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  • 网络currency
  1. 被保险人可选择保险责任限额及货币种类。

    Insured can select Limit of Liability and currency for coverage .

  2. 基于神经网络多国货币种类的识别与研究

    A Study On Variant Paper Currency Recognition By Neural Networks

  3. 清代货币种类大概分为三类,分别为银、钱和纸币。

    There are about three kinds of money in Qing dynasty : silver , coin and note .

  4. 在支付合同款项时,将以该数目和货币种类来支付。

    For the purpose of payment of the contract price , payments will be made in the amount and currency .

  5. 特别条件中规定的损害赔偿费,应特别条件中规定的货币种类和比例进行支付;

    Payment of the damages specified in the particular conditions shall be made in the currencies and proportions specified in the particular conditions ;

  6. 对离岸金融市场类型的划分可以从不同的角度进行,主要包括形成方式、运行模式、货币种类、业务构成等多种角度。

    Division of the offshore financial market types from the different angles , including the way of formation , the type of currency .

  7. 财务省既未披露买进和卖出的货币种类,也未说明实施行动的具体日期。

    The MOF data did not specify which currencies were bought and sold , nor the date on which the action took place .

  8. 如果希望寻找价格大于120美元的产品,就需要考虑货币种类,那么应该怎么办?

    What if you would like to find products with a price larger than 120 US dollars , taking also the currency into account ?

  9. 虽然中国没有按货币种类公布外汇储备明细,但普遍的看法是美元约占其外汇储备的三分之二。

    Although China doesn 't publish breakdowns of its foreign-exchange reserves by currency , dollars are widely believed to make up roughly two-thirds of them .

  10. 汇票当事人对汇票支付的货币种类另有约定的,从其约定。

    Where the parties to a bill of exchange have agreed otherwise regarding the type of currency in payment , such agreement shall be complied with .

  11. 2005年以前,客户更倾向的投资对象是以美元计价的资产,因为美元是最稳健、最受亚洲客户青睐的货币种类。

    Before 2005 , there was a lot more orientation to dollar-denominated assets , as the US dollar was the strongest and most favoured currency for Asian clients .

  12. 可行的方式有扩大特别提款权功能,增加特别提款权的篮子货币种类,以合理反映当前全球经济格局。

    Here are feasible ways such as expanding SDR function , and increasing the type of " a basket currencies " in SDR , to reasonably reflect the current global economy structure .

  13. 承包商向业主支付给的其他款项,应以业主支付时使用的货币种类支付,或以双方协议使用的货币支付;

    Other payments to the employer by the Contractor shall be made in the currency in which the sum was expended by the employer , or in such currency as may be agreed by both parties ;

  14. 货币的种类减少,是一种具有重大经济学意义的现象,可以节省交易成本并利用规模效益。

    Having a smaller number of currencies is a phenomenon that makes a lot of sense economically , economising on transactions ' costs and leveraging economies of scale .

  15. 本文比较了货币替代的种类,分析了货币替代对经济的主要影响,并进一步探讨了我国的货币替代问题。

    This paper compares the types of money substitution , analyzes the main impact of the money substitution on economy , and further more discusses our country 's money substitution .

  16. 第二章,阐述蒙古社会是否有货币的争论基础上对蒙古地区流通的货币种类进行分析。

    The second passage writes about the kinds of coins exchanging on Mongolian areas which based on the debate whether Mongolian society has coins .