
  • 网络large car
  1. 本公司是南宁市大型汽车修理厂。

    The company is a large car repair plant Nanning .

  2. 第二代的阳光动力号飞机是一架单座,翼展达72米,而重量只相当于一辆大型汽车的飞机。

    Solar Impulse 2 is a single-seat airplane with a wingspan of 72 meters , but it weighs only about the same as a large car .

  3. 目前,大多数大型汽车公司至少拥有一款电动车型,但他们表示,2030年禁售汽油和柴油车的目标太过雄心勃勃。

    Most of the big car companies now have at least one electric vehicle in their range , but they say the 2030 target is very ambitious .

  4. C汽车,作为最早生产中国微型车的超大型汽车企业,多年来,一直引领着微型车市场的走向。

    C automobile , as a large automobile enterprise that first started producing mini-capacity automobile in China , has been leading the market trend for many years .

  5. 今年1月当玛丽o巴拉出任通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)的首席执行官后,她就成为了历史上第一位领导大型汽车公司的女性。

    Mary Barra became the first woman to lead a major automotive company in January when she took over as chief executive of General Motors .

  6. 并且以我国大型汽车企业的分布式销售服务网络的一般形式为例来说明,在跨企业信息集成中应用Web服务的核心思想就是要使企业间的应用集成转变为Web服务的对接。

    A distributed automobile sales service net based on the web services was introduced , for explaining that the soul is to transform business integration to the link of web services .

  7. 马尔基翁内在上个月接受行业杂志《欧洲汽车新闻》(automotivenewseurope)时预测,仅有6家大型汽车制造商能从经济衰退中幸存。

    Mr Marchionne predicted last month , in an interview with trade magazine Automotive News Europe , that only six mass carmakers would survive the economic downturn .

  8. 对于面对入世严峻挑战的国有大型汽车零部件企业,成功应用ERP系统现实意义尤为深远。

    Especially for the large-scale state-owned automobile spare part enterprises , facing severe challenge , there is far-reaching realistic meaning to implement ERP system successfully .

  9. 其他大型汽车制造商同样也宣布一季度在华销售业绩强劲,比如日本的日产汽车(Nissan)。

    Other big producers , like Japanese rival Nissan Motor Co. , also reported strong first-quarter sales .

  10. 另一家大型汽车零部件供应商德尔福(Delphi)在决定分拆为两部分后,股价随即上涨10%。

    Delphi , another large supplier , made the decision to split into two and was immediately rewarded with a 10 per cent increase in the stock price .

  11. 为此,源于日本丰田汽车公司的JIT生产方式近来被应用到我国的大型汽车制造企业中。

    Therefore , just-in-time ( JIT ) production system originated in the Toyota Automobile Corporation has been applied recently in Car-manufacturing enterprises of China .

  12. 联名首席执行官、持有考普莱30%股份的大股东基特哈利迪(KitHalliday)表示,该公司如今可以为所有大型汽车制造商的全球生产线供应产品。

    Kit Halliday , joint chief executive and 30 per cent shareholder in the Coventry company , says the group can now supply the global operations of all the big car manufacturers .

  13. 日产汽车公司(NissanMotor)昨天宣布,将裁员2万人,占其全球员工总数的9%,从而成为日本第四家对今年盈利不抱希望的大型汽车制造商。

    Nissan Motor said yesterday it would eliminate 20,000 jobs , or 9 per cent of its global workforce , as it became the fourth big Japanese carmaker to abandon hopes of earning a profit this year .

  14. 一些中国大型汽车制造商计划在未来数年正面进军欧洲汽车市场,但中国最大的SUV和皮卡生产商长城汽车(GreatWallMotors)则打算迂回潜入。

    While some of China 's larger automakers intend to leap into the European car market in coming years , Great Wall Motors , China 's largest producer of SUVs and pick-up trucks , is looking to sneak in by the back door .

  15. 为了加快汽车零部件企业运用ERP的步伐,国内汽车零部件业也迫切希望有一个适合于国有大型汽车零部件企业的ERP系统应用管理模式可以参照。

    In order to accelerate the paces of implementing ERP by the automobile spare part enterprises , the domestic automobile spare part industry urgently hopes to have an ERP system model that can be consulted by the large-scale state-owned automobile spare part enterprises .

  16. 本文以大型汽车件的RTM成型为例,阐述了RTM生产周期的控制要素,即工序安排,固化体系和固化制度的确定和过程控制。

    In this article the control factors of RTM production cycle are discussed according to the process of large-scale auto components , including the working procedure plan , curing system and process control .

