
  • 网络HONK;coma
  1. 但Ruby在诱发性昏迷中度过圣诞并在儿科重症监护室度过三周以后,尽管磨难重重,竟奇迹般地恢复过来。

    But after spending Christmas day in an induced coma and three weeks in the paediatric intensive care unit , against all odds , Ruby made a miraculous recovery .

  2. 方法测定单纯脑卒中组、并发高渗性昏迷组及正常人的血钠、COR、ALD水平的变化。

    Methods serum natrium , plasma COR and ALD were measured in patients suffered from acute cerebral apoplexy with or without hyperosmolar coma and normal controls .

  3. 目的:探讨EEG对脑干损伤性昏迷的诊断和预后价值。

    Objectives : To study the value of EEG in the brain stem injury .

  4. SEP对非外伤性昏迷患儿在早期判断预后是一种客观、有效方法,有着重要的临床应用价值。

    SEP is an objective and valuable method to esti - mate the prognosis of comatose patients in the early period .

  5. 觉醒肽(orexin-A)对大鼠酒精性昏迷促醒作用中单胺能神经递质机制的研究

    Monoaminergic Mechanisms of Orexin-A on Wake-promoting in Alcohol Coma Rat

  6. 长期以来,DBI被认为是脑损伤后持续性昏迷及严重神经功能障碍的主要原因,有人统计创伤性昏迷病人资料发现有55%重度脑创伤病人存在DBI。

    For a long time , DBI is considered the main cause of continued coma and serious nerve hindrance . Statistics show 55 % of seriously brain injured patients suffered from DBI .

  7. 急性脑血管病伴发高渗性昏迷(附15例报告)

    Cerebrovascular disease with hyperosmolar coma ( report of fifteen cases )

  8. 并发酮症酸中毒、高渗性昏迷者高于一般病者;

    The erupts the ketosis acidosis , hyperosmolar higher than general disease ;

  9. 动态脑电图对缺血缺氧性昏迷病人的预后评估

    Prognostic value of dynamic electroencephalogram in acute anoxia comatose patients

  10. 原发性昏迷51例,继发性昏迷8例。

    51 cases with primary coma , 8 cases with secondary coma .

  11. 鞍区肿瘤术后急性黏液水肿性昏迷的预防治疗

    Prevention and treatment of myxedema coma complicated with operation on the sellae tumor

  12. 排除糖尿病急性并发症如酮症酸中毒、高渗性昏迷。

    Those with acute complications such as ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma were excluded .

  13. 高渗性昏迷病人的抢救和护理

    Rescuing and nursing care of patients with hyperosmolality coma

  14. 无论如何,我们被诊断为社会性昏迷,政治性昏迷,历史性昏迷。

    Anyway we are condemned to social coma , political coma , historical coma .

  15. 开颅术后高糖高渗非酮性昏迷病人的观察与护理

    Observation and Nursing of the Patients with Hyperglycemia and Hyperosmotic Nonketonic Coma Following Craniotomy

  16. 老年人急性脑血管病并发非酮症高渗性昏迷临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Senile Acute Cerebral Vascular Disease Complicated with Non-Ketone High Osmosis Coma

  17. 方法分析鞍区肿瘤术后并发急性黏液水肿性昏迷病人5例,观察紧急补充大剂量甲状腺激素、糖皮质激素的疗效。

    Methods Analyzed 5 myxedema coma cases .

  18. 经颅多普勒超声在不可逆性昏迷患者脑功能判断中的作用

    The application of transcranial Doppler in the evaluation of brain function in deeply comatose patients

  19. 重症颅脑创伤术后高渗高血糖非酮症性昏迷的临床抢救

    Clinical emergency treatment of hyperosmolar and hyperglycemia nonketotic diabetic coma in postoperative severe craniocerebral trauma

  20. 他怎么能弄出糖尿病高渗性昏迷?

    How is he inducing diabetic comas ?

  21. 胃肠内补液在老年非酮症糖尿病高渗性昏迷治疗中的应用

    Effectiveness of fluid infusion through gastrointestinal tract for treating elderly patients with nonketotic hyperosmolar diabetic coma

  22. 10例糖尿病高渗性昏迷中西医结合治疗体会

    Experience on Treating 10 cases of diabetic hyperosmolarity coma with combined therapy of TCM and western medicine

  23. 医生采用了诱导性昏迷

    The doctors induced a coma

  24. 不同剂量纳络酮治疗急性乙醇和安定混合中毒性昏迷临床研究

    The study of different dose of Naloxone in treatment of edema on acute intoxication of alcohol and hypnotic

  25. 结论经颅多普勒超声可作为判断不可逆性昏迷患者脑功能不可逆终止的一项有效客观指标。

    Conclusion TCD can be an effective and objective index in the evaluation of irreversible termination of brain function .

  26. 目的:观察动态脑电图和临床检测指标对缺血缺氧性昏迷病人预后的评估价值。

    Objective : To observe the prognostic value of dynamic electroencephalogram and clinical examination index in anoxia comatose patients .

  27. 临床表现的主要特征为:伤后出现原发性昏迷,且持续时间较长,预后不良,死亡率及致残率高。

    The clinical presentations of DAI were primarily prolonged coma and unfavourable prognosis with high mortality and morbidity rate .

  28. 目的探讨鞍区肿瘤术后并发急性黏液水肿性昏迷的特点,提出术前预防及昏迷抢救治疗方案。

    Objective To summarize the features of myxedema coma complicated with operations on the sella tumors , and discuss the preoperative prevention and clinic treatment .

  29. 即使是术前甲状腺功能正常者,术前仍常规给予甲状腺片可以预防因术中损伤垂体、垂体柄导致的甲状腺功能低下性昏迷。

    Giving thyrine before operation even when the patiens ' thyroid function was normal , can prevent myxedema coma due to damaging pituitary or hypophysial stalk during the operation .

  30. 即使病人被送去医院,也可能会出现永久性昏迷,甚至可能出现大脑因缺氧死亡,因为要通过长时间的运输才能得到医疗护理。

    Even if patients make it to a hospital , permanent coma and even brain death from hypoxia may occur , given potentially long transport times to get medical care .