
sān yuán fù hé wù
  • ternary complex
  1. 在这种三元复合物中,Pro-MMP-9仍可被激活为有活性的MMP-9,但活性会有所降低。

    MMP-9 precurosor could still be activated in the ternary complex but get lower activity compared with the monomer type .

  2. 草甘膦与EPSP合成酶、EPSP形成三元复合物而阻断了EPSP合成酶的催化作用;

    Glyphosate , as a transition state inhibitor of EPSP synthase , inhibit the canalization of the enzyme as an EPSP synthase · EPSP · glyphosate ternary complex .

  3. 定量胶体滴定法制备了HP/CEC/BSA和HA/CEC/BSA两种三元复合物体系,BSA以静电结合方式包埋在复合物中,并测定了BSA的包埋率及其在不同pH介质中的释药行为。

    The HP / CEC / BSA and HA / CEC / BSA ternary complexes could be prepared by colloid titration with quantitative yield and BSA entrapment .

  4. 综上所述,DOTAP/DOPE阳离子脂质体、阳离子脂质乳剂与DNA通过静电作用自组装形成复合物,分别加入鱼精蛋白后得到三元复合物,这4种复合物均能介导基因的体外转染和体内表达。

    In conclusion , complexes were formed between DOTAP / DOPE cationic lipid carriers and DNA through electrostatic force , ternary complexes were obtained after adding protamine sulfate . Four kinds of complexes could delivery DNA vaccine in vitro and in vivo .

  5. 研究结果表明,BSASDSAA三元复合物产生新的光谱吸收峰以及变色反应,主要是由于结合态AA分子空间定向作用形成的聚集体聚集程度不同所造成的。

    It was found that the new absorption peak and color changes generated by BSA-SDS-AA complex arose from the difference in the spatial orientation aggregative degree of AA binding on BSA-SDS-AA complex .

  6. 而当这种四元复合物被活化时,Pro-MMP-9被激活成MMP-9的活性反而比三元复合物时的活性高许多倍。

    When MMP-9 precurosor of the quaternary complex is activated , it has much more activity than that of the ternary one .

  7. 该反应服从Ogura机理,其酶-底物三元复合物的分解速度常数为6.00×103s-1。

    The catalase reaction obeyed Ogura mechanism , and the ternary complex decomposition rate constant was 6.00 × 103s-1 .

  8. 我们还发现DBP在体外能够和VDR作用,而当用配体处理后这种作用被大大削弱了。DBP,VDR和cyClinD3可能形成一个三元复合物。

    DBP was also found to interact with VDR in vitro , but the interaction was greatly weakened when VDR was activated by vitamin D. DBP , VDR and cyclin D3 might form a ternary complex in vitro .

  9. 该三元复合物的发光强度比强发光物质NaEu(TTA)4的荧光强度还大,而且比二元复合物Eu3+-AAOM的发光强度大20倍。

    The luminescent intensity is greater than that of NaEu ( TTA ) 4 ,( a strong light emitter ), and twenty times bigger than that of E 3 + - AAOM binary compound .

  10. 胆汁酸盐-胆红素-钙离子三元复合物的构象性质

    Conformation of bile salt-bilirubin-ca ~ ( 2 + ) ternary complexes

  11. 三元复合物光度法测定芦荟多糖

    The spectrophotometry of ternary complex to determine saccharides in aloe

  12. 蛋白质三元复合物空间定向作用机理的研究&BSA/SDS/天青A反应体系

    Spatial Orientation Interaction Mechanism of Three Component Complex of Protein & BSA / SDS / Azur a System