
huò bì běn wèi
  • monetary standard;money standard
  1. 在脱离了货币本位后,黄金仍一定程度上保留着交换和流通的货币属性,但更增添了投资属性,具备储备价值并能带来良好的收益。

    After separating from money standard , in a certain extent , gold still has the property of exchange and circulation of currency , but it has been added the investment property , has the reserves of value , and can bring a good income .

  2. 利率期限贴水与货币本位制度:欧洲国家的实证分析

    Term Agio of Interest Rate and Monetary Standard : Analyzed through European Substantial Evidence

  3. 中国近代货币本位制度的建立和崩溃

    The Establishment and Collapse of The Standard Currency System In Modern China

  4. 欧洲货币本位是欧盟各成员国货币的混合物。

    The ECU is an amalgam of the currencies of the member states of the European union .

  5. 实物本位终将为信用本位所取代,货币本位的虚拟化不可避免。

    The physical standard will absolutely be replaced by the credit standard , and the virtualization of currency standard is inevitable .

  6. 在金属货币本位制度下,马克思认为货币具有价值尺度、流通手段、储藏手段和支付手段四种基本职能。

    In metal-based currency system , Marx believed that the currency have four basic functions of value scale , circulation means , storage means and payment means .

  7. 最后,主要从中外货币本位不同和白银进出口的角度对造成近代中外经济波动的相关性深受计价货币影响的原因进行了分析。

    At last , from the monetary angle , such as the monetary standard and the foreign trade of silver , this paper analyzes reasons that the correlation of sino-alien economic fluctuations is affected by the currency .

  8. 南京国民政府是从货币本位制度、货币发行权制度和发行准备金制度三方面进行改革以稳定币值的。

    In order to stabilize the currency value , Nanjing conducted the Reforms from three institutional aspects which is the Institutions of Monetary Standard , the Institutions of Issuance of Currency and the Institutions of Issue Reserve .

  9. 第二,对于黄金作为优质币材的属性进行讨论,发现黄金作为货币本位的出现,既有自然属性的原因,也有历史、科学技术发展和政治人文因素等原因。

    Second , as a high-quality gold coins to discuss the properties of materials and found that the emergence of gold as a monetary standard , with historical reasons , but also a reason stage of scientific and technological development .

  10. 货币本位制的确立和二战后各国经济的发展,使得货币政策日益显示其重要性,中央银行的独立性问题相应地也引起了广泛的争论。

    Establishment of monetary standard and development of the economy of various countries after World War II strengthen the importance of the monetary policy day by day , and the independence of the Central Bank has caused extensive dispute too accordingly .

  11. 本文认为中国近代没有严格意义上的货币本位,中国近代有的是白银核心型的货币体系,这种货币体系是动态、立体的,其发展的趋势是银本位。

    According to the thesis , there was in modern China no standard money in the strict sense but a currency system dependent on silver as the centre , which was dynamic and solid and evolved on the way to the silver standard .

  12. 对不同货币本位制度下信用货币的价值基础的比较分析可知,由构成信用货币的价值基础的商品在不同货币本位制度下的同质性与非同质性,决定了国际汇率制度的安排。

    With an analysis and comparison of the value basis of money under different monetary standards , we find that the goods that form the value basis of credit money hold the same or different char-acters ; thus the arrangement of the international exchange rate regime is determined .

  13. 在对国内外学者对现代汇率决定理论研究的基础上,发现现代汇率决定理论的具有以下五大规律:汇率决定理论的演变和发展与货币本位制度及国际金融体系的演变和发展密切相关;

    This paper , based on the study of modern theories of exchange rate determination , finds the evolution process of theory of exchange rate determination has five rules : it has a close relationship with the evolution and development of monetary standard system and international finance system ;

  14. 它成为人类历史上出现了第一个以纯粹信用货币为本位货币的国际货币体系。

    It became the first system in history to have Credit Money as a standard currency .

  15. 在美国历史上,几代政治家都支持美国货币的金本位制。

    American history has seen generations of politicians argue in favor of a gold standard for American currency .

  16. 我指出,在充当国际通用货币的金本位盛行之时,并不存在统一的财政政策。

    I pointed out that there was no such policy in the heyday of the gold standard that functioned as a common international currency .

  17. 而且,由于其它货币按金本位制度下的固定汇率与美元挂钩,美国通货紧缩引发了外国的通货紧缩。

    And since other currencies were linked to the dollar by the fixed exchange rates of the gold standard , US deflation caused foreign deflation .

  18. 以外国货币作为记账本位币的合营企业,其编报的财务会计报告应当折算为人民币。

    Where a foreign currency is adopted as the standard currency for accounting , the joint venture shall convert such currency into Renminbi when it prepares and submits its financial and accounting statements .

  19. 过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。

    The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold .

  20. 自从第一个国际货币体系&金本位制成立,黄金就在人类货币体系中发挥着至关重要的作用。

    Since the first international monetary system - the gold standard - was established , gold has been playing a very important role in the international monetary system .

  21. 近代中国学者关于货币制度的讨论,大都是围绕货币本位制展开的。

    Chinese scholars of modern times discussed the question of monetary system . They mostly centered on discussion of monetary standard system .

  22. 在货币流通中以两种金属作为货币标准的货币本位。某些国家的货币制度过去一直是金本位的。

    A monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by stated amounts of two metals ( usually gold and silver ) with values set at a predetermined ratio . The monetary system of certain countries used to be based on gold .