
  • 网络Moral Realm;moral state
  1. 论人的道德境界

    On the Moral State of Human

  2. 审美境界与道德境界

    Aesthetic State and Moral State

  3. 学校德育:道德境界的构成与问题

    School Moral Education : Composition and Question of the Ethical State

  4. 社会主义道德境界新论

    A New Perspective on Socialist Moral Realm

  5. 论市场经济条件下国民道德境界的提升

    On the Upgrading of Moral Realm of the Citizens under the Background of Market Economy

  6. 人的道德境界形成的社会基础是人类的社会实践活动。

    Social practical activities of human are the social basis for forming the moral state of human .

  7. 三是道德境界;

    Thirdly on moral realm ;

  8. 对道德境界的提升,生态文明的建设具有积极的意义。

    To the promotion of the morals realm , the construction of the ecological civilization has positive meanings .

  9. 体天下物是其生态伦理思想所要追求的最高道德境界。

    Compassionate all things in the world is the highest ethical and moral realm his ecological thinking pursues .

  10. “仁”是一种道德境界与伦理体系,核心内容是提倡一种多层次、有差别的人类之爱。

    As a moral and ethical system , ren focuses on human love that is hierarchical and differentiated .

  11. 企业家在经济活动中的道德境界&真善美的统一

    Entrepreneur 's Morel Realm in the economic Activity & to Integrate the Truth , good Intention and Perfection

  12. 只有通过“致诚”的功夫运用,方可达到“至诚”的道德境界,从而最终实现“天人合一”。

    Only by " To sincerity " someone can arrives at the realm of " Highest sincerity " .

  13. 孔子所说的仁者与智者乃是道德境界不同的两种人。

    The so-called kind man and wise man are two different sorts of people with different levels of morality .

  14. 明清两代一些有识之士是境界八股文的倡导者,也是八股文道德境界的实践者。

    Some scholars in Ming and Qing Dynasty advocated Eight-Legged Essay and practiced the moral standards discussed in their essays .

  15. 校园文化建设有利于提高大学生对社会环境的适应能力,提高他们的思想道德境界,培养高尚人格。

    Campus culture construction is beneficial to improving social environment , elevating their minds and morality , and fostering their noble personality .

  16. 其中,道德境界即人品是中国古代人格追求的主要内容,审美境界则是中国古代人格修养的最高层次。

    Of them , moralistic ideal is aim of ancient Chinese , while aesthetic realm is the highest level of ancient Chinese personality .

  17. 直觉知识必然产生对神的理智的爱,对神的理智的爱是通过认识达到的最高的道德境界。

    Rational intuition inevitably gives rise to the intellectual love of God , which is the highest moral realm people could acquire through knowledge .

  18. 三是马克思生态伦理思想的道德境界有利于把人的全面发展理论研究推向一个新高度。

    The virtual realm of Marx 's ecological moral thought benefits the study of man ′ s overall developing theory to a new height .

  19. 任何一个法律职业者都应当而且必须超越法律境界,达至伦理境界,并在道德境界中无限提升。

    Everyone engaged in law-occupation should and must overstep the law state , reach to the ethics state , and promote oneself unlimitedly inside moral state .

  20. 如果道德境界包括了整个宇宙、物体、生命、意识等的真相,那就是最高的道德境界。

    If the Daode realm includes the truths of the whole universe , objects , life , consciousness , etc , that is the supreme Daode realm .

  21. 个体道德境界的提升,对好生活的追求以及社会的进步,从本质上看,都源于个体道德能力的提升。

    The promotion of individual moral state , the pursuit for better life , and the social progress are closely connected to the rising of individual moral capacity .

  22. 其次,其性才并举的人性论坚定了人实现崇高理想人格与道德境界的人生信念和价值追求。

    Secondly , his view on human nature emphasized human nature as well as talents and affirmed human beliefs and pursuit of the noble and ideal personality and moral state .

  23. 它是儒家道德境界论和道家审美境界论的综合和发展,同时实现了儒、境界论的统一,具有超世俗的理论意义和价值取向。

    It , as the unification and development as well as an integration of Confucian moral state theory and Taoist aesthetic one , is of great significance in theory and values .

  24. 以此考察我国当代社会人生境界之整体状况,表现为:自然境界本然存在、功利境界居于主导、道德境界严重缺失和天地境界远而高玄。

    According to persons different feeling , he puts forwards creatively life to the four realms : natural realm , utilitarian realm , moral realm , the realm of heaven and earth .

  25. 学术界一般从伦理、心理学角度探讨仁学思想,把仁看作最高的德目、最高的伦理道德境界。

    In general , academic circles study the thoughts of benevolence from the aspects of ethics and psychology . They regard that benevolence is the supreme moral entry and the supreme moral boundary .

  26. 审美境界和道德境界分属美学和伦理学两个学科领域,但又都是人生的正面价值体现,也是人生的一种理想状态。

    Aesthetic state and moral state branch belong to aesthetic and ethnics two course domain , but the openly value that are life are reflected , also be a kind of good position of life .

  27. 市场经济下的诚信,主要不是道德境界,而是指每一个市场主体、全体公民必须遵守的道德基本义务。

    That is , under market economy , sincerity , instead of being a moral improvement of individuals , becomes a basic ethic obligation abided by with no exception by every business unit and every citizen .

  28. 道德境界体现了最高的道德价值,以“至善”为其核心价值,儒家的“仁”或“诚”等都是达到了至高的道德境界。

    Moral state reflected highest moral value , with " to be apt to " for its core value , of the Confucianist " benevolence " or " sincere " etc is to reach supreme moral state .

  29. 针对在校大学生对文学名著的价值取向,贴近他们的思想热点和心理需求,挖掘外国文学名著的启发警示意义,有助于提高人文素养,提升思想道德境界。

    According to value orientation of famous literature books and on the basis of ideological and psychological needs of college students , the enlightenment of foreign famous literature books helps to promote their humanistic accomplishment and ideological level .

  30. 在中庸这一思想上,孔子和亚里士多德惊人一致地阐明了中庸是天人合一或与神合一的最高的善,是万事万物达到最佳状态的度,是人类最高的道德境界;

    In respect of the thought of the mean , Both Confucius and Aristotle demonstrated that the mean was the highest kindness of Heaven-Man match , the best extent that everything on earth reached , and the highest moral level of mankind .