
  1. 现代组织管理中应充分发挥负激励的作用

    Modern Organization Management Should Play the Role of Negative Incentive

  2. 现代组织管理的观念更新

    On Renewal of Concepts on the Modern Organizational Management

  3. 人本原理是现代组织管理遵循的基本理论之一。

    The principle of humanism is the essential part followed by the modern organization management .

  4. 冲突理论与现代组织管理

    Conflict Theory and Modern Organization Management

  5. 现代组织管理学是一个非常成熟的学科,相关理论研究和研究成果丰富。

    The modern organization management is a very mature disciplines with a lot of theories and research results .

  6. 在现代组织管理中,激励的功能越来越凸显其重要性。

    In the modern organization and management , the incentive function of more and more highlighted its importance .

  7. 人事信息的规范化与量化管理,已成为现代组织管理中不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    The standardized and quantifiable management of staff information has been an indispensable part of modern organization management .

  8. 团队管理是现代组织管理中用于提高组织竞争力的一种方式。

    In Modern organization management , team management is a way used to improve the competitiveness of the organization .

  9. 现代组织管理理论和实践证明,组织文化可以通过影响组织成员的行为促进组织绩效的提高。

    Modern management theory and practice showed the behavior of organizational members can be affected by organizational culture , which can promote organizational performance .

  10. 平衡计分卡作为实施绩效管理的一项工具,在现代组织管理中得到越来越广泛的运用。

    The balanced scorecard , as a tool for the implementation of performance management , of is more and more widely applied in modern organization and management .

  11. 从现代组织管理理论以及实践经验来看,实现战略学术人力资源管理是提高高校组织绩效的重要手段和必然趋势。

    According to the modern organization management theory and practical experience , it is the important step and the inevitable trend to realize the strategic management of academic human resource for improving the organizational performance .

  12. 从先进制造模式与组织变革的趋势出发,综合运用社会技术系统、现代组织管理与组织经济学的理论观点,定义了最优组织单元的概念。

    From the trade of the advanced manufacturing mode and the change of organization , the conception of optimization organization unit is defined , which applies Socio-Technical System , modern organization management and organizational economics synthetically .

  13. 本次研究的主要目的即在于探讨无为而治在现代组织管理中的价值,以期理性地分辨其中的优劣,改善组织之管理状况,提升组织之管理水平。

    This study was designed to explore Noninterference 's managerial values in modern organizations , and to discriminate its unreasonableness and obsolescence from its reasonable cores , so that it could be widely used for theory-updating and practice-improving in organizational management .

  14. 学习型组织:现代企业组织管理新方式

    Learning type organization is the new type organization management in modern enterprise

  15. 毫无疑问,这也是后现代组织成本管理不可或缺的内容。

    Undoubtedly , it is absolutely necessary in the cost theory of the postmodern organization .

  16. 后现代组织和管理研究是国外学术研究领域近三十年来的热点问题。

    Postmodern organization and management study is one of the the focus of the management academic fieled in the past thirty years .

  17. 目前还缺乏后现代组织成本管理的系统研究,这几章所做的工作是一种探索。

    At present , it is short of systematic research of postmodern organization cost management , and these chapters would like to probe into it .

  18. 它本质上是一种描述企业不同成员之间的契约关系的现代企业组织管理制度。

    It is the modern enterprise of the contract relation between different members of enterprise of a kind of description that organizes the management system in essence .

  19. 因此,本文借鉴现代组织的管理模式&科层制中权力理论的完善经验,从一个全新的角度,对我国的政府采购组织管理制度进行审视。

    This thesis ponders over the Chinese government purchase organization system from a brand new angle , by using the fulfillment of power theory from the bureaucracy , the management mode of the modern organization .

  20. 人力资源的开发与管理是现代企业组织管理中的一个重要问题,如何科学地、合理地组织和开发人力资源已成为企业生存和发展的关键所在。

    Human resource development and management is an important issue in modern enterprises organization management . How to organize and develop human resource with scientific and reasonable became key aspect for enterprises surviving and development .

  21. 公司治理结构研究的是企业制度安排问题,本质上是描述企业不同成员之间的契约关系的现代企业组织管理制度。

    The research of company corporate governance is the arrangement problem of the business enterprise system , is modern management system of the business enterprise organization which describes contractual relation of different members of the business enterprise essentially .

  22. 如何结合我国行政组织的特点,搞好人性化管理,充分发掘现代行政组织管理中的人性化意蕴,满足我国行政管理的需求,需要人们进行深层的思考。

    How to combine the characteristic of Chinese administrative organization and the humanized management theory to excavate the inside information of the humanized management in modern administrative organization management , and meet the need of the Public Administration , require our deep think .

  23. 现代组织人力资源管理要义探析

    On the Essentials of Human Resources Management in Modern Organization

  24. 现代体育组织经营管理赛事的基本模式主要包括:建立优良的管理体制和运行机制;与社会广泛沟通;

    The basic model of modern sporting organizations ' managing competitions mainly include establishing good administrative system and operational mechanism ;

  25. 绩效考核是现代组织的重要管理方法,也是现代企业的核心管理工具。

    Performance evaluation is not only an important method of modern organization management , but also the core of modern business management tools .

  26. 绩效管理逐渐成为现代组织人力资源管理不可或缺的工具,绩效管理水平成为企业优秀与平庸的分水岭。

    The performance management is becoming the indispensable tool for human resource management of contemporary organizations . The level of performance management means excellence or commonness of an enterprise .

  27. 运用文献法与比较归纳法,在对现代奥运会组织管理的基本模式、基本经验和教训研究的基础上构建了2008年北京奥运会组织管理的模式。

    By methods of documents study and comparison induction , the paper studies the basic mode and basic experience and lesson of the organization and management of the modern Olympic Games .

  28. 绩效管理体系是建立现代组织人力资源管理制度的前提和核心,对组织的战略目标实现和竞争力提升都起着决定性作用。

    Performance management system designing is the precondition and core of setting up human resource system of modern enterprises , which is crucial to the strategy and competitive power of an organization .

  29. 教学器材管理科学化,就是在管理运作过程中,运用现代科学的组织管理技术,使管理工作能够适应教学、科研的需要。

    Scientific Management of Teaching Equipment in Middle and Elementary Schools Scientific management of teaching equipment is to manage the teaching equipment with modem scientific management technique according to the teaching and scientific research .

  30. 管理论坛分析世界一流公司管理内涵,介绍著名企业家成长历程,跟踪电子商务发展,全面报道现代商战,组织管理者论坛,探讨未来商机。

    The allanagement forum the forum analyzes the management skills applied leading companies of the world , introduces personal experiences of famous entrepreneurs , follows the development of ectric commerce , reports the competition in market , organizes manager 's forum anddiscusses potential business opportunities .