
  • 网络Modern Communication Technique;The Modern Communication Technology
  1. 互联网通过整合各种通信方式,引领着现代通信技术在走向统一的IP网络。

    Internet leads modern communication technology into a unified IP network by integrating all kinds of communication methods .

  2. 车辆监控系统是结合全球卫星定位系统(GPS)和现代通信技术为一体的高科技系统。

    Vehicle Supervision System is one high-tech system which combines the Global Positioning System ( GPS ) with modern communication technology .

  3. 扩频通信(SpreadSpectrumCommunication)是现代通信技术发展的一个重要方向,具有强大的竞争力和广阔的市场前景。

    As one of the leading and competitive modern communication technologies , spread spectrum communication has shown its great marketing potential .

  4. 呼叫中心(CallCenter)作为一种利用现代通信技术和计算机技术来为用户进行服务的全新现代化服务方式,被越来越多的企业所重视。

    Making use of communication technology and computer technology as a modern method services for users , call center has been more and more attention by many enterprises .

  5. 同时,随着现代通信技术、计算机技术和群体决策理论的发展日新月异,群体决策支持系统(groupdecisionsupportsystem,简称GDSS)应运而生。

    At the same time , with the continuous changes and improvements of communication , computer technology and group decision theory , Group Decision Support System ( GDSS ) appears .

  6. 现代通信技术与VoIP

    Modern Communication Technology and VoIP

  7. 现代通信技术、Internet技术和多媒体技术的快速发展,在使用户能够快捷获取形式多样信息资源的同时,也不可避免的带来了信息过载(InformationOverload)的问题。

    With the development of modern communications technology , internet and multi-media technology , the users get access to various information resources conveniently , which also brings out the problem of information overload inevitably .

  8. INMARSAT系统新型通信终端采用的现代通信技术

    Modern Communication Technique Adopted in New Type Communication Terminals of INMARSAT System

  9. 随着时代的发展,以3G技术为核心的现代通信技术对人类产生的巨大影响已经渗透到生活中的各个领域。

    With the development of communication , The enormous impact of 3G technology as the core of modern technology have penetrated into all fields of living .

  10. 同时,随着Internet的普及,现代通信技术的进步,基于TCP/IP和Client/Server架构的分布式监控技术也日趋成熟。

    Besides , with the popularization of Internet , the progress of modern communication technology , the distribution type built up on the basis of TCP / IP and Client / Server controls technology is maturing day by day .

  11. 多入多出(MIMO)技术被认为是现代通信技术中的重大突破之一,是无线通信领域的研究热点。

    The Multiple Input Multiple Output ( MIMO ) technology is considered as one of the most promising breakthrough technology and hot issue of research in the area of wireless communication .

  12. 随着信息社会的到来,铁路列车自动控制系统(ATC)也面临着极大的发展空间。基于现代通信技术的列车运行控制系统是铁路信号未来的发展方向。

    With the advent of information society , automatic train control system based modern communication technology was facing great development and would become future trend .

  13. 串行编码检测技术是CDMA等现代通信技术的重要内容之一,因其灵活性和实用性,在各种领域中都有广泛应用。

    Serial Code Detector is one of important contents in modern communication technology such as CDMA , as well as it is very popular in many fields for its flexibility and usability .

  14. 多输入多输出(Multi-inputmulti-output,MIMO)技术是在不增加带宽的情况下就能成倍地提高通信速率和可靠性的技术,它一出现就成为了现代通信技术的研究热点。

    Multi-input Multi-output ( MIMO ) technique is such one which is able to increase the speed and reliability of the communication without increasing the bandwidth .

  15. 本文介绍了现代通信技术在教学上应用的重要性及其应用领域,建校园Intranet网并应用WWW是最好的途径。

    This paper deals with importance of the application and applied domain of modern communication technology in the teaching , and creating campus computer Intranet and applying the WWW is best way .

