
  • 网络the spirit of capitalism;capitalist spirit
  1. 资本主义精神,财富增长率和长期经济增长

    The Spirit of Capitalism ' Change Ratio of Wealth and Long Run Growth

  2. 不管怎样,如果它不是有利于资本主义精神的创新,云计算也无法发展到今天的程度。

    Nevertheless , cloud computing would not have advanced to where it is currently if it weren 't for innovation in the spirit of capitalism .

  3. 资本主义精神启示录&试论马克斯.韦伯理论体系中的理性精神

    Revelations of Capitalist Spirits-On the Rational Spirits in Max Weber 's Theory

  4. 《新教伦理与资本主义精神》主旨思想透视

    On the Purport of Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism

  5. 工业革命与资本主义精神:两部门的经济增长模型

    Industrial Revolution and Capitalism Spirit : Two-Sector Growth Model

  6. 心学与东方资本主义精神

    Philosophy of the Mind and Eastern Capitalist Spirit

  7. 韦伯认为产生这一现象的根本原因在于资本主义精神。

    Weber holds that the root reason for this phenomenon is the spirit of capitalism .

  8. 韦伯的资本主义精神与中国现代职业精神的塑造

    Talking about Max Weber 's Capitalist Spirit and the Modeling of Chinese Modern Vocational Spirit

  9. 市场经济发展的伦理动因刍议&《新教伦理与资本主义精神》解读

    The Ethical Cause of Market Economic Development

  10. 本文是对资本主义精神研究思路的扩展,为企业家持续创新的动力和源泉提供一个合理的内生化的解释。

    This paper provides a reasonable explanation of the driving forces and sources of continuous innovation .

  11. 它既有契合于近代经济伦理的因素,也同样存在忤悖于近代资本主义精神的因素。

    It has some factors that agree with modern economic ethics but contrary to modern capitalist spirit .

  12. 相比之下,社会主义中国的资本主义精神家园深圳却失宠了。

    By comparison , Shenzhen , the spiritual home of capitalism in communist China , is unloved .

  13. 本文通过比较得出结论:促成工业革命的内在力量是追求资本积累的内在动力&资本主义精神,资本主义精神构成现代经济增长的内因。

    It is found that the inherent power to form the industrial revolution is the spirit of capitalism .

  14. 在美国对非战略中,美国人建国时所倚赖的那种原始的开拓性资本主义精神显然已消失不见。

    The raw pioneering capitalism with which Americans built their nation has been notably absent from the US approach .

  15. 本文试图分析马克斯·韦伯《新教伦理与资本主义精神》一书的内容脉络。

    This essay tries to analyze the content venation of Max · Weber 's The Confucianist and the Taoism .

  16. 韦伯从宗教社会学角度探讨了新教伦理与资本主义精神的亲和关系;

    Max Web discussed the internal relation between the protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism from the view of religion .

  17. 宗教伦理·经济伦理·社会变迁&韦伯《新教伦理与资本主义精神》一书的内在逻辑及评析

    Religious Ethics Economic Ethic Social Changes & A Review of Max Weber 's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

  18. 社会主义精神文明与资本主义精神文明都是社会历史发展的必然结果。

    Both the socialist spiritual civilization and the capitalist spiritual civilization are the inevitable product in the development of social history .

  19. 中国晚明的商业繁荣,孕育出了扎根于儒家传统的东方资本主义精神。

    The commercial prosperity in late Ming Dynasty in China bred an eastern capitalist spirit which was rooted in traditional Confucianism .

  20. 舍勒对怨恨进行了现象学和社会学的深刻分析,认为怨恨是现代人的精神气质,资本主义精神实质是怨恨式伦理。

    He thought that the resentment was modern mans spiritual temperament , and capitalist spiritual essence was an ethics of resentment .

  21. 马克斯·韦伯的《新教伦理与资本主义精神》从研究新教伦理与资本主义生产方式产生关系的角度研究资本的本质和运动。

    Max Weber contributes indispensably to the research on capitalism with his famous book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism .

  22. 按照他的观点,资本主义精神主要就是一种皮诚地工作和追求物质财富的精神。

    According to Weber , the so - called capitalist spirit is nothing but the spirit of working earnestly and pursuing riches persistently .

  23. 本文主要探究了两种经济模型,一种是考虑环境质量因素的经济增长模型,一种是考虑资本主义精神的内生经济增长模型。

    This article explores the two economic models & economic growth models of environmental quality and endogenous growth models considering the spirit of capitalism .

  24. 马克斯·韦伯在《新教伦理与资本主义精神》一书中探讨了新教伦理与资本主义发展的关系。

    Max Weber mainly discussed the relationship between Protestant ethics and capitalism development in his book The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism .

  25. 与资本主义精神的动力分析相对应的是韦伯在《儒教与道教》中对于中国社会和宗教所作的出色研究。

    In contrast with dynamical analysis of capitalist spirits , Weber did an excellent research on China 's society and religion in his Confucianism and Taoism .

  26. 韦伯对新教伦理与资本主义精神的肯定,是对人们的职业活动或世俗劳动的道德肯定,实际上就是对促进社会生产力的经济行为与求利行为的道德赞赏。

    When Weber affirmed the Protestant ethic and the capitalist spirit , he was affirming people 's occupations and secular labor from a moral point of view .

  27. 这一部分试图论述宗教力量在什么程度上影响了资本主义精神的质的形成及其在全世界量的传播。

    This part attempted to elaborate the religious strength to affect the capitalism spirit archery target in any degree to form and in the world quantity dissemination .

  28. 正是新教的理性经济伦理塑造了理性的资本主义精神,并促进了资本主义的产生和发展。

    It is the rational economic ethics of the Protestantism that mold rational spirit of Capitalism and promote the coming into being and the development of Capitalism .

  29. 最早提出这一理论的是现代社会学的创建者之一,马克思.韦伯,他得出结论,认为新教的伦理观和资本主义精神之间有所联系。

    The best-known was devised by Max Weber , a father of modern sociology , who drew a connection between the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism .

  30. 在对资本主义精神进行考察和探究的过程中,贝尔意识到人类生存信仰的缺失以致出现了生存的焦虑。

    During the process of inspecting the spirit of capitalism , Bell was aware of the deficiency of the human beliefs that led to the anxiety of human survival .