
  • 网络adaptation
  1. 产前缺氧性适应后胎鼠、新生大鼠脑内凋亡相关基因bcl-2、BAXmRNA的表达

    The expression of apoptosis-related gene bcl-2 and bax mRNA in the brain cells of fetal and newborn rat after prenatal hypoxic adaptation

  2. 此外,根据现代血管生物学研究进展,我们认为血管组织局部的肾素-血管紧张素系统(局部RAS)可能在调控动脉血管分化性适应变化中发挥重要作用。

    According to recent advances in the biomedicine of vessels , we have postulated that the tissue renin-angiotensin system ( RAS ) of the vessels may play an important role in the occurrence of the differentiated vascular adaptation during microgravity .

  3. 目的通过观察产前缺氧性适应后胎鼠、新生大鼠脑内bcl-2和bax基因mRNA变化,探讨产前缺氧性适应对胎鼠、新生鼠脑保护作用机制。

    Objective To investigate the mechanism involved in the brain protection afforded by prenatal hypoxic adaptation by determining the quantitative variation in bcl-2 and bax mRNA expression .

  4. MAPK信号级联中有多种独立的信号途径参与了骨骼肌运动性适应的细胞调控过程,对骨骼肌中葡萄糖转运、胰岛素信号转导、钾离子转运、工作肌的可塑性等产生影响。

    There have many independent signal paths in MAPK cascade that take part in adapt of skeletal muscle during the cell regulation . These could have effects on glucose transport , insulin signal diversion , k ~ + transport and so on .

  5. 目的观察血管紧张素原(AGT)及血管紧张素Ⅱ1型受体(AT1)蛋白表达改变是否参与模拟失重所致大鼠不同部位动脉血管的分化性适应过程。

    Objective To determine whether the changes of both angiotensinogen ( AGT ) and angiotensin ⅱ type 1 receptor ( AT 1 ) protein expression are involved in differential adaptation of arteries induced by simulated weightlessness in rats .

  6. 首次提供了胍丁胺通过作用于I1R而抑制吗啡依赖的直接实验证据,其分子机制可能主要是胍丁胺激活I1R抑制吗啡慢性处理时cAMP通路和Ca2+信号通路代偿性适应而抑制吗啡依赖的形成。

    For the first time we provided the direct experimental evidence to prove that agmatine inhibited morphine dependence through activation of imidazoline receptor , and the possible mechanisms were related to inhibition on the adaptation of cAMP pathway and calcium signal pathway .

  7. 运动诱导机体对氧应激系统性适应的分子机制

    Molecular mechanism of systemic adaptation to oxidative stress induced by regular exercise

  8. 骨骼肌葡萄糖转运的运动性适应信号机制

    Signal mechanism of exercise adaptation in skeletal muscle glucose transport

  9. 孕鼠产前缺氧性适应对新生大鼠的脑保护作用

    The protective effect of prenatal hypoxia adaptation on the brain of newborn rat

  10. 产前缺氧性适应动物模型制备

    The preparation of animal model with prenatal hypoxic adaptation

  11. 反映了冬眠动物对不同季节的生理性适应。

    The above indicates the physiological adaptation of hibernating animals in different seasons .

  12. 胁迫生态学理论框架(下):&受胁生态系统的阶段性适应反应

    Theoretical Framework of Stress Ecology ( Part Two )── Adaptive Response by Stages of Stressed Ecosystem

  13. 孕鼠产前缺氧性适应后胎鼠、新生大鼠脑组织热休克蛋白70的表达

    Expression of heat shock protein 70 in the brain tissue of fetal and newborn rats after prenatal hypoxic adaptation

  14. 应力与生长是生物力学活的灵魂,功能性适应是生物力学普遍规律。

    The relationship between stress and growth is alive ghost of biomechanics , functional adaptation is a universal rule of biomechanics .

