
  • 网络Sexual Dysfunction
  1. 这种眼压升高主要是由于血&房水屏障的破坏,房水渗出物突然增加所致,为一过性功能紊乱的可逆变化。

    It was mainly due to the breakdown of blood aqueous barrier , leading to the increase of aqueous phase .

  2. 前列腺是主要的附属性腺,一旦炎症发生,势必产生多种多样的性功能紊乱,甚至影响生育功能,导致不育症。

    Since the prostatic gland is the main adjunct sexual organ , its inflammation , may cause various disturbances of the sexual function and infertility subsequently .

  3. 帕金森病是大脑退行性功能紊乱,患者可以发展为进行性加重的振颤、活动缓慢和四肢肌肉僵硬。

    PD is a degenerative disorder of the brain in which patients develop symptoms such as progressive tremor , slowness of movements , and stiffness of muscles .

  4. 结论HCMV感染可造成症状性造血功能紊乱并可能引起骨髓染色体畸变,是导致患儿造血功能紊乱可能的遗传学基础。

    [ Conclusion ] HCMV infection can provoke semiological haematogenesis disorder and may provoke marrow chromosome aberration , which is a possible genetic foundation of semiological haematogenesis disorder of HCMV infected children .

  5. 目的探讨血清甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体(TPOAb)在筛查孕妇发生自身免疫性甲状腺功能紊乱中的诊断价值。

    Objective To research the clinical value of serum thyroid peroxidase ( TPOAb ) in screening thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy .

  6. 肠道内容物的正常运行受阻,导致的一系列的肠壁组织损害和全身性生理功能紊乱,称为肠梗阻。

    Intestinal obstruction can result in a series harm of intestinal organization and physiological disorder in whole body .

  7. 儿科医师甚至在给婴幼儿开的药方中也开始使用此种药物,尽管已有研究证明,这样做实际上会导致永久性的肠道功能紊乱。

    Pediatricians have even started prescribing these meds to infants , even though it 's been proven that doing so can actually cause permanent intestinal disorders .

  8. 围绝经期综合征指妇女在自然绝经前后,由卵巢功能减退引起下丘脑一垂体一卵巢功能失调,出现的以植物性神经系统功能紊乱为主的症候群。

    Perimenopausal syndrome is when women in natural menopause , the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian dysfunction caused by ovarian dysfunction . There are some basic Symptoms like autonomic nervous system dysfunction .

  9. 乙醇,乙醛均能改变VYS细胞膜脂质流动性引起VYS细胞功能紊乱,它很可能在诱发胎儿酒精综合征起重要作用。

    Alcohol and acetaldehyde altered fluidity of VYS and lead to functional disorder , this probably plays important roles in human fetal alcohol syndrome induced .

  10. 结论功能性便秘盆底肌功能紊乱患者存在肛直肠动力异常,有腹前斜肌与盆底肌的矛盾运动。生物反馈治疗后矛盾运动消失,每周排便次数增加。

    Conclusion There are some anorectal motility disturbances in functional constipation , and biofeedback therapy is effective in improving symptoms and anorectal function .

  11. 提示结节性血管炎存在免疫功能紊乱,推测其在结节性血管炎的发病中可能起重要作用。

    The results suggested that there existed immunological disorders in nodular vasculitis , which may play an important role in the pathogenesis of nodular vasculitis .

  12. 癫痫(Epilepsy)是由多种病因引起的慢性脑功能障碍综合症,以大脑神经细胞群反复超同步放电引起的发作性、突然性、短暂性脑功能紊乱为特征。

    Epilepsy is a chronic brain dysfunction syndrome caused by many other diseases . Paroxysmal , abrupt and transient brain disorder caused by neural cells ' over synchronous discharge through and through is a characteristic of epilepsy .

  13. 大鼠肠道一过性线虫感染致持续性肠运动功能紊乱

    Persistent intestinal motility disorder after transient intestinal nematode infection in rats

  14. 一些机制已经阐明它们对TLR信号通路起负性调节,从而阻止导致致死性免疫功能紊乱的过度激活。

    Several mechanisms have been elucidated that negatively control TLR signaling pathways , and thereby prevent overactivation of innate immunity leading to fatal immune disorders .

  15. 结论:和胃颗粒对功能性消化不良有确切的调节作用,其干预效应可能与整体性调节胃肠功能紊乱有关。

    Concluslon : Hewei Granule on functional dyspepsia have the exact regulatory role , its effect may interfere with the overall regulation of gastrointestinal function disorders .

  16. 结果提示,运动源性自由基产生增加使肠组织中游离巯基被氧化,导致Na+-K+-AT-Pase活性下降,可能是造成运动性肠功能紊乱的重要因素。

    After exercise . These suggested that increase of exercise induced free radicals led to Free SH of intestine cross link , which resulted in the decline of Na + K + ATPase activity . These might be important causes of exercise-induced intestine disorder .