
xiàn dài qǐ yè guǎn lǐ
  • modern corporate management, modern enterprise management
  1. CIS与现代企业管理美学

    CIS and Manage Aesthetics of Modern Enterprise

  2. CIM哲理与现代企业管理模式

    CIM philosophy and contemporary business management model

  3. SCM(供应链管理)和MRP(物料需求计划)都是先进的现代企业管理模式。

    Both SCM ( Supply Chain Management ) and MRP ( Material Requirement Planning ) are advanced management patterns .

  4. 在现代企业管理中,关键绩效指标(KPI)管理已经受到普遍重视。

    The management of KPI has been valued a lot in modern business management .

  5. 现代企业管理中,全面质量管理TQM越来越受到企业高层领导的重视。

    In the modern enterprise management , corporate executives pay more and more attention to TQM .

  6. MIS(ManagementInformationSystem)是现代企业管理思想和计算机应用技术的结晶,通过MIS系统的实施可为企业在市场上获得优势,并取得最大的利润。

    MIS ( Management Information Systems ) is the combination of modern enterprise management philosophy and computer application technology . Carrying out MIS system , the enterprise will be more competitive in the market and could gain the maximized profit .

  7. CS管理作为一种以追求顾客满意为目的和中心而采取的管理手段,已成为现代企业管理的重要发展方向。

    CS management , which considers customer 's satisfaction as aim and center of a company , has become an important orientation of company management 's developing .

  8. 文章对ABC成本管理制度的基本作用、工作原理、成本动因概念、制度设计程序及对现代企业管理的贡献作了阐述。

    This paper talks some opinions about the basic functions , working principles , cost agents concept , system design programs and its contribution to modern enterprises ' management .

  9. 5S管理是现代企业管理的基础,创造一个有规律的、干净的、能目视管理的工厂是5S管理的三大支柱。

    5S management is the foundation of modern enterprises management . Create a regular , clean , visual management factory is three big props of the 5S management .

  10. H公司管理层意识到,企业间的竞争实际上是人力资源的竞争,人力资源管理是现代企业管理中至关重要的环节,但人力资源管理中的种种问题恰恰是老国企的顽疾。

    H company management consciousness , the enterprise competition between the competition is actually human resources , the human resource management is very important in modern enterprise management of the link , but the human resources management of various problems is the old state-owned enterprises ill .

  11. 社会责任标准SA8000的产生强烈影响了我国企业的经营理念和运作模式,道德化的经营行为成为现代企业管理的潮流。

    Social Accountability 8000 ( SA8000 ) has a great impact on the management concept and operation-ways of Chinese enterprises . Doing business by moral is enjoying a surge among modern enterprises .

  12. ERP是现代企业管理发展到一定阶段的核心理念与技术之一,它的出现对于我国制造业由手工管理向科学化、信息化管理的转换提供了可借鉴的先进模式。

    ERP , one of the core ideas and technologies in the development of modern enterprise management , provides an advanced model for the management of manufacturing industries in China which is experiencing the transition from the manual stage to the scientific and computerized stage .

  13. 现代企业管理思想演变的系统视角

    A Systematic Perspective of the Evolution of Modern Business Management Thought

  14. 现代企业管理中设备完好率标准的修订

    Revision of Standards for Equipment Intact Rate in Modern Enterprise Management

  15. 更新观念,树立现代企业管理思想

    Update mode of thought and foster a modern business management concept

  16. 论现代企业管理中的法律理念塑造

    On the Shaping of Legal Ideas in Modern Business Administration

  17. 本文以道教伦理思想为出发点,努力探讨中国传统思想在现代企业管理中的价值。

    The ethical thought in Taoism is of importance to modern management .

  18. 引进现代企业管理经验推行环境监测成本核算

    Introducing Management Experience of Modern Enterprises Pushing Cost Accounting of Environmental Monitoring

  19. 企业文化建设是管理思想发展的新阶段,是现代企业管理的产物。

    Corporate culture is important management theory in modern enterprises .

  20. 现代企业管理发展趋势刍议

    My Humble Opinion of Development Trend of Modern Business Administration

  21. 道家管理伦理思想与现代企业管理

    The Taoist management ethics and the modern management of enterprises

  22. 中庸之道与现代企业管理的维度

    The Doctrine of the Mean and the Management Scope of the Modern Enterprises

  23. 试谈建立现代企业管理新模式

    A General Discussion on Establishing a New Model for Management in Modern Enterprises

  24. 发展战略是现代企业管理的前提和重要组成部分。

    The development strategy is prerequisite of modern business administration and important component .

  25. 老子的哲学思想为现代企业管理提供了有益借鉴。

    Lao Zs philosophical thought has provided beneficial reference for modern business administration .

  26. 现代企业管理人才经营决策能力培养仿真系统

    The Simulating System of Training Modern Enterprise Managing Professional 's Business Decision Abilities

  27. 预算管理作为现代企业管理的一种重要形式,正在我国得到前所未有的推广与发展。

    Budget management is one of the most important modern corporation management models .

  28. 现代企业管理纵向流程的研究

    The research about the application of the vertical flow method in modern enterprise

  29. 物流和分销管理在现代企业管理中具有重要地位。

    Business Data Logistics and distribution management play a vital role in modern enterprises .

  30. 21世纪现代企业管理的变革趋势

    Transforming trend of modern enterprise management in the 21 ~ ( st ) century