
jīnɡ lún
  • statecraft;statesmanship;silk threads combed and well-arranged
经纶 [jīng lún]
  • (1) [combed and arranged silk threads]∶整理过的蚕丝

  • (2) [statecraft; statesmanship]∶比喻筹划治理国家大事

  • 经纶世务者,窥谷忘反。--《艺文类聚.吴均.与朱元思书》

  • 大展经纶

  • 满腹经纶

  • (3) [ambition and ability]∶借指抱负与才干

经纶[jīng lún]
  1. 先皇年十八,乃登基即位,经纶天下。

    From a young age he has aspired to learn medicine well and cure the sick .

  2. 因此,神的经纶首先是祂的家庭经营的事。

    Thus , God 's dispensation is first a matter of His household economy , or family economy .

  3. 在神新约的经纶里,迫切需要恩典的管家职分。

    In the New Testament economy of God there is the desperate need for the stewardship of grace .

  4. 我们传福音,应当是借着将神分赐到人里面,而执行神的经纶。

    Rather , we should preach the gospel to carry out God 's economy by dispensing God into others .

  5. 在前书,败落是借着与神的经纶不同的()(一3)狡诈的偷着进来;在后书,败落已经公开发展,并因着()更为恶化。

    In the first Epistle the decline crept in subtly through different ()( 1:3 ), and in the second it had developed openly and was worsening through () .

  6. 我们渴望跟从你,实行父的计划,神的经纶,并顾到生命中的长大,而有真实的属灵!

    We desire to follow You to perform the Father 's plan , God 's economy , and to take care of the growth in life , to have the real spirituality .

  7. 李贽晚年四处逃难,最后与老友马经纶躲在北京东郊的通州(今北京市通州区)。

    In his later years , Li moved from place to place trying to avoid persecution , and finally took refuge in Tongzhou ( present-dayTongzhou District ) in Beijing ' s eastern suburbs with an old friend , Ma Jinglun .