
fèi yóu
  • consume gas;consume oil
  • gas-consuming;oil-consuming
  1. 这部汽车费油。

    This car consumes too much gasoline .

  2. 老兄,你怎么弄这么一辆费油的车?

    Man , why do you get such an oil burner ?

  3. 火花塞工作不正常会让你的汽车既费油又费钱。

    Irregularly working spark plugs use up more fuel and money .

  4. 近来这辆客车是否比平时费油?

    Has the bus been using more petrol than usual ?

  5. 我的汽车很费油。

    My car is rather heavy on petrol .

  6. 那辆旧车太费油。

    The old car wasted too much gas .

  7. 冬天的时候,不要让引擎空转,这是在不必要地费油。

    Don 't leave the engine to warm up in winter ; you 're burning petrol unnecessarily .

  8. 同时,还会导致费油、费车,增加行车用度。

    Meanwhile , the oil will result in charges , fees vehicles , increase traffic in degrees .

  9. 近来这辆客车是否比平时费油?这辆汽车很费汽油。

    Has the bus been using more petrol than usual ? The car consumes a lot of fuel .

  10. 关掉空调:它会给引擎造成额外的压力,很费油。

    Turn off the AirCon : it puts extra strain on the engine , which consequently guzzles more petrol .

  11. 他说,如果你早晨是独自一人开车去上班,就不需要开很费油的大车。

    You dont need a big gas hog to drive one person to work in the morning , he says .

  12. 35岁的秦超说,美国车太费油。

    American cars consume too much gas , ' said the 35-year-old Mr. Qin , who owns a Beijing restaurant . '

  13. 美国航空业的状况最直白地证明,当航空公司负担着大量老化且费油的飞机时,日益上升的燃油成本是如何快速导致它们陷入深渊的。

    The US industry illustrates most starkly how quickly rising fuel bills can bring airlines to the abyss , when they are burdened by large numbers of ageing , fuel-guzzling aircraft .

  14. 由于市面上化油器发动机几乎绝迹,电喷式发动机已成主流,对于空挡滑行的观点也该明确了&它并不省油,有时反而费油。

    Due to the carburetor engine on market almost extinct , efi engine type into the mainstream , has to neutral point of view and the clear taxi-it is not fuel efficient , sometimes for oil instead .

  15. 美国消费者支付的汽油费中原油占很大一部分,较低的销售税和燃油附加税就意谓着原油市场的波动对汽油销售价有着较大的影响。

    Crude-oil costs are a bigger slice of the prices American consumers pay for petrol : lower sales taxes and fuel duties mean swings in oil markets have a bigger effect on pump prices .

  16. 真正的解决方案是要开发出一种新的汽车,不需要费那么多油的汽车。

    The real solution will have to be a new kind of car , one that does not use so much gas .