
ɡǎn chènɡ
  • steelyard
杆秤 [gǎn chèng]
  • [steelyard] 秤的一种、利用杠杆平衡原理来称重量,由木制的带有秤星的秤杆,秤锤,提绳等组成

  1. 天平和杆秤是中国古代测定重量的主要器械。

    In ancient China , balance and steelyard were chief weighing apparatus .

  2. 本文所述杠杆装置特指权衡器,包括天平和杆秤。

    The lever device in this paper refers in particular to balance and steelyard .

  3. 手工制作杆秤的现状研究和探讨

    Research and Discussion about the Status Quo of Hand-made Steelyard

  4. 朱先生的好坏功过,每个人心中都有一杆秤。

    Good or bad , everyone seems to have an opinion about Mr.

  5. 电子秤已经替代传统的杆秤成为日常生活中的衡器。

    Electronic weighing system has replaced the traditional balance and become daily weighing apparatus .

  6. 把这个戒指在杆秤上称一称。

    Weigh this ring in the small steelyard .

  7. 杆秤是由天平逐步发展而来的。

    Steelyard was gradually developed from balance .

  8. 基于天平和杆秤的使用实践,《墨经》提出了关于“衡”及平衡问题的宝贵论述。

    Based on the practice on the lever device , Mo Jing advanced valuable exposition of weighing apparatus and equilibrium problem .

  9. 《算法统宗》则收录了迄今所见最早的关于杠杆平衡问题的杆秤算题。

    In Suan Fa Tong Zong were collected computational problems of steelyard equilibrium , which are the earliest ones seen so far .

  10. 还值得一提的是,在中国天平秤比杆秤出现得更早。

    It is perhaps worthwhile to mention that the equal-armed platform scale ap-peared in China earlier than the steelyard with a sliding weight .

  11. 杆秤是中国发明的历史最悠久的一种衡器。早在公元前200年前,已有了各种规格的杆秤砣,大的足以称重几百斤的物品。

    The steelyard is a Chinese invention.As early as 200 B.C. , China be-gan to make a scale of this type big enough to weigh several hundred pounds .

  12. 公正是社会创造活力的源泉,也是提高人民满意度的一杆秤,政府理应是社会公正的守护者。

    Fairness is a source of societal creativity and yardstick for improving the peoples satisfaction with the work of the government . The government should be the guardian for social fairness .

  13. 电能计量装置作为供用电双方的一杆秤,它的准确与否,直接关系着双方的经济利益。

    The electric energy metering device is a " scale " between the power supply bureau and the user , whose accuracy is directly related to the economics benefits of both sides .

  14. 杆秤由木制的秤杆、金属秤砣、提绳等组成。秤杆长约1.5米,上面标有斤两刻度的星点。

    The steelyard consisted of the following parts : an arm , a hook , lifting cords and a weight.The arm or beam measured about l.5 metres long , graduat-ed with the weight units - jin and liang * .

  15. 还有一种只有普通杆秤的三分之一长的小杆秤,上面的星点刻度是“两”和“钱”,是用来称中草药或金银的。这种小杆秤最早出现于1000多年前。

    There is also a miniature steelyard only about one third of a metre ( about i foot ) long , graduated with liang and qian , * * . Used to weigh medicinal herbs and silver or gold , it first appeared about l , 000 years ago .

  16. 杆秤和台秤相比更加方便,因为它易于携带,也不需要一整套的秤砣,不同的重量范围取决于秤杆上不同的提绳。

    The steelyard is more convenient than the platform scale . Not only can it be carried around easily , but there is also no need for a whole set of weights.Corre-sponding to the lifting cords are different sets of graduation marks on the arm for different measuring ranges .

  17. 至今在中国的集市上仍然广泛使用杆秤。尽管大小不同,原理都是一样的。大的用来称粮食、牲畜等,中等的用来称稍小的物件。

    This kind of steelyard is still in widespread use at market gatherings in China.They may be made in varying sizes working by the same principle , with the large ones to weigh food grain in bulk , pigs or sheep or their carcasses , and medium-sized ones for smaller transactions .

  18. 称重时必须用秤钩勾起物品,称重人提着提绳举起整杆秤,并将秤砣左右滑动直到完全平衡,然后根据秤砣上的绳子所在的星点位置读出重量即可。

    Anything to be weighed should be picked up by the hook , while the weigher lifted up the whole steelyard , holding one of the cords.He then slided the weight left or right until he found a perfect balance of the beam . He then read the weight from the graduation mark on which the weight-string rested .