  16. 网络教学是建立在计算机辅助教学(CAI)和以广播电视为媒体的第二代远程教育基础之上,利用计算机技术和现代通信技术发展起来的一种现代教学模式。

    Net-based education ( NBE ), a contemporary mode of teaching evolved from computer-aided instruction ( CAI ) and second generation distance education using radio and television , relies on the use of computer technology and telecommunications technology .

  17. 卫星通信是重要的现代通信技术之一,卫星CDMA通信系统是当前卫星通信界的研究热点之一。而信号的捕获和同步分析对于设计一个可实现的低轨卫星CDMA接收机是至关重要的。

    Satellite communication is one of the important communication technologies , and satellite mobile communication systems are parts of realizing global personal communications . The key issue of the practical burst mode DS-CDMA-QPSK receiver is signal detection and acquisition .

  18. 本论文所提出的船舶数字化监控系统可以被看成是综合利用GPS/DGPS、AIS、ECDIG以及计算机网络和现代通信技术的岸基船舶交通管理系统。

    The offshore vessel digital monitor system in the dissertation can be seen as a offshore-based vessel transport management system employing comprehensively GPS / DGPS , AIS , ECDIS and computer internet and modern communication technology .

  19. 近来,随着现代通信技术、网络技术、GPS定位技术等在公共交通系统中的集成应用,智能公共交通系统(AdvancedPublicTransportationSystem,APTS)的相关研究与开发在我国取得了很大的进展。

    With the integrated applications of modern communication technology , network technology , and Global Position System ( GPS ) positioning technology in the public transport system , the research and development on the Advanced Public Transportation System ( APTS ) in China has achieved visible progress .

  20. 因此,研究基于计算机技术、现代通信技术及数字处理技术的以电子式电流互感器(ECT)为代表的、新型的高精度电流互感器成了大势所趋。

    Therefore , it is an inevitable trend to research a new kind of current transformer for high accuracy measurement such as electronic current transformer ( ECT ) which based on the technology of computer , communication and DSP .

  21. 随着现代通信技术、视频压缩算法、及大规模集成电路的发展,数字视频加入PACS系统,打破PACS系统只存储静态数字图片的现状只是迟早的事情。

    With the development of the present technology of communication , the video compression arithmetic and the Large Scale Integration , digital video connecting with PACS and breaking the present status that only static digital images can be stored in PACS will become reality sooner or later .

  22. 实时VLBI除具备传统VLBI的高精度、高灵敏度和全天候、全天时被动观测能力以外,还具有设备简化、自动化程度高、实时性、易于利用现代通信技术获得宽带能力与高灵敏度等突出特点。

    The real-time VLBI , besides the high accuracy , sensitivity and all-weather and full-time passive observation in the traditional VLBI , has the characteristics of simple equipment , high automatic , real time and easy to obtain wide-band ability and high sensitivity with the help of modern communication technology .

  23. 现代通信技术在设施农业中的应用综述

    Review on modern communication technology and its application to facility agriculture

  24. 程控数字交换技术,是现代通信技术的重要组成部分,也是通信工程专业学生必须选修的课程之一,而时隙交换是程控数字交换技术中的核心内容,也是未来新的交换技术的基础。

    Program controlled data exchange is important component in modern communication technology .

  25. 《现代通信技术》多媒体课件的制作探究

    Discussion on the Multimedia Courseware of the Modern Communication Technology

  26. 卫星通信是现代通信技术之一,卫星移动通信是实现全球个人通信的必然组成部分,而多媒体卫星移动通信是当前卫星通信界的研究热点之一。

    Satellite mobile communication systems are parts of realizing global personal communications .

  27. 电子计算机和现代通信技术相互结合构成了现代网络环境。

    Computer and modern communication technology interactively make of the network environment .

  28. 基于现代通信技术的机务管理方法

    Ship maintenance management system based on modern communication technology

  29. 现代通信技术网络考试系统的设计

    Design of Network Examination System for Modern Communication Technology

  30. 基于现代通信技术的海洋渔业互联网初探

    Discussion on Marine Fishery Internet with Modern Communication Technology