
  • 网络marketer
  1. 市场营销者在多年前就意识到,品牌管理是一项团队运动。

    Marketers realised many years ago that brand management is a team sport .

  2. 越来越多的工业市场营销者正把视频并入他们营销策略中。

    More and more industrial marketers are developing video content as part of their marketing content strategy .

  3. Black这样说市场营销者,他们不会说,通过购买我的这件产品,你就会成为全国最酷的人,他们会说你会变得很酷的样子。

    They don 't try to say , 'By buying and carrying my kind of product , you are going to be the coolest person in the country ' ; they say you will be like this kind of person .

  4. 首席运营官谢里尔•桑德伯格(SherylSandberg)在第一季度财报电话会议中表示,对中国市场营销者的业务出售“非常强劲”,她举例称,中国国航(AirChina)运用Faceboo宣传孟买到北京等新航线。

    Sheryl Sandberg , chief operating officer , said on the first-quarter earnings call that their business selling to marketers in China was " really strong , " giving the example of how Air China used Facebook to advertise new flight routes including one from Mumbai to Beijing .

  5. 而市场营销者们和文化领跑者们又大肆宣扬成年前期这样的生活状态。

    Marketers and culture creators help to promote pre-adulthood as a lifestyle .

  6. 市场营销者往往只在比赛开始后才进行“伏击活动”,这使得提前制止它成为几乎不可能的事情。

    Marketers tend to launch ambush campaigns only once an event has started , making preemptive strikes almost impossible .

  7. 除了成为好的学习者,销售者和市场营销者外,我们还需要成为好老师,好学生。

    In addition to being good learners , sellers and marketers , we need to be good teachers as well as good students .

  8. 具有讽刺意味的是:正是市场营销者们试图与顾客之间建立关系的努力在破坏企业与顾客之间的关系。

    Ironically , the very things that marketers are doing to build relationships with customers are often the things that are destroying those relationships .

  9. 对于西方市场营销者来说,这一切都相当平常,一些公司已经学会了如何吸引上海、广东和北京三地更富有、更成熟的消费者。

    All that is pretty standard for western marketers , and some have already learnt how to appeal to the weal-th-ier , more sophisticated consumers in Shanghai , Guangdong and Beijing .

  10. 产品传染效应对市场营销管理者和零售商都有很多的启示。

    The product contagion effect has numerous implications for marketing managers and retailers .

  11. 她联系的对象是Marty,市场营销的利益相关者,她想得到一些用户信息以便开始工作。

    She was paging Marty , the marketing stakeholder , to get some user stories so they could begin work .