
  • Causeway Bay;Times Square;sogo;Butterfly on Morrison
  1. 您该在铜锣湾站下车,然后从A1出口离开车站。

    You should get off at Causeway Bay Station , then leave the station through exit A1 .

  2. 法国奢侈品零售商路易威登(LouisVuitton)在铜锣湾有两家门店,全香港的路易威登店比伦敦的还多。

    Louis Vuitton , the French luxury retailer , has two stores in Causeway Bay and more stores across all of Hong Kong than in London .

  3. 英国奢侈品牌博柏利(Burberry)在香港铜锣湾(CausewayBay)购物区的门店每月租金约为100万美元。

    Burberry , the British luxury brand , pays about $ 1m a month in rent for its store in Hong Kong 's Causeway Bay shopping district .

  4. 周日,位于铜锣湾(CausewayBay)的这家书店没有开门。该书店地处香港主要购物区的心脏地带,楼上是一家美甲店,对面是一家博柏利(Burberry)专卖店。

    On Sunday , the bookstore in Causeway Bay , which sits underneath a nail parlour and opposite a Burberry store in the heart of Hong Kong 's main shopping district , was closed .

  5. 但房地产经纪商高纬环球(Cushman&Wakefield)的数据显示,随着中国内地游客削减支出的行为开始冲击到门店租金,去年年底,香港铜锣湾将全球最昂贵零售街区的桂冠拱手让与纽约第五大道。

    But as lower Chinese spending started to hit rents , Hong Kong 's Causeway Bay lost its crown as the world 's most expensive retail district to Fifth Avenue at the end of last year , according to Cushman & Wakefield , a property agency .

  6. 只接受铜锣湾点点红服务中心作交收。

    Only could be collected at red-dots Causeway Bay Service centre .

  7. 甚至我去铜锣湾时,记者也会跟踪我。

    Even if I go to Causeway Bay , reporters follow me .

  8. 买电脑可以去铜锣湾的皇室大厦购物中心。

    For computers , go to Windsor House shopping center in Causeway Bay .

  9. 铜锣湾集团总裁陈智:以最快速度冲刺100家连锁店

    Dashing for 100 Chain Stores with the Peak Speed

  10. 地点:香港铜锣湾波斯富街83号

    83 Percival St , Causeway Bay , Hong Kong

  11. 相比之下,附近的铜锣湾有各种价格和品牌。

    In comparison , the nearby Causeway Bay has a variety of price and brand .

  12. 一名女子被发现在铜锣湾时代广场的纽约中死亡。

    A woman is found dead in the middle of Times Square in New York .

  13. 00铜锣湾动物医院,香港铜锣湾威菲路道25至27号。

    Causeway Bay Animal Hospital , 25-27 Whitfield Road , Causeway Bay , Hong Kong .

  14. 滑饱水之后,一行人便出发到铜锣湾继续消遣。

    After they had finished water-skiing , they took off to have fun in Causeway bay .

  15. 1986年,香港安利总部乔迁至铜锣湾万国宝通银行中心。

    In 1986 , the Amway head office moved to the Citicorp Centre in Causeway Bay .

  16. 介绍了天津铜锣湾广场深基坑工程开挖实例。

    A test section was designated for a deep foundation pit for the Tianjin Causeway Bay Plaza .

  17. 我的旅店在铜锣湾。为研究第三个特点提供了一个不错的地方:交通阻塞。

    My hotel is in Causeway Bay , a fine place to study a third attribute : congestion .

  18. 中央动物医院,香港铜锣湾兴发街100号地下。

    Central Animal Hospital , G / F , 100 Hing Fat Street , Causeway Bay , Hong Kong .

  19. 天津市铜锣湾广场工程基坑开挖过程中,选用连体啮合钢筋混凝土灌注桩作为基坑支护方案。

    Joggling reinforcement concrete caisson pile is used as the support of foundation pit in Tianjin Tongluowan Plaza project .

  20. 设计构就街区活力&厦门市中山路名汇铜锣湾广场设计创作谈

    Design to achieve the street area vitality & With the square design that remits Causeway Bay in Xiamen City

  21. GB/T15530.6-1995铜合金对焊环松套板式钢法兰七号干线〔铜锣湾中环西营盘〕

    Loose plate steel flanges with copper alloy welding neck collar Route 7 [ Causeway Bay Central Sai Ying Pun ]

  22. 在1860年代后期,由位于铜锣湾的香港造币厂负责铸币。

    For a brief period in the late1860s , coins were minted at the new Hong Kong Mint in Causeway bay .

  23. 上述优惠只适用于学术专业图书中心的佐敦及铜锣湾分店。

    This offer is available to our off-campus A & P branches in Jordan and Causeway Bay and Jordan branches only .

  24. 崇光百货是一家中高档零售商,其旗舰店坐落于人气极高的香港铜锣湾商圈。

    SOGO is a mid - to upmarket retailer and its flagship store is located in the popular Causeway Bay shopping district .

  25. 现在,我们在香港其中一个主要的购物区:铜锣湾的中心。

    Now , were in the middle of Causeway Bay , which is one of the major shopping districts in Hong Kong .

  26. 我的公司但愿找一些湾仔或铜锣湾的贸易大厦,由于那边租金比力廉价。

    My company would like to find some office buildings in Wanchai or Causeway Bay because the rent there will be much lower .

  27. 利民会服务使用者参观宜家家俬铜锣湾分店并了解该店的运作。

    Service users from the Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong learn about how IKEA operates during their visit to the Causeway Bay store .

  28. 铜锣湾的抗议者仍然态度坚决,但都清楚知道自己在这部分市区能够坚持的时间不多了。

    Protesters in Causeway Bay remained defiant but were well aware that their time in this part of town looked to be running out .

  29. 铜锣湾利景酒店感谢各员工及宾客的热心支持,一点一滴的善款累积足以帮助更多贫苦儿童。

    The Charterhouse Causeway Bay would like to give thanks for the great support from colleagues and guests . A little could go a long way !

  30. 无论如何,如果你想在湾仔或铜锣湾找写字楼单位,我可以为你提供资料。

    Anyway , if you want to check out the other office units in Wan Chai or Causeway Bay , I can provide the information for you .