
  • 网络Capital Mobility
  1. 通过运用Kalman滤波技术对中国的资本流动性进行动态分析,并没有发现1997年亚洲金融危机后中国采取更加严格的资本管制对资本流动性产生影响的证据。

    Lastly we evaluate the capital mobility in China with Kalman filter .

  2. 谢征傧称,除了上述障碍,MSCI还担忧关于资本流动性的规定,包括要求境外投资者在拿到配额后的6个月内进行投资的规定。

    As well as obstacles such as these , Mr Chia says MSCI has concerns around capital mobility rules , including a requirement to invest within six months of being granted a quota .

  3. 国外直接投资(FDI)的波动性较投机性资本流动性小。

    Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) is less volatile than speculative capital inflows .

  4. 东南沿海资本流动性差异及对策研究

    Studies on the Capital Liquidity Diversity and Countermeasure in Southeastern China

  5. 中国东、中、西部的跨省资本流动性

    Cross-Provincial Capital Mobility of Eastern , Middle and Western China

  6. 资本流动性冲击、宏观经济波动与我国货币政策协调

    The Impact of Capital liquidity on Macroeconomic Fluctuation and China 's Monetary Policy Coordination

  7. 跨期消费平滑模型与国际资本流动性

    Intertemporal Consumption-Smoothing Model and International Capital Mobility

  8. 通过对我国的国际资本流动性的检验发现我国并不存在完全的国际资本流动,并且流动性水平较低。

    We adopt three method to measure and test the international capital mobility in China .

  9. 我国东西部地区中等职业学校联合办学探讨中国东、中、西部的跨省资本流动性

    Discussion on the Joint-School Running by Middle Vocational School between Eastern and Western Areas in China

  10. 我国经济增长过程中的国际资本流动性及效应的经验研究

    Empirical Investigations into the International Capital Mobility and Its Effects on the Growth of China 's Economy

  11. 但是,资产一旦降级,且银行被迫抛售证券,资本流动性也将消耗殆尽。

    If they were forced to sell securities that had been downgraded , liquidity could dry up .

  12. 汇率-资本流动性的制度安排和财政-货币政策的有效性研究

    A Research on the Regime Arrangement of Exchange Rate and Capital Mobility and the Validity of Fiscal-Monetary Policy

  13. 引导货币条件回归常态,其原因是中国出现了资本流动性的严重过剩。

    A guidance to lead monetary conditions back to normal is warranted because of the severe capital over liquidity .

  14. 本文运用跨期消费平滑模型对六个有代表性的新兴发展中国家的国际资本流动性进行测量和比较。

    This paper uses the intertemporal consumption-smoothing model to measure the international capital mobility of six representative emerging developing countries .

  15. 由于我国房地产市场发展的不平衡,以及资本流动性的要求;

    Balancing Your Life Due to the imbalance in China 's real estate market , and liquidity of capital requirements ;

  16. 我国国际资本流动性程度和非流动性原因的度量与检验&来自中美日三国消费模式对比的经验证据

    The Measurement and Test for China 's Capital Flows : Evidence from Comparisons of Consumption Patters in US , Japan and China

  17. 托宾税通过交易成本上升以降低全球资本流动性和各国货币汇率波动性。

    Tobin tax is used for reducing the fluidity of international capital and the fluctuation of the currency exchange rate via increasing the trade cost .

  18. 我国和印度的国际资本流动性较弱,六个国家中又以我国为最弱,跨期消费平滑模型仅在我国不能成立。

    The capital mobility of China and India is relatively low , and China is the lowest the country , the intertemporal consumption-smoothing dose not hold in China only .

  19. 相比传统的银行业务,它有转移风险、增加资本流动性和为商业银行带来丰厚利润的作用。

    Compared with traditional banking business , intermediary business stands at an advantage in that it helps divert bank 's exposure , improve the liquidity of capital , and bring profit for commercial banks .

  20. 另外,在国际资本流动性较小以及外汇储备连年大幅增长的情况下,货币政策对国际收支的调节作用也不明显。

    Otherwise , the effect of monetary policy on balance payments is not obvious on the condition that the movement of international capital is restrained and the foreign exchange balance has been increasing year by year .

  21. 伯南克上周透露,国会批准的这笔资金现在将被用来增加银行和其它机构的资本流动性和贷款能力,而不是用来购买这些机构手中的不良资产。

    Mr. Paulson revealed last week that billions of dollars approved by Congress is now going to prop up capital liquidity and lending capabilities of banks and other institutions , rather than to purchase troubled assets they hold .

  22. 资本流动性过剩已经成为全球经济现象,流动性过剩导致的结果是大量的资金追逐房地产、基础资源和各种金融资产,形成资产价格的快速上涨。

    Excess capital liquidity has become a global economic phenomenon with a result of a large amount of capital investing into real estate , basic resources and various financial assets , leading to a rapid rise in asset prices .

  23. 尽管如此,改革开放以来,我国经常帐户的缓冲器作用正在逐步增大,国际资本流动性正在逐步加强。

    In spite of this , in the past 30 years , the buffer role of the current account is gradually increasing , and the international mobility of capital is gradually being strengthened , particularly since the new millennium .

  24. 上市银行如何提高其自身的企业价值,在很大程度上要依靠提高其综合经营管理能力、盈利能力,增强其资本流动性和安全性,而这些问题的核心所在就是风险管理和风险控制。

    The listed banks how to improve the value of their own enterprises largely through improving the comprehensive management capabilities , profitability , liquidity and safety . The key to these problems is the risk management and risk control .

  25. 世界经济强国和地区经济的衰退,造成国际资本流动性短缺,国际产业资本转移意愿和能力下降,全球范围内资本投资收缩,将导致国际投资大幅下降。

    The economic of the developed countries and regional is recessing , resulting in a shortage of international capital fluidity ; the ability of the international transfer of industrial capital decreasing in a global contraction of capital investment will lead to a substantial decline in international investment .

  26. 这样一来,负责监督全球银行业监管的巴塞尔委员会,就能如期公布新规“巴塞尔协议iii”的基础大纲,而无需解决争执得最厉害的有关银行资本、流动性和杠杆比率等的意见分歧。

    That would allow the committee , which oversees global banking regulation , to publish a basic foundation for the New Basel III rules on time , without resolving disagreements on many of its most contentious proposals on capital , liquidity and leverage .

  27. IMF认为,这是因为各方对互相关联的主权和银行业风险存在认识分歧,以及跨境放贷缩减(原因是各机构忙于增加国内资本和流动性缓冲,并将隔夜存款放在欧洲央行)。

    This , it argues , is due to divergent perceptions of the interlinked sovereign and banking risks , as well as a shrinkage in cross-border lending , as efforts are made to increase capital and liquidity buffers at home and place overnight deposits at the ECB .

  28. 尽管花旗集团股价上周大幅下跌,但该公司首席执行长潘伟迪(VikramPandit)等高管都坚称,股票下跌不会对公司造成威胁,因为花旗仍有足够的资本和流动性。

    As Citigroup shares fell last week , Chief Executive Vikram Pandit and other top executives insisted that the plunge wasn 't a threat because the company has plenty of capital and liquidity .

  29. 布兰克费恩还表示:此笔投资将进一步巩固我们强劲的资本和流动性状况。

    This investment will further bolster our strong capitalization and liquidity position .

  30. 资本和流动性已重新恢复到几十年未见的水平。

    Capital and liquidity have been rebuilt to levels unseen in decades .