
  1. 紧急事故或异常状况发生时,lng船应即依安全誓约书意外事件处置方法采取必要之紧急应变措施防范事故扩大。

    B.If emergency or abnormality occurs , the LNG carrier personnel shall take necessary countermeasures according to the safety pledge letter to prevent expanding the incident .

  2. 滴漏的水头每天可耗水70升;为免浪费,应即修理。

    Fix dripping taps immediately , because they can waste up to70 litres of water a day .

  3. 某些地方党部尚未严格执行此决定的,应即加以纠正。

    Local Party organizations which have not strictly observed this decision should immediately put the matter right .

  4. 海员的国籍国应即通知海员最近的亲属。

    The State of nationality of the seafarer should promptly notify the seafarer 's next of kin .

  5. 如发现垃圾黑点及地盘积水,应即举报。举报热线电话:28680000。

    Report rubbish black spots and stagnant water in construction sites by calling the telephone hotline : 28680000 .

  6. 农会经解散或废止登记后,应即重行组织。

    A farmers association shall be re-organized soon after the farmers association is disbanded or its registration is abolished .

  7. 不需要继续扣押的时候,应即通知邮电机关。

    When it becomes unnecessary to continue a seizure , the post and telecommunications offices shall be immediately notified .

  8. 竞投得中者应即与出让方签订出让合同,交付定金。

    The winner of the bid should immediately sign the lease contract with the lessor and pay the earnest money .

  9. 主管机关依前项规定核准解散时,应即撤销其许可。

    The competent authority , in approving dissolution under the preceding paragraph , shall revoke the permit granted to the bank .

  10. 第21条销售机构终止办理境外基金之募集及销售业务者,应即通知总代理人。

    Article21if a sub-distributor ceases to handle the business of offering and selling offshore funds , it shall immediately notify the master agent .

  11. 抗辩延迟提出时,仲裁员如认为其延迟有正当理由应即宣布准许其抗辩。

    Where the delay in raising the plea is due to a cause which the arbitrator deems justified , the arbitrator shall declare the plea admissible .

  12. 原已发布实施之都市计划不能配合者,该都市计划应即通盘检讨变更。

    Where an urban plan originally promulgated and enforced can 't match with the regional plan , the urban plan shall be thoroughly reviewed and altered .

  13. 其未依照规定修改者,应即申报该管主管建筑机关处理。

    In case modification is not made according to the related provisions , the case will be reported to the governing competent authority of construction for disposal .

  14. 依据相关考古资料和文献记载,河南省正阳县固城寺古城遗址应即两汉时期的安成故址。

    According to relative archaeological material and documents , the city site at Guchengsi in Zhengyang county , Henan province , may be Ancheng site of Han dynasty .

  15. 上述各项决议应即通知贵行,并保持有效,直至本单位通过修订的决议并送交贵行为止。

    That these Resolutions be communicated to the bank and remain in force until an amending resolution has been made by the institution and received by the bank .

  16. 代行检查员于实施危险性机械或设备之检查后,合格者,应即于原合格证上签署,注明有效期限;

    Upon completion of inspecting the dangerous machine or equipment the agent inspector shall sign the original certificate and specify the valid certification period for those fulfill the requirements ;

  17. 自新修订公约生效之日起,本公约应即停止接受会员国的批准。

    As from the date of the coming into force of the new revising Convention , the present Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members .

  18. 第十条系主任若于任期内休假或连续请假超过半年,应即辞职,并办理选举。

    Should the chairman take a leave of absence or be on leave for more than 6 months , he should resign and organize an election for the new chairman .

  19. 法院为第一项之缓刑宣告时,应即通知被害人及其住居所所在地之警察机关。

    The court shall immediately notify the victim and the police authorities where the victim 's residence is located of the probation awarded according to the first paragraph of this article .

  20. 复议时,如经出席立法委员三分之二维持原决议,行政院院长应即接受该决议或辞职。

    If , after reconsideration , two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Yuan present at the meeting uphold the original resolution , the president of the Executive Yuan shall either abide by the same or resign from office ;

  21. 第四十条被判处管制的犯罪分子,管制期满,执行机关应即向本人和其所在单位或者居住地的群众宣布解除管制。

    Article 40 Upon the expiration of a term of public surveillance , the executing organ shall immediately announce the termination of public surveillance to the criminal sentenced to public surveillance and to his work unit or the people of the place where he resides .

  22. 五所有华北、华东之飞机、舰船,应即停留原地;但沿黄海、渤海之中国海岸的舰船,应分别集中于连云港、青岛、威海卫、天津。

    5 all the aircraft and vessels in northern and eastern China are to stay where they are , but the vessels anchored along the Chinese coast of the Yellow Sea and the POHAI Gulf should be assembled at lienyunkang , tsingtao , Weihaiwei and tientsin .

  23. 其低于受托契约约定之维持保证金时,应即通知委托人于限期内补缴其保证金专户存款余额与其未了结部位原始保证金总额间之差额。

    Where the balance is lower than the maintenance margin provided in the consignment contract , the Futures Commission Merchant shall notify the principal to replenish its owner equity balance by the amount that it falls short of the initial margins for its open positions within a specified deadline .

  24. 通过某种路由准则的算子从源节点最终映射到的目的节点与Banach空间的不动点相对应,即为网络空间的不动点。

    The object node mapped from the source node by some routing rule corresponds to Banach fixed point . The fixed point in network space is the object node .

  25. 以上结果说明,ATPase的分布反映了某一时空内哪些细胞组分在活跃地参与细胞代谢及个体发育过程,其分布是与细胞的生理状态相对应的,即是受遗传程序控制的。

    These findings indicate that the dynamic distribution of ATPase reflected which cell component was actively taking part in the cell metabolism at various stages of the plant development , and its distribution was associated with the physiological state of the cell .

  26. 这和急流的强度变化是相对应的,即强的天气尺度波动活动量对应着强的急流,弱的天气尺度波动活动量对应着弱的急流。

    Stronger activity of synoptic-scale disturbance is associated with stronger jet stream , and vice versa .

  27. 每个国人都应意识到即我们对自己、对国家和世界负有责任,我们不应该不情愿地接受这些责任,而应该快乐地承担起这些责任。

    that we have duties to ourselves , our nation , and the world , duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly ,

  28. 这个系统恰恰是与思辨理性的模态范畴表中的三类范畴相对应的,即自由之可能性、现实性和必然性。

    This system is just corresponding to the three categories of Modal category table of speculative reason : the possibility , the reality and the necessity of freedom .

  29. 在等待期内如果所确认的股票期权报酬费用的可行权股票数、公允价值等发生变动则应予以调整,即予以股票期权的再确认。

    Not all the stock options should be recognized as compensation cost .

  30. 你提供的代码应符合要求(即核心团队中大多数人的认可)才可以获得奖励。

    To get the bounty , your code must meet the spirit of the request ( with the majority of the core team approving ) .