
huò yuán
  • source of goods;supply of goods
货源 [huò yuán]
  • [source of goods] 供货的渠道

  • A公司货源遍布全国

货源[huò yuán]
  1. 什么是好的货源呢?

    What is the good source of goods ?

  2. 为维持自身发展,在日益激烈的竞争中取胜,港口需要获得稳定、大量的货源。

    In order to win in the fierce competition , the port should get a steady and large amount of source of goods .

  3. 他们一道走遍世界各地,为那家私营小公司寻觅服装货源。

    Together they travel the world , sourcing clothes for the small , privately owned company

  4. 商品价格稳定,市场货源充足。

    Commodity prices remain stable and there are plenty of goods on the market .

  5. 本星期买胡萝卜最合算,因为货源充足,价格低廉

    Best buys of the week are carrots , which are plentiful and cheap .

  6. 金士顿追求,可帮助您的公司在谈判中,经纪,代理服务,货源工厂或财产

    Kingston Quest Can Assist Your Company In Negotiations , Brokering , Agency Services , Sourcing Factories Or Property .

  7. 进口LPG的主要货源地仍是中东地区。

    The bulk of imported LPG still comes from the Middle East .

  8. 该货源检验报告由质量保证经理(QA负责)核准。

    The Source Inspection Report shall be approved by QA Manager .

  9. 在伦敦证交所(londonstockexchange)完成了到印度、瑞典、以色列等不同国家的推介之旅后,想在aim上市的企业看起来“货源充足”。

    The supply of companies wanting to list on aim looks plentiful in the wake of London Stock Exchange promotional tours to countries as diverse as India , Sweden and Israel .

  10. 一手货源各类电阻,电容,IC,偏冷门IC等的批发销售。我们有非常熟练的工人。

    The skill source is each kind of electric resistance , electric capacity , IC , be partial to the wholesale that the unpopular IC wait .

  11. 这些专辑在UrbanOutfitters这类时尚连锁店均有售卖,网上也有货源。

    They are being sold at fashion chains such as Urban Outfitters , as well as being available online .

  12. 采用元搜索引擎结构,扩大了搜索范围;应用信息检索、Web挖掘和智能体的相关技术对货源信息进行分析和过滤,提高了专业领域货源信息检索的质量。

    This system adopts meta-search engine to expand search scale , and applies information retrieval , web mining and agent technology to analyze and filter the business information , in order to improve the search quality of business information .

  13. 第一章对LPG货物的特性及货源进行了全面分析,使水运企业对运输对象有具体的了解和掌握。

    The first chapter particularly discusses the characteristic of LPG cargo and analyses its sources , which gives a concrete conception for the marine enterprises .

  14. 当市场上存在P2P二手市场时,零售商若选择进入二手市场则不得不与P2P竞争二手货需求与二手货源。

    When P2P markets exist , the retailer will have to compete with it for both second-hand goods demand and resource , given that the retailer does enter second-hand markets .

  15. 引进氯丁橡胶(CR)生产技术和设备对有丁二烯货源的氯碱企业有利,但必须面对可能存在的一些问题。

    The introduction of a technology and plant for CR from abroad is to the advantage of chlor alkali enterprises with supply of butadiene , which have to face some possible problems .

  16. 商业货源网我们正在采访的是NOAA国家气候数据中心气候服务部的领导人,艾琳·舍。

    That 's according to Eileen Shea , chief of the Climate Services Division of NOAA 's National Climatic Data Center .

  17. 供应:PVC一级透明脚垫、我公司专业生产PVC脚垫,颜色齐全,货源稳定价格合适自产自销具体情况联系详谈。

    Supply : PVC a transparent mat , PVC mat company specializing in the production , full color , stable supply price is right to contact the specific circumstances of homegrown dwell .

  18. 为验证系统设计效果,开发了一个面向汽车配件领域的货源信息检索试验系统,集成了Google、百度和搜狗三大著名通用搜索引擎。

    In order to verify the design effect , a business information retrieval system has been developed with respect to the domain of auto parts and integrated with three famous GSE : Google , Baidu and Sogou .

