
  • 网络EXPENSE;COST;expense ratio
  1. 实证结果发现,业绩好的基金,基金费用率与基金的詹森指数Jp呈显著的负相关;

    The results of empirical study suggest that for the fund of better performance , there is a negative correlation between the fund expense rate and the James index Jp ;

  2. 可以把你的房产看作费用率很高的股票型基金。

    What big bucks ? Think of your home as a stock fund with an exorbitant expense ratio .

  3. 业绩差的基金,基金费用率与基金的詹森指数Jp显著正相关;

    But there is a positive correlation between the fund expense rate and the James index Jp for the fund of worse performance .

  4. 再次,考虑了不完全维修策略,以系统在整个运行周期的平均最小费用率为目标函数,以可用度大于等于A0为约束条件,建立维修更换策略。

    Maintenance and replacement strategy are established , which contain the objective function of average cost and constraint of availability Ao about system in the entire operation cycle .

  5. 管理费用率与公司治理结构相关。

    The rate of overhead expenses is correlated with governance structure .

  6. 军品价格审查工作中小时费用率的研究

    Research on the Hourly Rate of Price Audit of Weapons and Equipments

  7. 资产负债率则表现为既直接与审计费用率相关,又通过资产规模间接与审计费用率相关;

    The asset-liability ratio is a direct and indirect factor related to ROF .

  8. 运用该算法,求得了使系统长期运行平均费用率最低的预防性维修阈值与检测间隔分布。

    With this policy the long-run average cost rate of system is minimized .

  9. 制造费用率的材料成本法

    Material costs basis for manufacturing overhead rates

  10. 大规模、国有性质和较高的费用率会降低银行的效率;充足的资本、较多的人均存款余额和中间业务收入能够促进银行效率的提高。

    Large-scale , nationalized properties and higher expense ratio will reduce the efficiency of the bank .

  11. 上市公司年报审计费用率与审计意见的相关性研究

    An Empirical Study at the Correlation between Audit Fee and Audit Opinion of Annual Report of Listed Companies

  12. 我国上市公司审计费用率模型研究

    A Research on Model about the Ratio of Audit Fee to Asset Size for the Stock Market of China

  13. 结果表明,所建优化模型在保证发动机安全运行的前提下,使期望维修费用率最低。

    The results show that our model has the lowest expected maintenance cost under the condition of safe operation of engine .

  14. 为了计算该策略下系统的费用率、可靠性和可用度,建立了相关的数学解析模型。

    The analytical modeling of the condition-based order-replacement policy is presented in detail for evaluating cost rate , reliability and availability .

  15. 在我国房地产类上市公司里,公司规模与管理费用率和资金占用率均呈显著负相关。

    The real estate listed companies in China , the company size and overhead rates and financial occupancy rate was a significant negative correlation .

  16. 各地区的赔付率和费用率之间存在反常的负向相关关系,反映了交强险在费用分摊中存在某种不合理现象。

    The abnormal negative correlation between loss ratios and expense ratios of31 provinces indicates existence of irregular expense allocation in compulsory automobile liability insurance .

  17. 影响农产品流通费用率的因素主要有交易关系、基础设施、组织化程度。

    The main factors to affect the rate of the circulation costs to agricultural products are trade relationships , infrastructure , the degree of organization .

  18. 外资战略持股使管理费用率在当期有所增加,需要滞后期方能显现成本管理效率的效果。

    Foreign strategic shareholders lead the increasing of management cost rate currently , there is the lag phase could show the efficiency of cost controlling .

  19. 就整体而言,基金费用率与基金业绩呈负相关,这是符合投资者利益的。

    At large scale , the fund expense rate and the fund performance have a negative correlation , this accord with the benefits of investors .

  20. 研究了一种在更换时间有限的情况下,基于交替更新过程的双参数批更换系统的优化问题,这一问题的目标是平均费用率的极小化。

    This paper considers the problem of how to obtain the optimal solution of a modified block replacement with double variables based on alternant renewal process .

  21. 其在全自动化编程领域具有领导地位,并在芯片支持、产品性能、易用性,以及费用率方向树立了业界标准。

    The company is the leading supplier of vision-based automated programming systems and sets the standard in device support , performance , ease-of-use , and cost-of-ownership .

  22. 手续费率以及其他附加费用率的设置应合理、适当,具体标准应当列明。

    The setting of processing fees as well as any other surcharge rates shall be reasonable and proper , and the specific standards shall be clearly indicated .

  23. 例如,如果较大的余额是因为生产方法或生产目标不当,制造费用率就应修正。

    For example , if a large balance is caused by changes in manufacturing methods or in production goals , the factory overhead rate should be revised .

  24. 业绩好的基金,其费用率与投资组合风险正相关;

    For the fund of better performance and the fund of worse performance , its fund expense rate and its risk of the portfolio have a positive correlation ;

  25. 网络特征和网络强度对农产品流通费用率也存在一定的影响,但没有前三个因素影响力度大。

    Network characteristics and network strength also affect the rate of the circulation costs to agricultural products , but not have the same intensity as the first three factors .

  26. 总体来看,基金费用率与风险是呈显著的正相关关系;这体现了监督机制的不力与基金经理人市场的不发达。

    Totally , the fund expense rate and the risk have a distinctly positive correlation , this show the weak supervision system and the underdevelopment of the fund managers market .

  27. 而且,即使你的房产达到了这种涨幅,其中相当一部分也要被上面提到的3%或3.5%的费用率所抵消。

    Moreover , even if you notch this sort of price gain , much of it will be offset by the3 % or3.5 % " expense ratio " mentioned above .

  28. 第四章中,首先介绍了定价的基本假设,即死亡率、利率、失效率、费用率、平均保额假设;

    Chapter Four : First basic supposition of the fixed price is introduced , namely mortality rate , interest rate , failure rate , expense rate , average insured value .

  29. 结果表明,资本充足率与银行成本无效率负相关,资产费用率、所有权的国有性质和不良贷款率与银行成本无效率正相关。

    The asset scale has negative correlation coefficient with bank efficiency , while rate of expanse to asset , the quality of the loan and the state ownership have positive coefficient .

  30. 在分析某航空公司实际运行数据的基础上,以期望维修费用率最低为目标函数建立针对预防性维修阈值和检查间隔期的优化决策模型。

    Based on the real data analysis from an airways , and an objective function of expected maintenance cost to be minimized , an optimization model on the above two factors was constructed .