
  1. 钨钼铜贝氏体灰口铸铁的组织与耐冲蚀磨损性能之研究

    Microstructure and Erosion Wear Resistance of W-Mo-Cu Bainitic Grey Cast lron

  2. 再论钢和β铜基合金中贝氏体相变形核机制

    Re-discussion on the mechanism of bainite nucleation in steels and β copper base alloys

  3. 阐述β铜基合金的贝氏体相变及其逆形状记忆效应。

    The bainitic transformation in β Cu-based alloys and its reverse shape memory effect is reviewed .

  4. 研究了硼、铜、锰对贝氏体球墨铸铁组织和性能的影响,并讨论了球墨铸铁的性能滞后现象,即等温淬火后随时间延长硬度增加的现象。

    The effects of elements B , Cu and Mn on structure and mechanical properties of the Bainite ductile cast iron in above-mentioned process were investigated .