
  • 网络Large-screen TV
  1. 整个套房全是由玻璃打造,外加一处香槟酒吧和大屏幕电视,一消息来源称,Jay不在的时候会让他的朋友住在那。

    It 's all glass with a champagne bar and TV screen , says the source . Jay lets friends use his digs when he 's not there .

  2. 随着数字电视的逐渐开播,大屏幕电视的市场需求正在不断上涨,但大屏幕CRT的市场正面临平板电视的巨大冲击。

    With the gradual launching of digital broadcasting , the demand for large-size television is on the rise , however , the Large-Size CRT market is facing the huge impact from FPD .

  3. 在这里,鲍勃,不是鲍勃·迪伦,而是我的朋友鲍勃,准确地认出了头上大屏幕电视里表演的日本摇滚乐团是AtomicBombMasturbation,赢得了全场又一次欢呼。

    It was also at this place that Bob ( my friend ) brought down the house by correctly identifying the Japanese rock band playing on the big-screen TV as the Atomic Bomb Masturbation .

  4. 中国有八座工厂可生产5代或技术水平更低的LCD平板显示器,但没有先进产能,无法满足大屏幕电视的需求,因而在平板电视的价值链中错失利润最丰厚的一环。

    China has eight plants for fifth generation or below LCD panels , but no advanced capacity able to meet the demand for large-size TV panels . It is thus missing out on the most profitable link in the flat-screen TV value chain .

  5. 建议我国拟先发展IDTV和EDTV,并指出液晶投影电视将成为高分辨率大屏幕电视的发展主流。

    In author 's opinion , the LCD projection large screen TV may become the main trend of the HDTV development .

  6. 这地方太奢侈,还有成年人的娱乐室。“整个套房全是由玻璃打造,外加一处香槟酒吧和大屏幕电视,”一消息来源称,“Jay不在的时候会让他的朋友住在那。”

    High rollers ! The lavish space also has a playroom for adults . " It 's all glass with a champagne bar and TV screen , " says the source . " Jay lets friends use his digs when he 's not there . "

  7. 液晶光阀管大屏幕电视的研究

    A Study of Liquid Crystal Light Valve for Large Screen Projecting TV

  8. (英国)议员们认为,纳税人应该为他们的大屏幕电视和园丁掏钱。

    Parliamentarians believe the taxpayer should pay for their widescreen televisions and gardeners .

  9. 利用大屏幕电视开展媒体增值业务

    Developing Media Increment Affairs Using Large Screen TV

  10. 大屏幕电视,我们上周才买的。

    We just bought it last week .

  11. 液晶技术将最终使在你起居室墙上安装大屏幕电视成为可能。

    LCD technology will eventually make it possible to hang large-screen televisions on your living-room wall .

  12. 从手机,个人数字助理到大屏幕电视,随处都可以看到液晶显示的身影。

    LCD can be seen everywhere , from mobile phones , personal digital assistant to big-screen televisions .

  13. 但高端的大屏幕电视墙的昂贵的价格使得它很难在大范围推广应用;

    But the high-end 's large scale TV wall with expensive price makes it difficult to be applied widely .

  14. 我们的音响系统和大屏幕电视在我们的酒吧区,让我们特别活动和电影屏幕。

    Our sound system and big screen TV are in our bar area where we screen special events and movies .

  15. 在与其交流时,我意识到他所描述的这种情形恰好符合我买大屏幕电视的想法。

    As I talked to him , I realized that was exactly what happened with me and my big-screen TV .

  16. 你也许在大屏幕电视上挥霍,或者你也许是在去一个更方面的健身房上面挥霍。

    You might splurge on a big-screen TV , or you might splurge by going to a more convenient gym .

  17. 小雪时有时无地飘落着,大屏幕电视上播放着周日下午举行的群星荟萃的一场音乐会的画面,周围则聚满了人群。

    As light snow fell intermittently , small crowds gathered around large-screen televisions showing reruns of Sunday afternoon 's concert featuring a star-studded cast .

  18. 他谈到上他的竞选巴士,在大屏幕电视收看到最后洞美国高尔夫球公开赛。

    He spoke aboard his campaign bus , where a big-screen TV was tuned to the final holes of the US Open golf tournament .

  19. 液晶投影电视是采用液晶显示器件的一种新型大屏幕电视。

    Liquid crystal ( LC ) projection TV is a new type of large screen TV set which makes use of liquid crystal device ( LCD ) .

  20. 公司重点转向电视企业生产的液晶显示器的大屏幕电视和小型液晶显示器的智能手机和其他设备。

    The firm has shifted the focus of its TV business to production of liquid crystal displays for large-screen TVs and small LCDs for smartphones and other devices .

  21. 周五开张那天,购物者将去中国首都北京东面淘宝商城考察沙发和在大屏幕电视上浏览分类。

    On opening day Friday , shoppers at the Taobao Mall on the Chinese capital 's east side were test-sitting sofas and flipping through channels on big-screen TVs .

  22. 介绍有线电视网络公司利用大屏幕电视开展增值业务的成功经验,并提出改进经营理念是产业发展的关键。

    This passage introduces successful experiences about developing media increment affairs using large screen TV in CATV network company , and puts forward that key of estate developing is improvement management conception .

  23. 当你第一次邀请朋友来家中欣赏你新买的大屏幕电视和家庭音响时,有那么几分钟他们可能会为画质和超重低音喇叭的震撼音效赞叹一下。

    When you first invite friends over to see your new big-screen TV and home audio system , they will spend a few minutes oohing and ahhing about the picture and the wall-shaking bass of the subwoofer .

  24. 他离开麻省理工学院之前,我已经从哈佛毕业几年了。我们不但有一些共同的朋友,也有一些共同的小爱好:体育,晚场泡酒吧的不归人,大屏幕电视前的常客。

    I had graduated from Harvard a few years before he left MIT , and we shared a few mutual friends as well as a few minor interests : sports , late nights at college pubs , widescreen TVs .

  25. 我希望让我的鸟的笼子的可能最大,因此可以发挥,秋千,并扇动翅膀自由,即使这意味着不会对大屏幕电视,我希望能为我的生日的房间。

    I want to get my bird the largest cage possible so it can play , swing , and flap its wings freely , even if it means no room for the large screen tv I was hoping to get for my birthday .

  26. 而基于激光显示技术的新一代激光家庭影院可以发展成为大屏幕电视的高端产品,其产品附加值高,是激光显示技术的重要发展方向之一。

    So , the laser display is a new generation of laser home theater and will become a high-end product of the big screen TV ' s. Its products have high additional values , and laser projection is one of the important development directions of the display technology .

  27. 本文一般地介绍了国内外CRT彩色大屏幕投影电视的现状与发展,提出对后视式CRT彩色大屏幕投影电视的系统设计及其技术实施要点。

    In this paper , present status and developments of Large-Screen Colour projection TV with CRT are introduced .

  28. YAG衬底具有热导率较高、熔点较高、透明度好和机械强度好(相对于传统玻璃衬底)等性能,因而采用该YAG荧光屏可实现高亮度、高分辨率、高对比度的大屏幕投影电视图像显示。

    Very high luminance , high resolution , and better contrast , which meet the stringent requirements of large screen projection display , can be achieved because YAG faceplate has higher heat conductivity than conventional glass faceplate .

  29. 大屏幕液晶电视多畴垂直取向模式的分析

    Multi-domain vertical alignment mode study of a large screen LCD-TV

  30. 大屏幕彩色电视的各种保护电路

    All Sorts of Protection Circuit of Large Screen Color TV