
  • 网络Customer life cycle;customer lifecycle;customer life-time
  1. 基于客户生命周期的电信企业CRM营销策略研究

    On the Telecommunication Enterprise CRM Marketing Strategy Based on the Customer Life Cycle

  2. 客户生命周期是客户关系管理(CRM)中的重要概念和工具。

    Customer life cycle ( CLC ) is an important concept and tool in the customer relationship management ( CRM ) .

  3. 客户生命周期视角下的数据挖掘在CRM中的应用研究

    Application Research of Data Mining in Customer Relationship Management on Customer Lifecycle Perspective

  4. CRM中模糊数据挖掘及客户生命周期价值与客户满意度研究

    Research on Fuzzy Data Mining and Customer Lifetime Value and Customer Satisfaction in CRM

  5. 本文提出了一种面向客户生命周期价值的多视图管理模型的建模思路,并研究了CRM系统模型中各个视图的组成模块,以及它们之间的相互关系。

    This paper puts forward a kind of idea to model a multi-view model on the basis of customer life cycle value , studies the component modules for each view of customer relationship management system , and their interrelation .

  6. 第四章是基于BI和CRM协同的精确营销应用,论证了在客户生命周期管理中的一次营销、二次营销、事件驱动营销、精准广告方面的模型和方案。

    Chapter four is basic on the application of precise marketing basic on BI-CRM cooperation and expatiates on the first marketing , secondary marketing , event-driven marketing and model and scheme of precise advertisement in the management of lifecycle of customer .

  7. 提出了一种面向客户生命周期价值和基于事件反馈机制的分析型CRM系统设计和实现方法,对目前分析型CRM研究中存在的不足之处进行了相应改进。

    A design and implementation met  ̄ hod of analytical type CRM system on the basis of cus  ̄ tomer  ̄ oriented life cycle value and event feedback mechanism is put forward . Some shortcomings in the ex  ̄ isting analytical type CRM research are overcome .

  8. 通过分析基于客户生命周期价值客户价值细分的各种方法,给出了一种简单易行的基于AHP(层次分析法)的客户价值细分方案,为客户价值细分提供了一种新的思路。

    On analyzing the methodology of customer value segmentation based on CLV ( Customer Lifetime Value ), this paper presents a new methodology of customer value segmentation based on CLV , which is simple and easy-operating , providing a new pathway for the research of customer value segmentation .

  9. 以此为理论基础,加入客户生命周期这个新的变量,并改进ACSI模型中对客户忠诚的测量变量,最后得到修正的ACSI模型及其测评指标体系。

    On the basis of it , we introduce customer life cycle as a new variable into the original ACSI model , improve the measure variable of customer loyalty , and finally build a modified ACSI model .

  10. 然后,本文通过建立客户生命周期价值模型,细分客户价值和客户成本,对客户生命周期价值(CLV)进行详细深入的量化研究,并在此基础上介绍分析了相关的CRM策略。

    Then a deep investigation on customer Lifetime Value ( CLV ) is processed quantitatively through building customer lifetime value model , subdividing customer value and customer costs and calculating the CLV of objective customers . Finally some analyses of CRM strategies are presented on the former basis .

  11. 然而,在整个客户生命周期上有不同的客户价值。

    However , throughout the customer life cycle have different customer value .

  12. 应用客户生命周期理论进行客户关系管理

    Application of Life Cycle Theory in Customer Relationship Management

  13. 基于信用因素的客户生命周期价值研究

    Research of Customer Lifetime Value Based on Credit Factors

  14. 面向客户生命周期的客户关系管理模型

    Customer life cycle oriented customer relationship management model

  15. 客户生命周期模式研究

    A Study of the Customer Life Cycle Model

  16. 本文在客户生命周期分析的基础上,确立客户状态演进关系;

    On the base of analyzing customer life cycle , the chart describing customer state evolution is set up .

