
  • 网络biysk;Byske;Bisquertt;David Bicik
  1. 比斯克锅炉厂的锅炉制造专机概述

    Introduction of the Special Manufacture Instrument of One Russion Boiler Work

  2. 当时格鲁比斯克和联合创办人、电影人奥林卡•维斯蒂卡分手,但两人在分爱情纪念品时遇到麻烦。

    When Grubisic and co-founder Olinka Vistica , a filmmaker , split up , they got stuck when it came to dividing their sentimental memorabilia .

  3. 这一创意主题展的发起人是奥林卡•韦斯蒂卡和德拉赞•格鲁比斯克。他们从安慰失恋的朋友中得到启发,决定在克罗地亚创办该展览。他们希望这一全球巡回展能通过艺术抚平失恋人士内心的痛苦。

    Concept founders Olinka Vistica and Drazen Grubisic decided to set up the exhibit in Croatia after consoling friends over failed romances , and hope its global tour will offer people the chance to overcome the pain of heartbreak through art .