
  • 网络Customer loyalty
  1. 通过让更多人意识到应努力减少浪费,建设负责任、修复和再利用的文化,可以在共同价值观和责任的基础上建立客户忠诚度。

    By creating more awareness around your efforts to reduce waste , and by developing a culture of responsibility , repair , and reuse , you can build customer loyalty based on shared values and responsibilities .

  2. 第五章提出了一些有利于提高客户忠诚度的建议和策略,结合实际探讨了C公司提高客户忠诚度的改善方案。

    The fifth chapter gives several advices and strategies of improving customer loyalty and discusses the real improvement plans of C Company .

  3. 第二章分析了C公司在中国市场的发展状况,在激烈的市场竞争中感受到改善客户忠诚度的紧迫性。

    The second chapter analyzes the marketing status of C Company in China . The strong competition emphasizes the urgency of improving customer royalty .

  4. CRM只有借助于电子商务,和电子商务进一步融合,才能真正发挥其提高客户忠诚度,为企业决策提供强有力支持,最终打造企业核心竞争力的功能。

    And CRM can improve the customers ' loyalty and give useful support for the enterprises to make a decision with the help of E-Business and integration .

  5. 这篇研究论文刊登在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)上,加德纳在文中总结道,如果专才们能够跨越自己的专业领域通力合作,他们的雇主能“赚取更高的利润,增强客户忠诚度,获得竞争优势”。

    Summarising the work in the latest Harvard Business Review , she writes that when specialists work together across their areas of expertise , their employers " earn higher margins , inspire greater client loyalty and gain a competitive edge . "

  6. 作为客户忠诚度研究的一部分内容,WDS研究人员对美国、英国和澳大利亚的3000位智能手机用户进行了调查。

    As part of a study of customer loyalty , WDS researchers surveyed 3,000 smartphone customers in the U.S. , U.K. and Australia .

  7. 花旗集团驻香港分析师孟昕(MichaelMeng)表示:过去,中国移动补贴手机只是作为一种奖励高附加值客户忠诚度的手段,而不是作为一种激励手段去挖掘新客户。

    Michael Meng , analyst at Citigroup in Hong Kong , says : In the past , China Mobile would subsidise handsets only as a loyalty premium for high-value-added customers , not as an incentive to poach new ones .

  8. 在电子商务发展过程中,CRM的问题愈演愈烈,如何提高客户忠诚度保持住客户,如何实现交叉销售等成为电子商务成败的一个关键问题。

    During the development of electronic commerce , the argumentation of CRM is increasingly fierce . How to enhance the customers ' loyalty to maintain the customers and realize the overlapping sale have become a key point for the success of electronic commerce .

  9. 基于客户忠诚度的客户关系管理总效用最大化研究

    Influence of customer loyalty on utility maximization in customer relationship management

  10. 集装箱港口客户忠诚度决定因素研究

    A Study of the Determinants of Customer Loyalty in Container Ports

  11. 电信业客户忠诚度及其对策研究

    The Research on the Telecommunication Industry Customer Loyalty and Countermeasure

  12. 第四,完成了客户忠诚度分析系统。

    Forth , a customer loyalty analysis system is designed .

  13. 提出要更好地保持客户忠诚度,必需:建立专业市场电子商务系统;

    To establish an E-commerce system for the professional market ;

  14. 客户忠诚度和企业利润的相关性研究

    Study on the relativity between customers loyalty and enterprises profits

  15. 移动通信行业提高客户忠诚度的对策研究

    Research on Improving Customer Loyalty in the Mobile Telecom Industry

  16. 结合其它影响因子运用分类分析对客户忠诚度的趋势进行预测。

    Predict the trend of customer loyalty by using regression and classification .

  17. 商业银行信用卡客户忠诚度预测问题研究

    Research on Predicting Commercial Bank 's Credit Card Customer Loyalty

  18. 给出了保定市电力客户忠诚度灰色关联分析模型;

    And put forward the gray relation analysis model on customers faithful degree .

  19. 关于我国保险业客户忠诚度的研究

    The Study of Customer Loyalty in China Insurance

  20. 试析提升企业客户忠诚度的意义及途径

    Significance and Approach to Raise Clients ' Honesty

  21. 提高了客户忠诚度,留住回头客。

    Improved customer loyalty leading to repeat business .

  22. 优惠券和其它很多提升客户忠诚度的计划。

    and coupon cards and all these loyalty schemes

  23. 通过客户忠诚度分析系统,就海尔集团所提供的相关数据对其客户忠诚度变化趋势进行了预测分析。

    The customer loyalty of Haier Company is analyzed by the customer loyalty analysis system .

  24. 提高客户忠诚度,维护良好的客户关系。做好客户服务一点不难。

    Enhance customer fidelity and relationship . It 's easy to offer good customer service .

  25. 这导致传统卖场需要寻找新的途径来保持客户忠诚度。

    This has led traditional stores to seek new ways to keep their customers loyal .

  26. 更不必说,“此举还将有助于提升品牌和客户忠诚度。”

    Not to mention , " it will help build brand and customer loyalty . "

  27. 会员客户忠诚度的实证研究

    An Empirical Research of Cardholders ' Loyalty

  28. 提高产品质量,从而降低国际支持成本并提高客户忠诚度。

    Improve product quality to reduce the cost of international support and enhance customer loyalty .

  29. 客户忠诚度提升决策研究

    Research on Identifying of Customer Loyalty

  30. 假定到店里的某个顾客忘记或者从来不知道自己的客户忠诚度代码。

    Imagine a visitor to the store who has forgotten or never knew their customer loyalty code .