
dà bāo wéi
  • wide enlargement
  1. 加装大包围是用螺丝或者铆钉固定上的,对车身几乎没有任何损坏,而且随时可拆卸。

    The big surrounded with screws or rivet is fixed to the body , almost without any damage , and can remove at any time .

  2. 改装大包围是许多改装迷的最爱,大包围材质分玻璃钢和碳纤维两种。

    Modification is modified by many big favorite of fans of big glass fiber reinforced plastic material , surrounded by two points and carbon fiber .

  3. 而盲目地给爱车加装大包围、尾翼、绞盘、行李架,同样会增加车辆的油耗。

    And to the big car blindly , rear wing , surrounded by the winch and racks , will also increase fuel consumption of the vehicle .

  4. 我仍旧觉得被一大群马包围很可怕。

    I still find it terrifying to find myself surrounded by large numbers of horses

  5. 法国的首都巴黎被巴黎大区域包围着。

    The Ile de France is the region surrounding the French capital , paris .

  6. 代码块由大括号包围。

    Blocks of code are surrounded by curly-braces .

  7. 瑞士被四个大邻国包围,即法国、德国、奥地利和意大利。

    Switzerland is surrounded by four large neighbours , namely france , germany , Austriaand italy .

  8. 在加州城市圣地亚哥附近的潜水有可能会被一大群大鱿鱼包围。

    Scuba divers off the Californian city of San Diego are being menaced by large numbers of jumbo squid .

  9. 果岭很大,又被大沙坑包围着,要确信朝右边瞄准。

    The green is large and well bunkered , so be sure and take aim at the right spot .

  10. 不仅仅是自己玩耍,实际上他们被大人们包围着,他们都在争先恐后地照看孩子。

    not just on their own , but actually surrounded by adults all fighting for the opportunity to look after the child .

  11. 1995年5月,卡特里娜飓风肆虐新奥尔良前十年,一场史上罕见的大洪水包围这座历史名城。

    In May 1995 , a decade before Hurricane Katrina laid siege to New Orleans , the historic city was beset by record levels of flooding .

  12. 大手笔。包围。再包围。十面埋伏。

    By great boldness and action , the city is being besieged .

  13. 在T213物理量场上,强降水常出现在大值中心所包围的区域内。

    Based on T213 physical quantity field , heavy precipitation often occurs over the region around the max value center .

  14. 不平衡数据集中,小类样本的分布比较稀疏,并且往往被大量大类样本所包围,这为小类特征的学习带来极大的挑战。

    In imbalanced data sets , examples of minority class are sparsely distributed and always surrounded by a large amount of examples of majority class , which presents a great challenge for learning from minority class .

  15. 在不平衡数据集中,小类样本的分布比较松散,而且大量大类样本经常包围小类样本,这是小类样本的的学习面临的重大挑战之一。

    On imbalanced dataset , the distribution of the minority class samples is very loose , and minority class samples often be surrounded by a large number of majority class samples , and it is one of the major challenges faced by learning of minority class samples .