
  • 网络Cargo flow;freight traffic volume
  1. 一个好的仓库规划应当能够增加货物流量、改善物流质量、降低物流成本、提高服务水平和提供更好的工作条件。

    A good warehouse plan must be able to increase goods flow , improve the logistics quality , reduce the logistics cost , raise the service level and provide the better working condition .

  2. 煤炭、矿石、钢铁、粮食等资源市场的国际化、全球化,加速了各干散货物的流向及流量在内外贸市场之间的流动。

    Internationalization and globalization of resource markets like coal , ore , steel , grain and so on has been speeding up the flow of direction and flux of various dry bulk cargoes between domestic and international markets .