
  • 网络character tragedy;tragedy of character
  1. 科学地分析叛逆女性的性格悲剧

    Analysis of the Character Tragedy of Rebellious Female

  2. 祥子的悲剧体现在命运悲剧、性格悲剧、归依体验三个方面。

    Xiangzi 's tragedy gives expression to such three aspects as fate tragedy , character tragedy and religion experience .

  3. 从命运与性格悲剧的融合看《雷雨》的悲剧艺术

    The Tragic Art of The Thunderstorm from the Fusion of Tragic Fate and Character

  4. 命运悲剧和性格悲剧&《离婚》与《伤逝》的悲剧意义比较

    Tragedies of Fate and Personality & a comparison between Divorce and Lamenting over the Dead

  5. 命运拷问与性格悲剧&试析曹禺《雷雨》的创作意图

    On destiny of Torture and Disposition 's Tragic ── On Analysis Intension Guiding Creation of Thunder Rain

  6. 社会悲剧中的性格悲剧&试论《骆驼祥子》中祥子性格的生命本质

    The Tragedy of Character in the Society Tragedy & On the Life Nature of Xiangzi in the Camel Xiangzi

  7. 她的很多诗歌充满了悲情意识,这种悲情意识源于她自身的性格悲剧。

    Many of her poems are full of sad consciousness ; such sad consciousness originated from her own characteristic tragic .

  8. 本文试从命运悲剧和性格悲剧的角度分析《哈姆雷特》的悲剧成因。

    This paper analyzes the cause of the tragic ending in Hamlet from the angle of fate tragedy and character tragedy .

  9. 在对性格悲剧和历史革命悲剧等内容论述的基础之上,论文还探讨了心灵悲剧为何遗缺的问题。

    Why the spiritual tragedy was dissented ? the paper further discusses this problem by the basis of character tragedy and history tragic .

  10. 军史价值与文学价值的统一《赤壁之战》与《曹刿论战》比较分析命运拷问与性格悲剧试析曹禺《雷雨》的创作意图

    The Unity of Military Historic Value and Literary Value On destiny of Torture and Disposition 's Tragic ── On Analysis Intension Guiding Creation of Thunder Rain

  11. 它们相同的悲剧根源是爱情悲剧、社会悲剧、性格悲剧,不同的悲剧根源是道德悲剧、心理悲剧。

    The same tragic origin of theirs is love tragedy , social tragedy and personality tragedy . The different tragic origin is moral tragedy and psychological tragedy .

  12. 从社会历史的角度来说,《骆驼祥子》可以被称为“社会悲剧”、“性格悲剧”。

    From the point of view of social history , Luo Tuo Xiang Zi can be regarded as " social tragedy ", or " personality tragedy " .

  13. 从比较文学的角度,读者可以发掘出两部作品的悲剧根源:爱情悲剧、社会悲剧、性格悲剧、道德悲剧和命运悲剧。

    From the angle of comparative literature , the reader can excavate the tragic origins from two works : love tragedy , social tragedy , personality tragedy , moral tragedy and fate tragedy .

  14. 但是,由于小说文本竭力强调祥子性格悲剧中的社会悲剧意味,因之,从文本中所呈示的现实图景来看,祥子作为市民个性主义者所应该具有的性格力量,并未被文本充分展示出来。

    Because the novel put stress on the society tragedy of Xiangzi instead of the character tragedy of Xiangzi , the character power of Xiangzi as individualist is not showed enough in the real prospect .

  15. 因此,翠翠与傩送的爱情悲剧实质是性格悲剧、命运悲剧和社会悲剧。它引起读者对“美”的毁灭的深沉思考。

    Therefore , the love tragedy between Cuicui and Nuo song is in fact the tragedy of character , destiny and society , which arouses the readers'deep thinking about the ruin of " beauty " .

