
  • 网络Sexually transmitted infections;sti;STIS;sexually transmitted infection, STI
  1. 问;在中国,艾滋病毒和性传播感染防治是否相结合了?

    Q : Are HIV and STI services integrated in China ?

  2. 性传播感染综合征和从综合征着手的患者管理

    STI syndromes and the syndromic approach to patient management

  3. 荧光定量PCR检测HSV合并其他性传播感染结果与分析

    The results and analysis of FQ-PCR detecting HSV infectors with other veneral disease

  4. 目的调查广州地区不同人群女性性传播感染(STI)的流行现状。

    Objective To investigate sexually transmitted infection ( STI ) prevalence and risk behavior factor among different female populations in Guangzhou .

  5. 因性传播感染(STI)就诊时,43.38%首次就诊的医疗单位是个体诊所,最后确诊的医疗单位个体诊所仅占4.25%。

    43.38 % whose first choice of seeking STI medical service were individual clinic , but only 4.25 % were diagnosed in individual clinic .

  6. 性传播感染的传统诊断方法是实验室检测。

    The traditional method of diagnosing STIs is by laboratory tests .

  7. 性传播感染是一个公共卫生问题

    Sexually transmitted infections ( STIs ) are a public health issue

  8. 预防和控制性传播感染的全球战略

    The global strategy for the prevention and control of STIs

  9. 但性传播感染并不是导致不孕症的唯一因素。

    But STIs are not the only cause of infertility .

  10. 控制性传播感染是世卫组织的一项优先重点事项。

    The control of STIs is a priority for WHO .

  11. 两种常见的性传播感染是衣原体和支原体。

    Two common sexually transmitted infections are chlamydia and gonorrhea .

  12. 在基本卫生服务中纳入性传播感染的治疗;

    Inclusion of STI treatment in basic health services ;

  13. 广州地区不同人群女性性传播感染状况调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Sexually Transmitted Infection Among Different Females Group in Guangzhou

  14. 一些性传播感染没有任何症状。

    Some sexually transmitted infections exist without symptoms .

  15. 问:在中国是否有许多人同时感染了艾滋病毒和其他性传播感染?

    Q : Do many people in China have both HIV and other STIs ?

  16. 支原体在性传播感染中的作用及其耐药机理研究

    Study on the Effect and Antibiotics Resistance Mechanism of Mycoplasma in Sexually Transmited Infections

  17. 未经治疗的性传播感染会对生殖、孕产妇和新生儿健康产生重大影响。

    Untreated STIs can have critical implications for reproductive , maternal and newborn health .

  18. 性传播感染和预防妇女严重并发症

    STIs and prevention of serious complications in women

  19. 504例妊娠妇女性传播感染疾病相关行为调查分析

    The survey and analysis of related behavior of sexually transmitted infections in 504 pregnant women

  20. 常见性传播感染的主要症状有

    The main syndromes of common STIs are

  21. 否则,不孕夫妇会将自己置于性传播感染,包括艾滋病毒感染的风险之下。

    Otherwise , infertile couples put themselves at risk of STIs , including HIV infection .

  22. 性传播感染是出现不孕症,尤其是妇女不孕症可预防的主要原因。

    Sexually transmitted infections are the main preventable cause of infertility , particularly in women .

  23. 问:在提高艾滋病毒和性传播感染预防的认识方面有什么规划?

    Q : What programmes are in place to raise awareness of HIV and STI prevention ?

  24. 性传播感染和怀孕的不良结果

    STIs and adverse outcomes of pregnancy

  25. 生殖器单纯疱疹病毒合并其它性传播感染的检测与分析

    Detection and analysis of mixed infection of herpes simplex virus and other sex transmitted pathogens in genitals

  26. 性传播感染是主要通过人与人的性接触而传播的感染。

    Sexually transmitted infections ( STIs ) are infections that are spread primarily through person-to-person sexual contact .

  27. 性传播感染人群和普通人群几种少见支原体的检测

    Detection of several rare kinds of Mycoplasmas in patients with sexually transmitted infections and in general population

  28. 控制性传播感染对于预防艾滋病毒感染也很重要,特别是在具有高危性行为的人群中。

    Controlling STIs is important for preventing HIV infection , particularly in people with high-risk sexual behaviours .

  29. 性传播感染的控制策略新的重点是缩短感染时间

    Sexually transmitted infections : control strategies There 's a new emphasis on reducing the period of infectiousness

  30. 促进性传播感染患者及其伙伴及早到卫生机构求医;

    Promotion of early recourse to health services by people suffering from STIs and by their partners ;