
  • 网络ECON Speed;ECON SPD;Economy Speed
  1. 工业经济速度与效益协调发展研讨

    Discussion on coordination development of speed and efficiency of industrial economy

  2. 其它汽车制造商们则和电池商合作,开发并生产包装小储电多的锂电电池,加大汽车以经济速度行驶的距离。

    Other car makers have teamed up with battery makers to develop and produce lithium-ion batteries to store more energy in smaller packages to extend cruising distances .

  3. 叙述了钢的经济速度加热工艺的意义、基本原理以及不同冶金炉窑、不同加热物料的经济速度加热参数的微机渐近搜索求解法及其工业性试验结果。

    This paper describes the significance , theory of steel reheating technology with optimum heating speed and determination of its parameters by computer for different metallurgical furnaces and steel objects .

  4. 而且,尽管经济速度放缓,人们在这个繁荣的国家依然可以找到工作;像首尔这样的霓虹灯下喧嚣的城市丝毫没有懈怠。

    And despite the slowdown , jobs are still to be found in this prosperous society , where the neon-lit bustle of cities like Seoul has not missed a beat .

  5. 经济发展速度已经放慢,增长率很低,或者根本没有增长。

    The economy is already sputtering , with low or no growth

  6. 经济增长速度的放慢让投资者神经紧张。

    Investors were spooked by slowing economies .

  7. 我们基本上渡过了难关。我们明年的经济增长速度甚至可能会超过1992年。

    We 're basically over the hump . We 've got an economy that 's likely to grow next year even more than it did in 1992 .

  8. 经济增长速度放缓了。

    The rate / speed of economic growth has slowed down .

  9. 缺乏劳动力使我们的经济发展速度减慢。

    Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development .

  10. 经济发展速度、就业与通货膨胀之间有密切联系。

    The speed of economic growth , employment and inflation are closely interconnected .

  11. 但与全国生态服务价值与GDP比值1·25相比,还具有很大差距。说明目前顺义区生态建设的速度远远落后于经济发展速度。

    This indicates that the ecological construction of Shunyi District at present is lagged far behind the speed of economic development .

  12. 但2000年至2007年间,随着人们搬出大都市在睡城(bedroomcommunities)寻找更能负担得起的住宅,肯德尔县成为美国经济增长速度最快的县。

    But between 2000 and 2007 Kendall became the fastest-growing county in the US , as people moved out in search of more affordable property in bedroom communities .

  13. 但与此同时,世界经济发展速度放缓,钢材替代材料发展迅速,因而加入WTO后,中国钢铁企业面临着严峻挑战。

    However , Chinese iron and steel enterprise is facing the challenges of entering WTO , levering speed of the increment of the world economy , quickly developing of other materials to substitute steel products .

  14. 亚洲开发银行(adb)昨天表示,东亚地区(不包括日本)明年的经济增长速度有望是2009年的两倍。

    East Asia , excluding Japan , is on track to double its economic growth rate next year from 2009 levels , the Asian Development Bank said yesterday .

  15. 结合天津经济发展速度、每年煤耗增量、现有环境治理手段来做预测,空气SO2浓度要在未来几年内达到国家二级标准仍是不可能的。

    Thinking about rate of the economic development and the increment of yearly coal consumption and existing method of environmental improvement , The artiste forecasts that it will yet be impossible that the content of SO2 in Tianjin air achieves the standard of the state in futuristic some years .

  16. 经济增长速度是宏观经济管理的一个重要目标。

    The economic growth rate is an important goal macroeconomic management .

  17. 海岛国家(地区)的经济增长速度与增长易变性研究

    Research on Economic Growth Rate and Changeability in Island Countries and Regions

  18. 但是在这些古城镇进入快速城市化轨道后,其经济发展速度并未得到很大的提升。

    And the economic development has not been greatly improved .

  19. 但他表示,中国应当加快经济改革速度。

    But he said China should accelerate its economic reforms .

  20. 市场需求低就要拖慢我们的经济增长速度。

    Lack of demand will slow ( down ) our economic growth .

  21. 亚洲地区的经济下滑速度也令人担心。

    The speed of economic slowdown in Asia also makes people worry .

  22. 缺少市场需求就会减慢我们的经济增长速度。

    Lack of demand will slow down our ecomonic growth .

  23. 充分发挥乌海市矿产资源优势加快全市经济发展速度

    Full Using Mineral Resources Superiority and Speeding of Economic Development to Wuhai City

  24. 他认为,盈利增长速度将超过经济增长速度。

    His view is that earnings growth will outpace that of the economy .

  25. 经济增长速度对抗震设防标准的需求

    Demand of economic rising rate for the standard of preparedness of earthquake resistance

  26. 移民的收入确实受到了经济增长速度下降的影响。

    It is true that migrants'incomes are affected by the economic slow down .

  27. 论经济增长速度和经济效益

    On the Economic Growth Rate and Economic Efficiency

  28. 改革开放以来绝大多数年份里货币供给的增长速度大于经济增长速度与通货膨胀率之和,即货币流通速度在持续下降。

    The income - velocity of money has been declining in China since reform .

  29. 经济发展速度较高;

    The speed of economic development is high .

  30. 经济增长速度与农村劳动力转移

    Rural Surplus Labor Transfer and Economy Growth Rate