
  • 网络Philosophy;business philosophy;management philosophy
  1. 本文主要探讨企业文化与ERP之间的关系,挖掘ERP所蕴含的经营哲学和价值观。

    This paper discusses the relation between enterprise culture and ERP , excavates philosophy and values of ERP management .

  2. 试论经济法的本质与企业经营哲学

    Talking about the Nature of Economic Law and Business Management Philosophy

  3. 花旗集团(Citigroup)驻上海的零售业分析师陈咏娴(SandyChen)表示,截然不同的方式反映出这两家连锁企业各自的经营哲学。

    Sandy Chen , retail analyst at Citigroup in Shanghai , says the radically different approaches reflect the two chains ' business philosophies .

  4. 新经济与反向经营哲学的兴起

    The New Economy and Sprang of the Reverse Management Philosophy

  5. 稻盛和夫经营哲学的传播与影响

    Transmission and Influence of Kazuo Inamori 's Management Philosophy

  6. 稻盛和夫以其经营哲学,创建了两个世界500强企业。

    Inamori successfully established two of world top500 enterprises with his philosophy of management .

  7. 戴明用三条规则总结了自己的经营哲学:不要在最高价上收购资产;

    Deming sums up his operating philosophy in three rules : Don 't buy assets at the top ;

  8. 成功背后的经营哲学&南方电视台广告部王穗凤主任采访实录

    Management Philosophy behind Success

  9. 日本著名企业家稻盛和夫提出了一整套独具特色的经营哲学。

    Inamori Kazuo , a famous Japanese entrepreneur , has come up with a series of unique management philosophy .

  10. 企业经营哲学,是指导企业进行生产经营、资本运作和管理活动的一种经营理念。

    The philosophy on business operation is a way that can instruct company to produce and manage capital and administer .

  11. 公司和它们的内控因行业、规模、组织架构、企业文化和经营哲学的不同而不同。

    Companies and their control differ by industry , size and organizational structure , and by culture and management philosophy .

  12. 应用正确的经营哲学将企业引向发展壮大之路的成功范例当属日本京都陶瓷公司。

    One successful example on correctly applying the philosophy on business operation to development is the Kyoto Ceramics Company in Japan .

  13. 公司崇尚经营哲学为:诚信是金,以人为本,专注行业,社会责任!

    Our company 's marin is that : Credibility is gold , people-centered , focuse on profession , and social responsibility .

  14. 目前,他的这一经营哲学已在我国企业界、学术界产生了巨大的影响,做出了不容忽视的贡献。

    And this philosophy on business operation has hugely effected on enterprise circles and science circles of our country and has done many no-slightingly contributions .

  15. 稻盛和夫的经营哲学具有明显的日本特色:讲求实用主义,提倡和魂洋才。这都是和日本人的民族心理相关联的。

    Inamori 's business management has two Japanese Characteristics : One is pragmatism , the other is " Japanese spirit , but Western material " .

  16. 其中人力资源管理的本土化在跨文化管理中,对于形成跨文化沟通和谐的具有东道国特色的经营哲学有着重要的意义。

    In cross cultural management , the HR management localization has a great significance on building harmonious cross-cultural communication and management philosophy with host country characteristics .

  17. 企业经营哲学:以人为本,以客为尊,科技为导,诚信为基。

    Company Management Philosophy Human as the root , guests as the respectable , science and technology as the guide , and faith as the ase .

  18. 在第一章里,介绍了稻盛和夫经营哲学产生的社会背景,形成与发展的实践基础与理论基础;

    In the first chapter , the author introduces the social background and the practice-basic and the theory-basic under that the philosophy comes into being and forms and develops ;

  19. 企业的系统创新作为一个动态化的过程,关键是企业家群体的经营哲学、价值取向和企业家精神的创新。

    System innovation of enterprises as a dynamical process , the key is management philosophy and value adopted of enterprisers group , and the innovation of enterpriser 's spirit .

  20. 本文在分析纵向一体化动机时,没有涉及影响企业纵向一体化的其他非经济因素,放弃了诸如企业家精神、企业文化、经营哲学等非经济性因素。

    In my paper , the analysis of vertical integration motivation did not involve other non-economic factors , such as entrepreneurship , enterprise culture , philosophy and other non-economic factors .

  21. 很多失败的婚姻,关键不是哪一方对哪一方错,仅仅只是合作的失败,因为不懂得经营哲学,就是这么简单。

    Many failed marriages , the key to which side which party is not wrong , merely cooperative failure , because do not know business philosophy , is so simple .

  22. 文章用实证的方法说明了日本新兴宗教与佛教对稻盛和夫经营哲学的影响,并且指出,在佛教的诸多流派中,对稻盛哲学影响最大的是禅宗。

    This dissertation also illustrates the influence of new Japanese religions and Buddhism on Kazuo Inamori 's management philosophy and indicates that Zen is the most influential genre on his management philosophy .

  23. 从企业经营哲学角度看,品牌的价值不是在企业账面上,而是在消费者心目中。

    From the viewpoint of business philosophy in many enterprises , the value of a brand is not in the accounting record of these enterprises , but in the psychology of their customers .

  24. 接着,作者又要求读者进一步考量客户的公司规模,并研究有没有某种特定的规律可循。更重要的是,对潜在客户的经营哲学和理念加以分析。

    Readers are then asked to consider the size of the companies in their set and determine the existence , if any , of a pattern and , most important , analyze prospects'philosophies and ideas .

  25. 论述企业文化建设的基本原则;指出企业文化建设的重点是培育共同的价值观念,构建企业精神,确立正确的经营哲学,建设各具特色的企业文化。

    Illustrated the basic principle of enterprise cultural construction : emphasized the key point of ECC is to cultivate common value concept , create business sprit , establish correct operation philosophy , construct enterprise culture with special features .

  26. 我们的经营哲学是&管理的任务简单地说,就是找到合适的人,摆在合适的地方做一件事,然后鼓励他们用自己的创意完成手上的工作。

    Our philosophy is that management 's role is simply to get the right people in the right places to do a job and then to encourage them to use their own inventiveness to accomplish the task at hand .

  27. 随着现代企业经营哲学向以客户为中心的转变,服务成为现代竞争的焦点,客户满意成为评价产品或服务质量好坏的极为重要的标准。

    The competition of modern enterprises changes from the competition of quality and price to the competition of service level . Service becomes the focus of competition , and customer satisfaction becomes the very important standard to evaluate products and services .

  28. 企业从微观上树立绿色营销观念,以绿色经营哲学来研制开发制造业的绿色产品;加强技术改造、提高技术水平,制造出物美价廉的绿色产品;

    In micro , corporations build up concept of green marketing , develop manufacturing green products with green working philosophy , reinforce technological innovations , improve technological levels , manufacture bargain green products , use combined marketing strategies , orientate correctly and choose objective markets .

  29. 所谓的绿色营销,是指企业以环境保护观念作为其经营哲学思想,以绿色文化为其价值观念,以消费者的绿色消费为中心和出发点,力求满足消费者绿色消费需求的营销策略。

    Green marketing is new marketing strategy which meets the green requirements of consumers and that enterprises take environmental protection concept as that management philosophy , use green culture by way of that concept of value , take green consume for enterprises starting point and center .

  30. 本文在介绍西方市场营销观念演变的基础上,着重分析我国汽车行业经营哲学的演变及市场营销近视现状,探讨预防我国汽车行业营销近视的对策。

    Based on the introduction of the evolution of west marketing ideas , this paper concentrates on the analyses of the evolution of management philosophy in Chinese car industry and of the present situation of marketing myopia . Furthermore , it explores the countermeasures against the marketing myopia .