  15. 摘要我国是一个由五十六个民族组成的多民族国家,各民族之间的差异来源于其对生存环境的差异性适应。

    Our country is a multi-nationality country made up of 56 nationalities , the difference among various nationalities stems from their different adaptation of the living environment .

  16. 市场经济是人事代理制度产生的前提和条件,人事代理制度的自身优越性适应了市场经济的需要。

    Market economy is the premise of the birth of personnel trusteeship , which , for its own superiority , is apt to meet the requirement of the former .

  17. 长期系统合理的训练,将在中枢神经系统和肌肉运动速度的协调中产生专门性适应变化,提高速度性力量。

    Systematic , rational training for long jump will produce changes of special adaptation in the harmony between central nervous system and muscle movement speed , so that it will improve speed force .

  18. 或者偏向于强调制度等结构性因素对此过程的制约,而忽视结构性制约下农民工的能动性适应行动。

    Some of them lean to stress the structural factors ' restriction on the process of urban inclusion , but ignore the peasant workers ' action of adaptation on the background of structural restriction .

  19. 情绪适应是青少年心理&社会性适应以及幸福感的重要指标,探讨未来取向对情绪适应的影响,有利于揭示未来取向对个体发展的重要意义。

    Emotional adjustment is an important facet of adolescents ' psycho-social adaptation and well-being . In order to understand the significance of future orientation to individuals , this study explored the impacts of adolescents ' future orientation on emotional adjustment .

  20. 并以其合伙形式的灵活性、关系的稳定性、责任的混合型、应用的广泛性适应了投资者的不同需求,对这些国家的经济发展起到了促进作用。

    Dormant partnership has a feature of flexibility in form , stability in cooperative relationship , mixed character in cooperative responsibility and wide using , fits varied demands of investors , and accelerate the economy developing in these countries from it came into being .

  21. 为了实现监控单元的独立性以及适应更广泛的运用,基于Web的中小型机房环境监控单元的研究和应用成为一种趋势。

    In order to achieve the independence of monitoring unit and the wider use , the research and application of Web-based monitoring unit of room environment becomes a trend .

  22. 实验期共10天,其中3d代表性膳食适应后,开始7d的代谢试验。

    Subjects were given the representative diets during the 3-day adaptation period and the 7-day metabolism period .

  23. 基于覆盖性和适应度的CBR实例库维护

    Case Base Maintenance of CBR System Based on Case Cover Capability and Case Fitness Degree

  24. 总之,软件PLC有着硬件PLC不可比拟的优越性,适应开放式数控系统的发展趋势。

    In a word , the soft PLC has got the superior that hard PLC can 't compare to , which representative the trend of the open numerical control system .

  25. 许多药物都可激发预适应机制,模拟IPC作用,即产生药理性预适应(pharmacologicalpreconditioningPPC)。

    Many drugs can initiate the mechanism of preconditioning , imitate ischemic preconditioning ( IPC ), namely pharmacological preconditioning ( PPC ) .

  26. 时帧长度的可变和对邻域信息的获知使得AT-MAC具有良好的扩展性和适应能力。

    AT-MAC is scalable and adaptable because of the changeable frame length and the knowledge of local topology information .

  27. 通过对CNG常规站、子母站,LNG站及L-CNG站等天然气汽车加气站的特点进行比较,分析了各类加气站技术经济性和适应范围,着重对L-CNG加气站进行了技术经济分析。

    Comparing with many other types of gas filling stations , such as CNG standard stations , parent and subsidary stations , LNG stations , and so on , this paper analyzed their different technical economics and their different application scope .

  28. 重点开展生理性低氧适应相关基因的研究;

    Laying stress on the genes related to physiological adaptation ;

  29. 全球气候变化下中国农业的脆弱性与适应对策

    Sensitivity and adaptation of Chinese agriculture under global climate change

  30. 它具有良好的逼近性及适应大间距型值结点的特点。

    It has good approximation and accommodate to large-space points .