
  • 网络Comparative history;comparative study on history;comparative historiography
  1. 马克·布洛赫:比较史学的理论和实践

    Marc Bloch : Theory and Practice of Comparative History

  2. 察同察异求规律:比较史学的追求

    Find X ? COMPARE Searching for Law Through Examining Similarities and Differences : The Goal of Comparative History

  3. 比较史学在历史研究中的价值

    Significance of Comparative Study on History in Studying History

  4. 被誉为当代比较史学之父的马克?

    Marc Bloch is named as " the father of the contemporary comparison historiography " .

  5. 从现代传记史学观念来看,司马迁的比较史学观念更符合现代中西史学比较的发展趋向。

    And SIMA 's methodology in comparative conception agrees more with the development trend of modern historiography .

  6. 布洛赫,他的有关比较史学的理论主要体现在《论欧洲社会的历史比较》一文中。

    His compare historiography is mainly reflected in his thesis Toward a Comparative history of the European societies .

  7. 比较史学是否可以成为像比较文学和比较法学这样为学界所公认的成熟学科还有待学者们的研究实践来证明。

    Unlike comparative law or comparative literature , comparative history as an established discipline has yet to be proven .

  8. 运用比较史学的原理,对森英惠、三宅一生、川久人玲三位服装设计师的专业道路、作品、设计理念初步进行了比较研究,确认其在吸收西方文化和保持东方成分方面的差异。

    Utilizing the principle of comparative history , the paper makes preliminary comparative researches the professional road , art crafts and idea for the three dress designers , affirms their differences in absorbing the west culture and maintaining the east culture .

  9. 本文运用了比较史学的原理,对中国现代服装史上按时间顺序而分为三次主要对外交流的现象进行了记述、比较和分析,并得出初步结论。

    In this paper , by using the comparative history principle , according to the time order , the phenomenon of three main international communications in China modern fashion history is discussed , compared and analyzed . Some conclusions are also drawn .

  10. 但是杜先生的比较史学也存在一些问题,比如立场上偏向中国传统史学,在比较中多点到为止,不作深入分析。诗文证史是另一个重要的研究方法。

    But the history of Mr. Du also exist some problems , such as the deviation of traditional Chinese historiography , in comparison of you , do not make in-depth analysis . " Literature certificate Historical facts " is another important research method .

  11. 研究方法上,本选题跨越历史学、经济学、马克思主义哲学等学科,力图运用比较史学的方法,结合各个学科的研究方法对此问题进行深入探讨。

    In research technique , this selected topic spans history , economic , Marxist philosophy and so on , therefore tries hard to utilize the comparison history research method , unifies each discipline the research technique to carry on the discussion to this question .

  12. 比较而言,史学领域的研究成果极少,至今尚无一本系统的研究专著,甚至相关的论文也不多见。

    The research result in history field has little , there is no single systematic study book , relevant articles are rare .

  13. 首先,比较了两者的史学思想。

    Firstly , we compare their thoughts in historiography .

  14. 中国神话学研究从理论到个体形象,从美学特征到不同民族之间的比较研究以及神话史学等方面均取得重大成果。

    The study has gained great breakthrough from theory to figure ; from aesthetics to contrast in different nations as well as the history of mythology .

  15. 本论文引言和第一章导论主要从比较法和法史学的角度论述了破产重整法律制度的起源和制度内涵,并对这一制度的价值目标进行分析。

    The " Introduction " and the first chapter " General Introduction " mainly deal with the emergence , the connotation and the value pursuit of the reorganization law from the perspective of comparative law and legal history .

  16. 在研究理论与研究方法方面,本文既采用传统的史学研究方法,如因素分析法、比较法、口述史学方法等,也尝试利用制度经济学及定量分析的方法。

    Theory and research methods in the study , this is the history of using traditional research methods , such as factor analysis , comparative law , oral history methodology , the system is also trying to use the methods of economics and quantitative analysis .

  17. 本文试采用分析归纳法、比较研究法以及史学考证与法学分析相结合的研究方法,对民族资产阶级革命派的宪政思想进行深入研究。

    For these problems , academic circles have not conducted more thorough research . This article adopts the inductive analysis method , comparative study of law and historical textual research and legal analysis of a combination of research methods , to the national bourgeoisie revolutionary constitutional thought research .

  18. 对周谷城比较思想及其实践进行研究,对于了解我国比较史学的发展以及推进史学比较研究大有裨益。

    Accordingly , studying Zhou Gucheng 's comparative ideology and practice is of great benefit not only to the understanding the progress of comparative history but also to upgrading the research method itself .