
  • 网络sexual variation
  1. F1代果肉颜色表现从白色到橙黄色的连续性变异;

    The flesh of F 1 showed continuous variation from white to orange .

  2. 提示P物质可抑制心迷走活动,并抑制心迷走活动的呼吸性变异。这一机制可能与心肌缺血和高血压时心迷走活动减弱、心率变异性降低有关。

    These results suggested that SP inhibits cardiac vagal activity and diminishes its respiratory-related variability , which might be related to the weakened cardiac vagal tone and heart rate variability in myocardial ischemia and hypertension .

  3. 四种土地的CO2排放通量呈现明显的季节性变异,除水田外,其排放速率都是夏季高于春秋季节,冬季最低。

    Soil CO_2 fluxes had marked seasonal fluctuations , CO_2 emission for paddy soil were significantly lower than other soils in summer when flooded , but significantly higher in other seasons .

  4. 引起这些异常现象原因很多,有DNA的遗传性变异、DNA模板质量不好、分型试剂或方法的不同、PCR反应中非特异性反应以及异常的电泳行为等。

    The anomalous typing could result from a lot of causes , including DNA genetic variation , poor quality or quantity of DNA template , different typing system or method , nonspecific reaction in PCR or anomalous electrophoresis migration .

  5. 运动神经元病(MotorNeuronDiseaseMND)是一种原因不明的以侵犯脑干运动神经、损害脊髓前角细胞和锥体束为主要特征的慢性进行性变异性疾病。

    Motor neuron disease ( MND ) is a kind of unexplained for violation of brainstem motor nerve , damage to the spinal cord anterior horn cells and pyramidal tract as the main features of chronic progressive disease variability .

  6. RHG条带染色体分析法分析不同组别的BMSCs细胞核型的变化,结果表明,各组别BMSCs细胞核型一致,没有出现遗传性变异。

    RHG banding chromosome analysis BMSCs analysis of karyotype of different groups of changes , results show that , the group BMSCs cell karyotype , no genetic variation .

  7. 提出了数组链染色体编码方式,以及基于自适应性变异概率和模拟退火惩罚函数法的适应性遗传算法(AGA)。

    This paper proposes the array chain chromosome coding and the Adaptive GA ( AGA ) that combines the self-adaptive mutation probability and simulation anneal punishment function .

  8. 根据菌落形态和菌丝体细胞结构的变化,色素分泌及无性孢子产生,结合EST、POD同工酶谱带变化,可初步进行种性变异的检测。

    And the species variance could primarily be investigated according to the change of colony morphology and mycelium cell structure , the pigment secretion and the conidium formation accompanied with the zymogram band change of EST and POD isozyme .

  9. 另检出染色体多态性变异20例,检出率为3.73%,其中大Y8例,检出率为1.49%,qh+7例,D/G组p+或s+5例。

    And 20 cases of chromosome polymorphisms were detected , the frequency was 3.73 % ( 20 / 536 ) .

  10. 这可以帮助我们弄清是否是遗传性变异促使某些人患这些疾病,还是环境因素通过改变DDAH活性来发挥它们的效应。

    It could help us to establish if genetic variation predisposes certain people to these diseases , or whether environmental factors exert some of their effects through modulation of DDAH activity .

  11. 结论湖北汉族人群TIM4基因8570G>A存在单核苷酸多态性变异,可能与湖北地区汉族变应性哮喘易感性有关。

    Conclusion The polymorphism of8570G > A in TIM4 may be associated with allergic asthma in the population of Han nationality from Hubei province of China .

  12. 四川主要小麦品种(系)抗条锈性变异分析

    Analysis on Variation of Resistance to Stripe Rust of Wheat Varieties

  13. 褐飞虱生物型研究进展:致害性变异的遗传机制

    The brown planthopper biotypes : on the genetic mechanism of virulence

  14. 稻瘟病菌致病性变异及稳定菌系的筛选

    Variability of Pathogenicity of Pyricularia Oryzae and Screening of Stable Strains

  15. 杉木人工林木材密度及干缩性变异规律

    Variation in Densities and Shrinkages of Chinese Fir Wood From Plantation

  16. 湿地松纸浆材材性变异的研究

    Variation in wood characteristics of slash pine for pulp wood

  17. 火炬松材性变异及优良种源选择研究

    Research on selection of Loblolly pine elite provenances and wood property variation

  18. 嫁接诱导遗传性变异的机理主要是嫁接转化。

    Graft transformation is the mechanism for graft-induced genetic changes .

  19. 弄清了石油污染含水介质的表面润湿性变异规律。

    The surface wettability of oil-contaminated aquifer medium variation rule was obtained .

  20. 生物不对称性变异在研究胁迫对水生生物的影响中的应用

    Application of Fluctuating Asymmetry in Studying Effects of Stress on Aquatic Organism

  21. 绵阳系小麦品种抗条锈性变异研究初报

    On the variation of resistance of Mianyang cultivars to wheat stripe rust

  22. 飞行人员腰骶椎先天性变异与腰痛的关系

    Relation between congenital variant of lumbar sacral vertebrae and backache

  23. 论语言的社会性变异与艺术性变异

    On the Social Variation and Artistic Deviation of the Language

  24. 大青杨等天然群体幼苗基本材性变异研究

    A Study on Basic Wood Property of Juvenile Population in Ussuri Poplar

  25. 柑橘愈伤组织倍性变异中细胞凋亡途径的社会化控制

    Social Control on Chromosome Number Variation by Cell Apoptosis Pathway in Citrus Callus

  26. 企业要保持健康,就必须进行主动性变异。

    Enterprise must carry out active variation in order to keep their health .

  27. 人工林杉木材性变异规律

    Variation Pattern of Wood Nature of Planted Cunninghamia lanceolata

  28. 火炬松材性变异规律的初步研究

    Preliminary study on wood properties variation of loblolly pine

  29. 杉木无性系材性变异研究

    Study on Wood Property Variation of Chinese Fir Clones

  30. 岩溶坝区溶蚀岩体的渗透性变异研究

    Study on variability of permeability of corroded rock mass in Karst dam region