
  • 网络cost management;expense management;Expense Manager
  1. 谈FIDIC合同条件下的费用管理

    On the cost management under the contract of FIDIC

  2. CALS体系下综合后勤保障中的寿命周期费用管理研究

    Life Cycle Cost Management Research in ILS under CALS System

  3. 《CostExpress项目费用管理系统》开发思路及特点

    " Cost Express project cost management system " of development and characteristics

  4. 本论文的命题是J公司的渠道费用管理研究。

    This article is the research of J company for trade spending management .

  5. RSR法在医院内部管理中的应用RSR法在住院医疗费用管理中的应用

    The Application of The Rank Sum Ratio Way to The Management of The Hospitalized Medical Charges

  6. 比如加拿大的西捷航空公司(WestJet)就采用了Badgeville公司的游戏化技术来改造公司的费用管理。

    Canadian airline WestJet uses Badgeville , for example , to shape expense management .

  7. 在EVA与营运管理的融合上,论文分别从EVA与营运资本投资管理、营运资本筹资管理和成本费用管理三方面论述了融合过程,重点介绍了作业成本法与EVA的融合。

    On the integration of EVA into operation management , the paper introduces the integration from three aspects : EVA and the working capital investment management , working capital financing management and cost & expense management , and focuses on the integration of EVA into Activities Based Cost .

  8. 工程项目全生命周期费用管理的探讨

    Study on management of full life cycle cost for construction project

  9. 全寿命费用管理方法在军队装备经费管理中的应用研究

    Application of life & long funds management in equipment funds management

  10. 浅谈医院住院费用管理与基本医疗保险

    Study On Management of Hospitalization Expenses And Basic Medical lnsurance

  11. 能源费用管理在企业中的应用

    The Use of the Energy Expense Management in the Enterprise

  12. 工程项目建安费用管理研究

    Study on Construction and Installation Cost Management in Engineering Projects

  13. 病例组合及其在病种费用管理中的应用

    Case Mix and Its Application in Management of Medical Expenditure

  14. 实施计算机网络化管理有利于解决住院病人费用管理中存在的难点问题

    Implementing Computer Network Management is Helpful to Resolving Difficulties in Hospitalization Expense Management

  15. 临床路径在单病种质量和费用管理中的应用

    Application of Clinical Pathway in the Management of Single-disease Entity Quality and Expenditure

  16. 关于外贸企业成本费用管理的几点思考

    Thinking on the Cost Control in Foreign Trade Businesses

  17. 协力检修模式下设备维修费用管理与控制探析

    Discussion on Management and Control of Plant Maintenance Expenses Under Cooperation Maintenance Mode

  18. 护理部加强住院患者费用管理的实践与思考

    The practice of inpatient costs administration by nursing department

  19. 油田医疗照顾人员医疗费用管理的效果分析

    Effect Analysis of Medical Expenses Management for Oilfield Patients Who Took Medical Care

  20. 临汾&河津输气管道工程勘察设计项目进度和费用管理的研究

    Research of Manage of Schedule and Cost Linfen-Hejin Transmission Line 's Prospecting and Design

  21. 基于合约事务的工程项目费用管理

    Construction project expense management based on contractual relationships

  22. 大型舰船作业本身的特点,决定了对其费用管理的特殊性。

    Character of large-scale ships work has decided to its particularity of expense management .

  23. 本论文着重介绍了工伤残费用管理子系统的设计与实现。

    This paper highlights the cost of work disability management subsystem design and implementation .

  24. 以考核促管理&我院医疗保险费用管理工作探讨

    Study on medical insurance expenses management in hospital

  25. 论旅行社成本领先战略与财务成本费用管理

    On the Cost-Priority Strategy and the Management of Expenses of Financial Cost of Travel Agencies

  26. 提高施工项目人工、材料、机械费用管理有效性的措施

    On Some Effective Measures to Improve Expense Management on Construction Labors , Materials and Machine

  27. 售后服务交通费用管理的竞争策略

    The Competitive Strategies for the Management of the After-sale Service Team ′ s Traveling Expense

  28. 设备全寿命费用管理信息系统开发

    Development and Research on the Management Information System for the Equipments Whole Lfe Span Period Expenses

  29. 临床路径在医疗费用管理中的应用分析

    CP analysis in medical cost management

  30. 论文通过这些研究,将项目费用管理相关理论和方法更好地应用于项目实践。

    By these studies , this paper applies the theory and methods better to the project .