  19. 最后,利用QSPM方法确定了集团货源基地建设的战略方案。

    Finally , decides the last strategic plan of building commodity supply bases .

  20. 它们将早先投入在货源方面的投资抽出,同时还抽回对销售渠道的部分投资(Chandler,1990)。

    The enterprises took out the investment in the aspect of goods sources , and took out the partial investments in sale channel ( Chandler , 1990 ) .

  21. 相比之下,波音公司的F-18战斗机实战效果最佳,比F-35战斗机要便宜,而且货源充足。

    Boeing 's F-18 has the most combat experience , and is likely to be cheaper than the F-35 .

  22. 英伦管架有限公司(BPS)的检验员,均接受过培训并获得资质,可在各阶段从事于货源检验、来料检验、过程检验和最终装配检验方面的工作。

    BPS inspectors are trained and qualified to perform inspection at various stages associated with inspection at source , receipt of materials , in-process and final assembly .

  23. 巴拉说,小米一直存在供不应求的问题,他已经与主要供应商富士康(FoxconnTechnologyGroup)董事长郭台铭(TerryGou)在深圳会面,讨论了增加生产线的计划,希望解决货源不足问题。

    Barra said Xiaomi has been struggling to make enough phones to meet demand and he has met with major supplier Foxconn Technology Group Chairman Terry Gou in Shenzhen to discuss the plan of increasing production lines to address the shortage issues .

  24. 由于供应短缺,苹果iPad的海外发售推迟了数周之久,接着该公司将其大部分库存转移到了这些新的市场,这让美国的许多销售网点在最初大量供应之后遭遇货源短缺。

    Apple delayed the iPad launch overseas by weeks because of short supply , then shifted most of its inventory to those new markets , leaving many shelves bare in the US after the initial rush .

  25. 世界大豆产业的组织结构是由国际跨国公司主导的。这些跨国公司包括美国ADM,美国邦基,美国嘉吉,法国路易达夫,他们控制着全球70%以上的大豆货源。

    The organizational structure of world processing industry is mainly guided by multinational corporations including ADM , Bunge , Cargill , and Louis Dreyfus . These corporations control more than 70 % of global soybean supply .

  26. 为了对货源进行检验,为了对管架集团有限公司(PSL)核准供应商提供的货物进行来料检验,特制定本程序以提供相关指导。

    This procedure is prepared to provide the instruction for source inspection and receiving inspection of the items that are purchased from the approved supplier of PSL .

  27. 距离苹果(Apple)官方正式开始预定iPhone5C已经过去四天了,目前这款手机货源充足,各种颜色和配置均可预定,除了最贵的一款:起售价高达549美元的T-Mobile无锁版。

    Four days after Apple ( AAPL ) began taking pre-orders for the new iPhone 5C , the device is available in all colors and configurations except for the most expensive : the T-Mobile and SIM-free models that start at $ 549 .

  28. 尤其是如何增加集装箱货源,完成省委省政府提出的到2015年实现1000万TEU的集装箱吞吐量任务是急需解决的关键问题。

    Especially , how to increase container supply and complete the task of the provincial government that the container throughput of Dalian Port will reach 10 million TEUs by 2015 is the key issue which is urgently need to solve .

  29. 沃尔玛美国业务负责人爱德华多卡斯特罗-怀特(EduardoCastro-Wright)此前曾表示,沃尔玛把整合全球货源的机会,视作公司在未来几年内可资利用的一个重要资源。

    Eduardo Castro-Wright , the head of Walmart 's US stores , has said that the retailer sees the opportunity to consolidate global sourcing as a major source of leverage for the company in years to come .

  30. 核质量控制程序(NQCP)系列文件,包括检验核对表,明确了货源检验、制程检验、最终组装检验和包装检验的相关活动。

    A series of NQCP 's including inspection checklists define the activities associated with the performance of inspection at source , receipt , in-process , final assembly and packing inspection within BPS .