
  • 网络Market Supply
  1. Romer(1990)在《内生技术变迁》的研究中指出新技术的产生是由新技术的市场供给和市场需求共同决定的。

    Romer ( 1990 ) pointed out in the study of " endogenous technological change " that the generation of new technology is jointly determined by market supply and demand for new technologies .

  2. 第四章对税务代理的市场供给进行了分析。

    The fourth part of the tax agency market supply is analysis .

  3. 为更好地分析干散货运价变化的内在机制,论文在一定理论假设基础上,依据供需结构建立联立方程(SE)模型,对市场供给变化如何判定,市场供需如何决定运价变化做出了分析。

    In order to analyze how the demand and supply of dry bulk market determines the freight rate , I proceed to establish a SE ( simultaneous equation ) based on some theoretical hypothesizes .

  4. 本文的研究可能会有以下理论和现实意义:一是CPE目前面临国内工程咨询市场供给严重不足,竞争激力,而企业人力资源开发是其生存和发展的基础;

    The textual research has below theories with realistic meaning : While ising a foundation that " CPE " face now , the local engineering consults the market supplies serious shortage , the competition arouses the dint , but business enterprise human resource development is its exist with the development ;

  5. 我国医疗市场供给诱导需求实证分析

    The Analyse Demonstration of Physician-induced Demand in Chinese Health Care Market

  6. 我国外汇市场供给的集中与分散

    Concentration and Dispersion of the Supply in China 's Foreign Exchange Market

  7. 我国审计市场供给与需求研究

    A Study on the Supply and Demand in Auditing Market

  8. 技术进步、制度创新与公共品市场供给&以基础设施发展为视角

    Technology Improvement , Institution Innovation and Provision of Public Goods

  9. 本文将从民间审计市场供给方角度考虑影响独立性的因素分为两大类。

    The factors from the supply will be classified to two parts .

  10. 第四章分析会计市场供给与需求。

    The last one examines the supply and demands of the market .

  11. 职业教育市场供给的研究

    A study of the market supply of vocational education

  12. 构建环卫公共服务市场供给机制中的政府定位

    Government Positioning in Construct the Market Supply Mechanism of Environmental Sanitation Public Service

  13. 论公用事业产品的市场供给

    Talk About Market Supply of Public Utilities Products

  14. 中国木材市场供给结构分析

    Supply Structure Analysis for Timber Market in China

  15. 城市土地市场供给机制研究

    Study on Market Supply System of Urban Land

  16. 农村自来水设施市场供给的融资与运营绩效:山东省证据

    Performance of Rural Water Facilities ' Market Supply : an Example from Shandong Province

  17. 政府强制性猪肉质量安全可追溯体系是为了弥补市场供给的不足。

    Established pork traceability system guided by the government is to remedy market supply shortage .

  18. 嗯,正如我前面说过的,越南的市场供给不足。

    Well , as I mentioned earlier , there is an undersupplied market in Vietnam .

  19. 混合供给方式较之公共供给方式和市场供给方式有更高的效率。

    The efficiency of admixture accommodation mode is higher than public accommodation and market accommodation .

  20. 职业经理市场供给的探讨

    Discussion on professional manager market supply

  21. 财产保险市场供给分析

    On Supply In Property Insurance Market

  22. 我国农村基础设施:政府、社区与市场供给&基于公共品供给的理论分析

    Supplies of Infrastructure as Public Goods in Rural China : The Government , Communities and Market

  23. 高房价是在房地产市场供给层面和需求层面上,各相关主体相互博弈中逐渐形成的。

    The supply game and demand game of the real estate market cause the high price .

  24. 接着分析了三大产品的市场供给特征以及市场需求特征。

    Then it analyzes the characteristics of market supply and demand of three kinds of products .

  25. 其次,论文从目前市场供给企业基本情况分析入手,对桶装水市场的结构、企业的行为进行深入研究。

    Secondly , the article do some further research on the market structure and market conducts .

  26. 市场供给缺乏弹性;

    Market supply lacks flexibility ;

  27. 湖南省体育中介市场供给主体、供给行为和需求主体、需求行为受到政府干预的影响,供需主体发育受限。

    The acts of supply and demand in Hunan sports agency market is affected by government intervention .

  28. 可实行事业型生产,也可实行产业型生产。公共供给、市场供给和混合供给是图书馆产品供给的三种基本方式。

    There are three basic modes of library products accommodation : public accommodation , market accommodation and admixture accommodation .

  29. 第二章和第三章分别从风险投资这一新型融资方式的市场供给和市场需求来进行分析。

    The second and the third chapter analyse the supply and the demand of venture capital in the market .

  30. 这对确保市场供给、满足人民需要、促进国民经济迅速发展,都起到了极为有益的作用。

    It had functions for protecting market supply , satisfying people 's need and promoting economical development with high speed .