  16. 论史湘云矛盾的思想性格及其悲剧命运

    On Xiangyun 's Contradictory Temperament and Ideology and Her Tragedy Destiny

  17. 病态的性格导致悲剧的命运&初析亨利·汉德尔·理查森的三部曲《麦昂尼的命运》

    Distempered Personality Leads to Tragedy & Analysis of the Fortunes of Richard Mahony by Henry Handel Richardson ;

  18. 晴雯的悲剧是性格的悲剧、社会的悲剧,袭人的悲剧则揭示出封建文化的荒谬和罪恶。

    The tragedy of Qing-wen results from her disposition and the society , while the tragedy of Xi-ren reveals the preposterous and evil feudal nature .

  19. 莱辛从市民悲剧的时代要求、亚里士多德的悲剧净化说诠释、悲剧性格和悲剧教育四个方面阐发了他的悲剧理念。

    Lessing illustrated his tragedy theory from four aspects : tragedy 's periodical requirement - tragedy purification of Aristotles tragedy character and tragedy education etc. .

  20. 英雄人物的自傲性格导致悲剧,不仅符合亚里斯多德关于悲剧的理论,更反映出莎士比亚对人文主义的审度与反思。

    That arrogance leads to the tragedy of the hero confirms Aristotle 's theory of tragedy , and moreover it shows Skakespeare 's reflections on humanism .

  21. 畸形的家庭结构、错误的教育理念、性格的悲剧和命运的悲剧相辅相成,制造了埃里卡她们漂萍般的命运。

    The miserable fate of the mother and daughter is caused by the combination of abnormal family structure , wrong notion of education , morbid personality as well as their tragic destiny .

  22. 这不是一般意义上的命运的、性格的悲剧,而是一种综合社会、现实、文化等各方面的立体式悲剧形象。

    This is not a tragedy in general sense , because of neither the destiny nor the character , but an " three-dimensional " Desperation integrated society , reality , culture and other aspects .

  23. 尤三姐与苔丝是中外文学史上两个著名的悲剧人物,两个人物的悲剧都是社会的悲剧,性格的悲剧,同时也是命运的悲剧。

    Third Sister You and Tess are two tragic characters in Chinese literature and western literature . Both of the two character 's tragedies were the tragedy of society , the tragedy of personality , as well as the tragedy of fate .

  24. 悲剧中人物性格中导致悲剧的缺陷。

    A failing in the character of a tragic hero that leads to his downfall .

  25. 尽管《红楼梦》是一部悲剧小说,但书中也有颇多喜剧性的场景、情节和对话。喜剧性元素在推动故事情节、刻画人物性格、深化悲剧主题方面发挥着重要的作用。

    Although the novel depicts a tragic story , there exist a great amount of comedy scenes , plots and conversations which play important roles in promoting the plot , portraying the characters and deepening the tragic theme .

  26. 性格、人格和悲剧&浅析马克思的内在悲剧观

    Character , Personality and Tragedy ── On the Inner Tragic Viewpoint of Karl Marx

  27. 她们的苦难和悲剧不仅仅是性格、命运的悲剧,更是社会的悲剧。

    Their suffering and tragedy is not only the tragedy of their characteristic and fate , but also the tragedy of society .

  28. 美丽、善良、聪明,但是虚荣、脆弱的莉莉就是生活在这样的一个社会中,社会背景和自身性格造成了她的悲剧结局。

    Beautiful , kind , intelligent , but vain , vulnerable Lily lived in such a society , so social background and her own personality caused her tragic ending .

  29. 他的叛逆性格决定他的人生悲剧,这一悲剧形象对人们的思想道德观念有着巨大的净化,对人类社会的文明也发挥着重要的推动作用,是人类最宝贵的财富之一。

    His rebellious character determines his life tragedy , the image of which greatly purifies people 's conception of morality and plays an important role in social civilization and serves as the most valuable wealth of human society .

  30. 第二章通过对封建家族中女性人物阴暗、扭曲性格的刻画和悲剧人生的描绘,深刻揭示了封建制度对人性戕害,从而无情地讨伐封建礼教吃人的本质。

    The second chapter by the feudal family of the female characters in dark , distorted the character portrayed and Tragic Life of depicting profoundly reveals the harm of the feudal system of human nature , relentless crusade against the feudal ethics " cannibalistic " nature .