最近上海法庭对英澳矿业集团力拓(riotinto)4名雇员的审讯和定罪,有力地提醒人们,中国司法体系仍存在不足。

    But the recent Shanghai trial and conviction of four employees of Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian mining group , provides a potent reminder of the remaining shortcomings of the legal system .

  13. 英国路伟律师事务所(Lovells)的道格克拉克(DougClark)表示,如果没有独立的司法体系公平解决纠纷,就没有人愿意将真金白银投到上海。

    Without an independent legal system that resolves disputes fairly no one will bring real money to Shanghai , says Doug Clark of the law firm Lovells .

  14. 1998年拉丽莎·麦克法夸尔(LarissaMacFarquhar)在阅读了两本关于女性犯罪者的著作之后提出了刑事司法体系中的性别歧视问题,她指出

    In a 1998 article about gender bias in the criminal-justice system , Larissa MacFarquhar , reviewing two books about female killers , observes ,

  15. IAASB需要确保所制定的国际审计准则能被不同司法体系、历史和文化的国家所采纳。

    At IAASB , we need to ensure that we write ISAs that can be adopted in jurisdictions with such different legal systems , histories and cultures .

  16. 这次APEC会议给了商界领袖们与各国首脑近距离接触的机会,而对那些生意被盗版音乐、电影和软件所威胁的人来说,这也是一个推进更加严厉的司法体系以对抗盗版问题的机会。

    This APEC meeting is a chance for business leaders to rub shoulders with the leaders of countries . But for those whose businesses are threatened by piracy of music , movies and software , it 's a chance to push for tougher legislation to combat the problem .

  17. 艾佛里先生和他当时16岁的侄子布兰顿·达西(BrendanDassey),最终在这个谋杀案中被判定为有罪。对于一些看过这个Netflix纪录片的人来说,这个结局再一次证明了我们这个司法体系的失败。

    In the end , Mr. Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey , 16 at the time of Ms. Halbach 's death , were convicted in the killing - an outcome that some who watched the series were convinced was one more example of the justice system 's failure .

  18. 审级制度在刑事司法体系中具有至关重要的作用。

    Trial grade system plays an important role in criminal justice .

  19. 这个案子是对司法体系的一次严峻考验。

    The case is an acid test of the justice system .

  20. 该国金融机构效率低下,司法体系腐败。

    Its financial institutions are inefficient , its judicial system corrupt .

  21. 刑事政策在刑事司法体系中具有极其重要的地位。

    Criminal policy occupies a very important position in criminal justice system .

  22. 这是我们司法体系的核心。

    Is at the heart of our system of justice .

  23. 我们的司法体系一直都让我们很失望。

    Our justice system , it just fails us all the time .

  24. 它主要包括三个方面:司法体系独立、审判独立和司法人员独立。

    It mainly includes : the independence of law system ;

  25. 英国青少年司法体系的改革及启示

    The reform of British juridical system for youth and juvenile and its hints

  26. 这正是美国司法体系所支持的敲诈勒索。

    This is extortion backed by the US judiciary .

  27. 要解决这个问题,拉美国家政府必须改革执法和司法体系。

    To address this , governments must reform law enforcement and judicial systems .

  28. 而考虑到伊拉克混乱低效的司法体系,兑现最后一项承诺显得尤为棘手。

    The last is especially tricky , given Iraq 's dysfunctional justice system .

  29. 必须完善环境司法体系,加大执法力度;

    Environmental judicial system must be perfected and enforcement of law should be strengthened ;

  30. 有政治动机的定罪破坏我们的司法体系,对此我感到非常失望。

    The criminalization of politics undermines our very system . I am very disappointed .