
  1. 《推销员之死》是美国戏剧史上的三大悲剧之一。

    Death of a Salesman is one of the three great tragedies in the American drama history .

  2. 惊世骇俗的反抗者&从古希腊三大悲剧的比较中看《美狄亚》的创作思想

    Horrifying Revolt & - The idea for creating from the comparison of the three great Greek tragedies

  3. 第一部分简要介绍了古希腊命运悲剧的发展及三大悲剧家的命运观。

    Part 1 serves as a brief introduction to the development of Greek fate tragedy and three tragic dramatists ' outlook on fate .

  4. 《雷雨》、《日出》和《原野》被称为曹禺的三大悲剧,三部剧作始终表现出阴郁的色彩和深邃的悲情这一深厚的内在意蕴。

    However , the three tragedies manifested the distinctive inherent significance of gloomy colour and profound pathos which connected in the substance and the modality .

  5. 阴郁的色彩深邃的悲情&试论曹禺三大悲剧力作的内在意蕴伊妮德是个悲观的人,她从不指望自己会中彩。

    Gloomy colour and profound pathos & Discussion on inherent significance in the three major tragedy of Cao Yu ; Enid is a crepe hanger . She never expects herself to win a prize in the lottery .

  6. 三种类型;三大要点;论三大类型中西古典悲剧的差异性发展中的三从一大

    The Differences between Chinese Ancient Tragedies and Western Tragedies from the Perspective of Three Types