  17. 本论文即是在对ERP系统的国内外理论研究,以及国内汽车零部件业应用ERP系统的实证研究的基础上,对国有大型汽车零部件企业的ERP销售系统应用管理模式进行的初步设计。

    Based on the domestic and international theoretical researches of ERP system and the positive researches of implementing ERP by the domestic automobile spare part industry , this thesis preliminarily designed the ERP sales system management model of the large-scale state-owned automobile spare part enterprises .

  18. 本文根据浙江省杭州市某一大型汽车零部件制造企业实施ERP项目的案例,来归纳总结出汽配制造行业实施ERP项目的业务需求调研与业务流程分析工作方法。

    Based in Hangzhou , Zhejiang , a large auto parts manufacturers to implement the case of ERP projects , to summarize sum up the implementation of auto parts manufacturing industry ERP business requirements of the project research and business process analysis methods of work .

  19. 在国内,由于汽车制造企业采用JIT生产方式的时间较晚,且只有大型汽车制造企业采用此种方式,从而,混流生产线的投产排序研究才刚刚起步。

    In our country , time when car-manufacturing enterprises adopt JIT production mode is late and only large-scale car-manufacturing enterprises have adopted JIT production mode . Wherefore study of production sequencing for mixed-model assembly line is in initial stage .

  20. 尽管相对于成熟的汽车制造商而言,Tesla在工程资源和批量生产效率方面毫无优势,但根据公司的计划,这款新车的售价将等同或略低于大型汽车制造商的竞争车型。

    Even though it lacks the engineering resources and volume efficiencies of an established automaker , Tesla ( tsla ) intends to sell the car for the same as or less than competing models from larger manufacturers .

  21. 大众汽车(Volkswagen)和菲亚特(Fiat)等大型汽车制造商正在开发电动或者混合动力技术,但这在一定程度上只是为了让它们的产品组合在总体上符合严格的环境排放标准,而不一定是为了满足公众胃口。

    Large carmakers such as Volkswagen and Fiat are developing either electric or hybrid technology , but this is partly based on attempts to meet stringent environmental emissions standards across their product ranges rather than necessarily satisfying public appetite .

  22. 对于其母公司麦格纳国际(MagnaInternational)而言,汽车制造是一项副业,但麦格纳斯太尔的企业价值达到180亿美元,是所有大型汽车制造商的供应商。该集团在其创始人2012年末离开后十分重视增长(那之后股价上涨了166%)。

    Building cars is a side business for parent company Magna International , but the group has $ 18bn in enterprise value , supplies all the big carmakers and has been serious about growth since its founder left in late 2012 ( shares are up 166 per cent since ) .

  23. 在研发某大型汽车制造公司的ERP汽车召回查询系统的过程中,对原有的BAAN系统(ERP系统)进行了整合和预处理,进而开发出符合汽车召回要求的可快速响应的查询系统。

    Thus in the process of developing ERP for auto recalling query system used in a big auto manufacture company , the primary BAAN system ( ERP system ) was pretreated and conformed with auto recalling demand , and the query system with fast respondency was developed .

  24. 大众销售及市场总监阿明•凯勒(ArminKeller)表示,到明年年底,这一数字将达到140万。难怪大型汽车制造商现在发现它们曾经无处不在的小型家庭轿车正在成为濒危物种。

    By next year , says Armin Keller , VW 's sales and marketing director , the figure will reach 1.4m . No wonder the big carmakers are finding their once-ubiquitous small family saloons are becoming an endangered species .

  25. DPES公司是欧美的大型汽车零部件供应商,首先分析欧美汽车制造企业的质量管理体系和其所遵循先期质量策划,由此引入流程管理和门径管理理论。

    Firstly , after the state of quality management system and methods of advanced product quality planning in oversea automobile manufacturing enterprises is introduced , the whole architecture of process management theory and stage gate management theory .

  26. 德国的大型汽车配件供应商ZF已经和谷歌展开合作,该公司在今年5月收购了位于密歇根的TRW,后者是一家生产安全气囊装置等汽车电子元件的企业,一直在研发和生产用于自驾车的传感器和其他硬件。

    One company already working with Google is ZF , a large German auto components supplier that in May completed an acquisition of TRW , a company based in Michigan that provides auto electronics such as airbag systems . TRW has been working on sensors and other hardware for self-driving cars .

  27. 大型汽车板生产工艺控制方法及存在问题

    Control method and problem in the forming process of autobody panel

  28. 燃料价格上涨导致对大型汽车和卡车的需求量减少。

    High fuel prices reduce demand for big cars and trucks .

  29. 大型汽车集团电子商务实施战略

    A Study on the Implementation Strategy of A Large-Scale Automobile Corporation

  30. 大型汽车滚装船结构设计及强度分析

    The Hull Structure Design and Strength Analysis for Large Scale Car-carrier