
fèi biān
  • Fabian
费边[fèi biān]
  1. 这听上去很像萧伯纳(GeorgeBernardShaw)和韦伯夫妇(Webbs)等人喜欢的那种疯狂的、旨在改良人类的费边主义(Fabian)方案。

    It sounds like one of those wonderfully daffy Fabian schemes for the betterment of mankind that were embraced by the likes of George Bernard Shaw and the Webbs .

  2. 这些就是噩梦般的费边主义在印度的残余。

    These are the remnants of India 's Fabian nightmare .

  3. 费边持续不断地在不同地点与汉尼拔进行小规模的战斗。

    Fabius constantly skirmished and fought Hannibal on a few different occasions .

  4. 英国费边主义社会成员。

    A member of the Fabian Society in Britain .

  5. 费边。马克西姆斯确实成功地运用了新的“进攻性的费边战术”。

    Fabius Maximus did manage to use the new " Offensive Fabian Tactics " .

  6. 工人运动的发展极大地促进了这一制度的建立,费边社会主义、集体主义和新自由主义为英国现代社会保障制度的建立提供了理论基础。

    Its theoretical basis was the Fabian Socialism , the Collectivism and the New Liberalism .

  7. 但费边•费尔南德斯在伊利诺伊大学表示,有证据表明套种是有益处的。

    But Fabian Fernandez at the University of Illinois says there is evidence for some combinations .

  8. 他有着费边的耐心,同时他的攻势也得到汉尼拔的尊敬。

    He was blessed with the Patience of Fabius , yet his offensive campaigns were respected by Hannibal .

  9. 会员有诗人爱德华宾特、翰文森,性科学家蔼理斯和未来费边秘书爱德华?

    Fellowship members included poets Edward Carpenter and John davidson , sexologist Havelock Ellis and future Fabian Secretary Edward R.

  10. 大江的国家主义、英美自由主义、费边社会主义是他接受国家社会主义的思想基础;

    Da Jiang 's nationalism , Anglo-American liberalism and Fabian socialism laid the ideological foundation for his nationalist socialism .

  11. 本文以其早期国家理论中的费边社会主义式的想法为研究对象。

    This text regards " idea of socialism of Fabian " in the early country 's theory as a research object .

  12. 米努西乌斯是费边的骑兵长官,即罗马军队的二把手,他最终与费边合作无间。

    Marcus Minucius his " Master of Horse " or second in command of all Roman forces , was eventually entrusted with dual-command with Fabius .

  13. 萧伯纳被定位为一位同情社会主义的费边主义者,其剧作中的社会批判意识被更强烈地加以夸大,从而更加限囿了学者们的研究视野。

    He was interpreted as a Fabianist who sympathized socialism and the social criticism side of his work was strongly exaggerated , which confined the research horizon of the scholars .

  14. 来自工人阶级的政治压力是其建立的一个重要原因;费边社会主义、集体主义和新自由主义为这一制度的建立提供了理论基础;

    The other reason was the political pressure of proletariat , while Fabian socialism , Collectivism and New Liberalism provided the basic theory and Germany social security system being the precursor .

  15. 为了应对气候变化,我们需要加大对可再生能源系统的利用,这项研究的参与者之一、国际应用系统分析研究所研究员费边o瓦格纳说。

    In order to address climate change we need to greatly expand our use of renewable energy systems , said IIASA researcher Fabian Wagner , who also worked on the study .

  16. 巧取豪夺,苛捐杂税和敲诈勒索迫使另一些人跑到山里找活路。精神财富的巧取豪夺费边主义的完美画像&评肖伯纳剧作《卖花女》

    Extortion , taxes , blackmail drove others over to seek a way of living . Extortion of Spiritual Values by Trick and Force , Perfect Portrayal of Fabianism & Comments on George Bernard Shaw s Play Pygmalion ;