  17. 第一,通过客户生命周期价值的计算,进行客户价值细分,提出了基于客户细分的分销系统客户服务水平的概念和计算公式。

    First , the concept and calculation method of customer service level based on customer segmentation are advanced through computing the customer lifetime value .

  18. 最后对客户生命周期价值建模进行应用分析,并提出相应的策略,以期更好的指导我国企业的客户关系管理实践。

    At last , the paper discusses the applications of CLV theory and model in customer relationship management and brings forward some relevant strategies to direct the CRM practice of Chinese enterprises .

  19. 本文针对我国现有通信市场竞争现状并结合运营商现有营销管理模式的分析,引入了客户生命周期管理概念,阐述其必要性。

    Based on current market competition situation and telecommunication operators , this paper carries on the marketing management mode analysis of existing China , introduces customer lifecycle management concept , expounds the necessity .

  20. 基于对客户生命周期的分析,文章对客户资产价值的实现过程进行了阐述,分析了客户资产价值实现的动态控制原理;

    Based on the analysis of customer life cycle , the realization process of customer asset value will be interpreted and the dynamic controlling tenet of customer asset value realization will be discussed .

  21. 本文的研究背景是汽车行业,研究的问题主要有二:一是探索汽车经销企业的客户生命周期模式及客户资产的计算方法;

    The research background of this thesis is auto industry , and the research questions are mainly two aspects : first , to explore the customer lifecycle mode and the calculation way of customer equity of auto dealers ;

  22. 最后通过实证研究对模型的有效性进行评估,结合客户生命周期理论分析核心客户健康度偏低的原因,提出了客户保有策略。

    Finally , the validity of the model is presented through empirical research . Combined with the customer life cycle theory , the customer retention strategies are proposed by analyzing the reasons of core customers ' low health degree .

  23. 将研究对象按照所处客户生命周期阶段的不同进行划分,并对各生命周期阶段的客户群进行逐一分析,在确定数据业务需求影响因素的同时找出不同客户群间的相同点与差异之处。

    This study divided the customers according to the customer life cycle stages and then analysed each life stage to ensure the factors that influenced the data service demand and find the similarities and differences between customer bases . 2 .

  24. 从客户生命周期角度在将客户价值细分的基础上,提出了企业客户关系投入及客户保持策略,力图节约成本并培养忠诚客户,旨在为企业经营决策提供指导。

    On the base of calculating customer value on each phrase of customer life cycle , investing and retaining strategies to customer relationship are proposed to provide instruction for enterprises ' decision to reduce the relationship cost and to develop loyal customer .

  25. CRM最大程度地改善、提高了整个客户关系生命周期的绩效。

    CRM can improve the entire customer relationship life cycle performance .

  26. 本文首先提出了客户关系生命周期的模型及其各阶段的特点,简要地介绍了CRM,然后对客户关系生命周期不同阶段的CRM对策和CRM措施的重点进行了深入的探讨。

    After showing the model of customer relationship life cycle and its stages , the paper presents different strategies and practical measures of phase - oriented CRM .

  27. 本文根据客户全生命周期利润(CLP)将客户分成四类,并对每类客户提出了相应的资源配置和保持策略。

    This paper segments customer into four types based on customer lifetime profit , and presents a set of strategies on resource allocation and customer retention for various types of customer .

  28. 首先从计算客户全生命周期价值(CLV)的通用模型展开研究,对模型中的盈利计算方法进行细化,分解出间接收益的计算部分。

    This paper is focus on the issue about the calculation of internet 's customer life_time value ( CLV ) . Firstly , the profit category of a given common model of CLV is analyzed and the portion of indirect value is identified .

  29. 客户关系生命周期管理及其策略

    Analyzing Customer Relationship Life Cycle Management and Strategies

  30. 在整个客户的生命周期里,企业都要不断地运用数据挖掘技术对客户的价值进行分析,来指导企业的运营。

    Throughout the life cycle of customers , companies should continue to use data mining technology to analyze customer value , to guide business operations .