
  • 网络price movement
  1. ATR是一个评价市场价格运动的通用指标,而且是一个真正的自适应指标。

    ATR is a truly adaptive and universal measure of market price movement .

  2. 历史波幅是对过去的期货价格运动的实际测量。

    Historical volatility is the actual measure of futures price movement from the past .

  3. 拟人化的暗喻用来描述价格运动,就像是有人有意那么做。比如:“NASDAQ指数攀至新高”

    Agent metaphors describe price movements as the deliberate action of a living thing , as in , " The NASDAQ climbed higher . "

  4. 股价信息、价格运动特征与资源配置效率

    Stock Price Information , Character of Price Movement and Capital Allocation Efficiency

  5. 深圳股市价格运动可预测性的研究

    Predictability of stock prices in Shenzhen stock exchange

  6. 在价格运动的方向和程度上存在着巨大的不确定性,这本身就威胁着经济稳定。

    For great uncertainty about the direction and size of price movements is itself a danger to economic stability .

  7. 那么小公司股票的价格运动将始终被大公司股票所领导。

    Then the movement of small stock prices will be leaded by that of large stock for all the time .

  8. 在一个条形图表中,价格运动不能高过或低于一个确定的范围。

    Seen in a bar chart when prices tend not to go above or below a certain range of levels .

  9. 拟物化的暗喻用物体来描述价格运动,比如:'道琼斯指数象砖头一样下跌。'

    Object metaphors describe price movements as non-living things , as in , " The Dow fell like a brick . "

  10. 《管子·轻重》篇关于价格运动规律的理论

    On the Theory of the Law of Price Motion in the Essay " the Light and Heavy " by Guan Zi

  11. 最初的理论研究不是如何定价,而是在于揭示价格运动和形成的基础问题。

    The early studies were not how to make a price but to open out the basic question of the foundation and movement .

  12. 或者,一个大的脉动可能会产生一个长达数年的波动率的价格运动。

    For example , a minor impulse may produce a price movement with a specific rate of vibration that lasts only a few hours .

  13. 股票和商品(地球上一切事物)是波动的。进一步说,就是波动全面解释了金融市场的价格运动。

    Stocks and commodities ( and everything else on earth ) vibrate . Moreover , vibration provides a comprehensive explanation of price movement in financial markets .

  14. 本文把标值随机点过程的理论移植到金融计量经济学中,通过定义表征价格运动的标值随机点过程强度计算公式,导出了甚高频金融交易数据的样本函数密度公式,以及最大似然估计方程式。

    This paper transplants marked point process theory to financial econometrics to analyze ultra-high-frequency data , derives sample function density and its maximum likelihood estimating formulation .

  15. 这不仅丰富了鞅的应用,把股票的价格运动扩展到二维空间,而且在金融学中,具有实际意义。

    This not only enriches application of martingale , but also extends price movements of stock to two dimensional space , which has practical significance in Finance .

  16. 给出了有分红及配股的股票价格运动规律,并讨论了以定期分红及配股的股票为标的资产的美式看涨期权的定价与套期保值问题。

    The paper derives the law of stock price with dividend-paying and placing , and discusses the problem of option pricing and hedging on dividend-paying and placing stocks .

  17. 通过对期货市场价格运动的预测,可以对固定因素暴露的高风险进行量化。

    The exposure can be quantified by applying one or more forecasts of future market price movements to the hard fact to highlight the areas of highest risk .

  18. 流动性不仅是投资者进行股票交易所产生的结果,它还对股票市场的定价及价格运动模式产生巨大的影响。

    The liquidity is not only the result of investors ' transactions , but also have a great impact on the price setting and the pattern of price movement in the stock market .

  19. 人们对股票市场价格运动有着不同的理解,马克思指出股价实质上是资本化的股息,而早期的西方经济学家倾向于通过对供求双方的力量对比分析来研究股价的变动。

    However , we have different understanding on fluctuation of stock price . Marx thought stock price as capitalization of dividend , and earlier economists were inclined to price shares by analyze relation between supply and demand .

  20. 文章第三部分对期权标的资产的价格运动规律进行了改进,用混合正态分布模型代替了传统的价格运动模式,推导出新的期权定价模型。

    At the third chapter of the article , assets price movement of the option have carried on new improvement with a mixture normal distribution model replaces the traditional pricing model , a new option pricing model is given .

  21. 本文以分形、混沌等非线性理论为基础,从非线性理论角度研究了我国股票市场价格运动过程中存在的一些规律,以期为投资者和金融监管提供一些可借鉴的方法和启示。

    This article bases on the non-linear theories such as fractal and chaos , studies in the rules existed in of our stock market price process from the non-linear theory visual angle , which provides some reference methods and the apocalypse for investors and financial supervisor .

  22. 所谓传统股票定价理论是指在马克维茨资产组合定价理论提出之前的股票定价理论,它以单个股票的内在价值或价格运动趋势为研究对象,主要以红利贴现模型为代表。

    Traditional stock pricing theories is the pricing theories which have been presented before Markowitz 's property combination pricing theories , it regards inside value or price sport trend of single a stock as the research object , the dividend discount model is the main representation .

  23. 把股票价格的运动联系到指数运动的一种衡量方法。

    A measure correlating stock price movement to the movement of an index .

  24. 在天平的一边是沙漏,它象征着时间因素,在另一边是价格的运动。

    On one side of the scales is an hourglass , which symbolizes the time factor .

  25. 自觉掌握价格周期运动是政府宏观调控价格波动的主导方针,是科学发展观依据的经济学出发点。

    Conscious mastery of price circulation law is the guideline policy of government to adjust and control macroscopic price fluctuation .

  26. 在经济全球化的今天,信息是连续影响证券市场价格的运动过程。

    With the globalization of economy , information contributes to the successive influence on the price of the stock market .

  27. 证券价格定向运动产生的内在原因及运动规律,是研究证券投资最关心的重要问题。

    The most important question of the security-investment in study is to explore the inherent causes and moving laws of the security-price in directional moving .

  28. 证券市场证券价格的运动可以划分为有明确趋势的定向运动与无趋势的随机波动。

    The moving of the security-price in market can be set apart into two parts : the directional moving has obvious trend , and the stochastic fluctuation has no trend .

  29. 本文对它们进行了混沌检验,发现我国证券市场中含有奇异吸引子,它控制着价格的运动,它是混沌过程。

    The study examines the chaos in Chinese securities market and finds there exists strange attractors , which control the movement of the price . So it 's a chaotic process .

  30. 这个系统确实在各个货币对上都很适用,但是考虑到成交量和价格的运动,我喜欢在这个货币对上交易,因为他有很好的盈亏比。

    This method should work good on all pairs , but due to the high votality and movement , I love to work on this pair , gives very high Risk to Reward Ratio .